The reason I included pipe symbols in the lyrics is that it helps me keep track.
The problem is: the Lilypond music interpreter issues many erroneous barcheck warnings for the lyrics sections. In the file I uploaded (Dormend'un giorn'a baia by Verdelot, choral, 4 voices), there are 11 of them. <> I noticed a pattern in the erroneous-barcheck-in-lyrics warnings. They occur when at the corresponding position in the staff a tie extends from one bar to the next. (One other case: an erroneous-barcheck-warning-in-the-lyrics at a position where there are rests both left and right of that bar line.) My hypothesis: The bar checking algorithm for the lyrics does not take ties into account. To find out whether the syllable placing algorithm is in any way dependent on the bar checks I removed all of the pipe symbols from one section of lyrics. The syllables still lined up correctly. I infer that the syllable placing uses only the hyphenation and the melisma-indicating underscores. I would prefer using barchecks in the lyrics, it helps me keep track. But the erroneous barcheck warnings are very awkward. The issue may be related to this one. Can you advise me how to proceed? Should I stop using barchecks in lyrics? -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list