Questions relating to hymnals

2008-08-20 Thread Carl Peterson
t pressing ones I can think of. Thanks for any help. Carl Peterson ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: overhead projection of lilypond scores

2008-10-13 Thread Carl Peterson
ground in the program. An alternative is to do the same thing in software like Photoshop or GIMP and export the result. Carl Peterson -- Forwarded message -- > From: "Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: "Gerry Prosser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

Stemming and lyrics on combined parts

2008-10-13 Thread Carl Peterson
t the part combiner to output two stems for a due notes? 2) Is there a way to bind the lyrics to the original (uncombined) parts without outputting the parts themselves? Thanks, Carl Peterson ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Stemming and lyrics on combined parts

2008-10-13 Thread Carl Peterson
I do want to combine the parts. I want them to appear in chord form, except when the voices are a 2nd apart or closer. On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: > Quoting Carl Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > I'm trying to take a

Turning off shape notes

2009-01-29 Thread Carl Peterson
7;style = #'cross a8 a a4. a4. a4. r4. \revert NoteHead #'style \bar ".|." } Carl Peterson ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Question about shaped note head width

2013-04-06 Thread Carl Peterson
diamond is 394 units (the diamond needs to be 83.5% of its current width). Or, if anyone's already tweaked their font files to accommodate, that would be great, too. Thanks, Carl Peterson ___ lilypond-user mailing list https://

Re: Displaying an empty staff

2013-04-08 Thread Carl Peterson
Carlo, Could you duplicate the part (call \myBass a second time), but turn off the engravers that would display the notation itself? I don't have the code to do this handy, but that is what comes to mind to make thing work "automatically." Regards, Carl On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 12:28 PM, Carlo St

Question about left-aligning syllables at beginning of lines

2013-04-08 Thread Carl Peterson
I know this question has been posed before on this list, but either there wasn't a definitive answer that I could find or I just couldn't understand it. I know that I can manually trigger left-aligning syllables at the beginning of lines, using \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT

Question about score count

2013-04-08 Thread Carl Peterson
Is there a property or counter buried somewhere in Lilypond/Scheme for a running count of score contexts? This is for a hymnal/psalter project where I want to number the songs but don't want to deal with integrating lilypond output into something else (like LaTeX). Thanks, Carl ___

Re: Question about score count

2013-04-08 Thread Carl Peterson
PM, Jay Anderson wrote: > On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 7:20 PM, Carl Peterson > wrote: > > Is there a property or counter buried somewhere in Lilypond/Scheme for a > > running count of score contexts? This is for a hymnal/psalter project > where > > I want to number the

Re: Question about left-aligning syllables at beginning of lines

2013-04-09 Thread Carl Peterson
syllable), I'll still end up with a ragged line. Thanks, Carl On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 7:25 AM, Janek Warchoł wrote: > 2013/4/9 Carl Peterson : > > I know this question has been posed before on this list, but either there > > wasn't a definitive answer that I could find o

Re: Question about score count

2013-04-09 Thread Carl Peterson
Kai, I seem to remember looking in the documentation that you would refer to the variable in Scheme as #(numbered-title t). Could be wrong. Cheers, Carl On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 7:35 AM, Kai Lautenschläger <> wrote: > Hi Jay, > > that is a great function. Unfortunately

Re: Question about left-aligning syllables at beginning of lines

2013-04-09 Thread Carl Peterson
use the header information. Cheers, Carl On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 12:33 PM, Janek Warchoł wrote: > 2013/4/9 Carl Peterson : > > As I mentioned in another thread, I'm working on a hymnal/psalter project > > and ideally would like to justify both the left and right edges of each &

Re: Cropped output (à la -dpreview) possible in Finale and Sibelius

2013-04-09 Thread Carl Peterson
The problem is that how a Lily output is rendered by a PDF reader is not within the realm of control for Lilypond. The fact is that some PDF features are handled differently by different viewers, if they are handled at all. For example, in my graphic design work, I learned that transparency is a bi

