Efficient transposition

2013-12-30 Thread Colin Tennyson
I have created my first LilyPond file, using Frescobaldi. (LilyPond 2.18, Frescobaldi 2.0.12) It's a madrigal by Verdelot, 4 voices, titled Dormend'un giorn'a baia I've transposed it down a minor third. My question is: is the way I coded the transposition the most efficient one? I uploaded th

Re: Efficient transposition

2013-12-30 Thread Colin Tennyson
David Kastrup wrote > A score cannot be transposed. But its music can. > > \score { > \transpose c' a > \new ChoirStaff << > \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #'#(#f #t #t) > \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible 5) > [...] Wow, I could not have g

Bar checks

2013-12-30 Thread Colin Tennyson
Following up on my previous post: Is it good practice to put bar checks inside \lyricsmode { ... } ? Dormend__a_minor.ly In the source I inserted the pipe-symbol for bar check both in the note entries and in the lyrics en

Re: Efficient transposition

2013-12-30 Thread Colin Tennyson
Francisco Vila wrote > I think docs explain it and examples "do exemplify it": lilypond music > expressions are like math expressions: by adding new parts connected > by operators you can build bigger expressions > > Now in lilypond you can have { f g a b } which is a music expression > and so are

Should I stop using barchecks in lyrics?

2013-12-31 Thread Colin Tennyson
The reason I included pipe symbols in the lyrics is that it helps me keep track. The problem is: the Lilypond music interpreter issues many erroneous barcheck warnings for the lyrics sections. In the file I uploaded (Dormend'un giorn'a baia by Verdelot, choral, 4 voices), there are 11 of them. D

Re: Should I stop using barchecks in lyrics?

2013-12-31 Thread Colin Tennyson
Janek Warchoł wrote > Colin, don't use explicit lyrics timing. Alignment of > unassociated lyrics (i.e. lyrics that don't use \addlyrics/\lyricsto) > is broken, [...] > David, i apologize for butting in like that, but i believe that we > shouldn't advocate using features that are broken. Janek, I

Learning LilyPond, comments invited

2014-01-02 Thread Colin Tennyson
My second score created with Lilypond is (again) choral music, set with a mensurstriche. It's a 100 measure score; here I present the first 10 measures, and the upper two staffs, copy-pasted in this message. Can you please have a look, your comments are appreciated. When creating source (HTML/CSS

Re: Learning LilyPond, comments invited

2014-01-02 Thread Colin Tennyson
David Kastrup wrote > \transpose c' c' can just be removed and/or inserted. > If a single music expression is preceded with \transpose c' c', the > result is again a single music expression. And since \score only > accepts a single music expression, you can always insert \transpose c' > g' right b

Re: Learning LilyPond, comments invited

2014-01-03 Thread Colin Tennyson
Carl Sorensen-3 wrote > Your music has some durations that cross bar lines. These durations mess > up the bar checks. Is there a reason you don't separate them into tied > groups so there are bar line breaks? Ah, let me explain. The composer, Philippe Verdelot, lived somewhere around 1500, and

Re: Learning LilyPond, comments invited

2014-01-03 Thread Colin Tennyson
Hi Carl, You have pointed out something very interesting: This is the the way I had written the nesting structure in my first message: addKey = { \key c \major \time 4/4 } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff << \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Superius " \new Voice =

Re: Learning LilyPond, comments invited

2014-01-03 Thread Colin Tennyson
David Kastrup wrote > Take, for example, the output of > > addKey = { \key g \major \time 4/4 } > staffOneNotes = { \grace { d'16 g' b' } d''8 8 8 8 fis'8 8 g'4 } > > \score { > \new StaffGroup << > \new Staff \new Voice = "staffOne" << \addKey \staffOneNotes >> > \new Staff \new Voice

Learning Lilypond, comments invited - part 2

2014-01-03 Thread Colin Tennyson
I'm creating a new thread because the previous one has become somewhat cluttered. My template is much better now, thank you for your suggestions. As emphasized by David Kastrup, the keyword \new instructs Lilypond to create a new instance of a class. \new StaffGroup creates an instance of the St

Re: Learning LilyPond, comments invited

2014-01-03 Thread Colin Tennyson
Alex Loomis-2 wrote > From what I've seen, \cadenzaOn seems to be the preferred way of writing > unmeasured music. Well, the availability of "\hide \BarLine" and "\undo \hide \BarLine" is relatively recent. I think I saw a place where it was described in the v2.17 documentation, but not in the v2

Re: Learning Lilypond, comments invited - part 2

2014-01-03 Thread Colin Tennyson
Kieren MacMillan wrote > You clearly come from a programming background, which will help you scale > the Lilypond learning curve in some ways. > However, don’t push that analogy too far, or you might find (as I did) > that it can confuse matters. =) Hi Kieren, To use another analogy: our choir

Learning LilyPond - Parser permissiveness

2014-01-04 Thread Colin Tennyson
I noticed that in some places there is remarkable freedom to exchange order and grouping of commands. Take the following nesting structure: addKey = { \key c \major \time 4/4 } instrOne = { \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Superius " } instrTwo = { \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Contratenor " } \sc

Re: Learning LilyPond - Parser permissiveness

2014-01-04 Thread Colin Tennyson
Vaughan McAlley wrote > my slightly modified \ficta... > > ficta = { > \once \set suggestAccidentals = ##t > \once \accidentalStyle "dodecaphonic" %{ second & subsequent > accidentals in a bar will be printed %} > } The full 100 measure score does have measure with a repeated ficta. You poi

Narrow down search of Lilypond documentation to English

2015-03-21 Thread Colin Tennyson
aster english anyway. Subsequent guess: at some point that policy was reverted, but by then it was too late to accomodate different language versions in the Lilypond website directory structure. I'm eager to learn whether my guesses are correct. Colin Tennyson -- View this message in

Re: Narrow down search of Lilypond documentation to English

2015-03-21 Thread Colin Tennyson
er myself to be a heavy internet browsing user, a heavy Google user; I have not come across this before. Can you possibly direct me to more information about this? Colin Tennyson -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Narrow-down-search-of-Lilypond-doc

Re: Narrow down search of Lilypond documentation to English

2015-03-21 Thread Colin Tennyson
nd-command-index.html Italian version: http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/it/Documentation/notation/lilypond-command-index.html That way if someone wants to search the German language repository: barnumbercheck site:lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/de/Documentation Colin Tennyson -- View this message

Re: Narrow down search of Lilypond documentation to English

2015-03-21 Thread Colin Tennyson
Subject: Re: Narrow down search of Lilypond documentation to English Phil Holmes wrote: > At the bottom of _all_ the LilyPond manual pages, there's a link > explaining > automatic language selection. err.. Phil, I think you have overlooked something essential: the subject of this thread. Thi

Re: Narrow down search of Lilypond documentation to English

2015-03-21 Thread Colin Tennyson
Colin Tennyson wrote: > > Can you possibly direct me to more information about this? Frederico Bruni wrote: > I think that you should google "language negotiation apache" :-) http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/content-negotiation.html So now I know why the Lilypond webs

Re: Narrow down search of Lilypond documentation to English

2015-03-22 Thread Colin Tennyson
tory. barnumbercheck -inurl:.it. -inurl:.es. -inurl:.de. -inurl:.ja. -inurl:.fr. site:lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/ (Well, I guess using just "it." "es." would be enough, but it for good measure I include both periods.) > Colin Tennyson wrote: > > I'm e

Re: Narrow down search of Lilypond documentation to English

2015-03-22 Thread Colin Tennyson
Colin Tennyson wrote: > The following string of operators narrows the search results down to pages > from the english repository. > barnumbercheck -inurl:.it. -inurl:.es. -inurl:.de. -inurl:.ja. -inurl:.fr. > site:lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/ Oh, I forgot to mention: I save

Re: Narrow down search of Lilypond documentation to English

2015-03-22 Thread Colin Tennyson
> Colin Tennyson wrote: > > so anyone who wants to create Lilypond files has to master english > anyway. Simon Albrecht wrote: > You have to learn the English command names, indeed, but > it’s by no means necessary to read the source code for creating any > score with Lily

Lyrics.LyricText.font-size in layout block

2016-07-19 Thread Colin Tennyson
t 3/4 of the default font size. So I can sort of dial it in by trial and error, but of course it would be great to know the exact formula. Colin Tennyson -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Lyrics-LyricText-font-size-in-layout-block-tp192840.html Sent f

Re: Lyrics.LyricText.font-size in layout block

2016-07-20 Thread Colin Tennyson
Hello tisimst, hello Noeck, thank you for your replies. You have explained to me why a very small number, -0.2, has such a noticable effect. I infer that Lilypond _replaces_ the step value for the LyricText font-size with the entered step number (rather than performing an addition.) So when I en

Lilypond Internals Reference LyricText font-size

2016-07-20 Thread Colin Tennyson
) is _replaced_ with the entered number. If you enter 0, the lyric font size will become 1.225 smaller, which is counter-intuitive. Documentation request: Description of this behavior. Colin Tennyson -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Lilypond-Internals-Re

Color of hyphens when LyricText color is changed with override command

2016-09-18 Thread Colin Tennyson
ugh that command was accepted by the Lilypond score compiler. Yay! (And hurray for Frescobaldi!) My question is out of sheer curiosity: How did this situation come about? Surely the hyphens in the lyrics are part of the LyricText. Why is the color of the hyphens a separate override? Colin

Re: Color of hyphens when LyricText color is changed with override command

2016-09-18 Thread Colin Tennyson
what is possible. (In my case, given my level of experience, I don't see myself attempting the use of Lilypond music function in the foreseeable future.) Colin Tennyson -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Color-of-hyphens-when-LyricText-color-is-cha