Re: Cropped output (à la -dpreview) possible in Finale and Sibelius

2013-04-09 Thread Carl Peterson
I'm not an expert on GhostScript, but in practice it is nearly always best to rasterize vector graphics at the intended output resolution. The issue is how that graphic is downsampled. For example, if I rasterize a two-pixel wide black vertical line down to half the resolution, depending on where t

Re: Question about left-aligning syllables at beginning of lines

2013-04-09 Thread Carl Peterson
Eduardo, It's not so bad if you don't care where the system breaks are. For most hymns, the default behavior does a decent job of producing output with a reasonable density. The issue comes in if you want to lay your music out so that the lyrics are laid out with the same line breaks as if they we

Re: Cropped output (à la -dpreview) possible in Finale and Sibelius

2013-04-10 Thread Carl Peterson
On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 4:45 PM, David Kastrup wrote: > Carl Peterson writes: > > > I'm not an expert on GhostScript, but in practice it is nearly always > > best to rasterize vector graphics at the intended output resolution. > > Except when it isn't. What ma

Re: Request for feedback on 'lobbying' paper

2013-04-22 Thread Carl Peterson
Urs, I've read through most of the document. It looks well-written, technically speaking. I have a few suggestions to offer: * Begin with the current reality for most people. You mentioned in this thread your frustration with Finale. I had the same frustrations when I was using it at university a

Re: How to get dynamics centred on a piano staff?

2013-04-22 Thread Carl Peterson
* For the dynamics issues, see here: * For the honophonic/polyphonic writing, my usual approach to these kinds of issues (in my case, Lyrics), is to keep as much writing (polyphonic or homophonic) in a

Re: some Musikmesse and MusicXML

2013-04-24 Thread Carl Peterson
In landscape orientation, the width of the iPad screen is about 7.75 inches (don't have one personally, but using the Pythagorean theorem on a 9.7" diagonal), which is about a quarter-inch wider than a line of a US-Letter size printing with 1/2 inch margins (7.5" line length, about 190 mm). So you

Re: repeated time signatures

2013-04-30 Thread Carl Peterson
I could be wrong, but I would think that the primary motivation for specifying the same time signature a second time is to have it displayed a second time? The only time I can think of it not being intended this way is that if someone has serial voices/parts/whatever on the same staff and the time

Re: writing percussion notes

2013-05-08 Thread Carl Peterson
(Thinks back to orchestration class four years ago) The timpani (technically this is a plural noun) will be notated on one staff. If I remember correctly, there are standard-sized timpani, each with its own range. The practice I was taught in orchestrating for timpani (by a percussionist) was to b

Re: writing percussion notes

2013-05-08 Thread Carl Peterson
On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 8:54 AM, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote: > On Wed, 8 May 2013 08:38:44 -0400 > Carl Peterson wrote: > > The end result would be two staves without grouping, one for timpani > > and another for the bass/snare. > > I think you are correct except that

Expansion of score for different format

2013-05-08 Thread Carl Peterson
All, I'm 95% sure the answer to my question is "no," but I'll ask it anyway. I'm working on a psalter, and one of the things I want to be able to do is go from a standard book layout with all the verses arranged in parallel to a screen layout for projection with each verse listed sequentially. I

Re: Expansion of score for different format

2013-05-10 Thread Carl Peterson
scores parser location lyrics) in the main seqVerses function, I get the music just fine. However, when I add this, I get guile errors. What am I missing here? I'm sure there's something obvious that just isn't coming to mind. Thanks, Carl On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 11:32 PM, Jay Anderson

Re: Expansion of score for different format

2013-05-10 Thread Carl Peterson
>> } #} ) ) (add-score parser score) ) ) On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 6:15 PM, Carl Peterson wrote: > Okay, so I've been fairly successful in implementing and tweaking. I'm > working on the complementary function, to output a regular score with > stacked verses for

Re: Expansion of score for different format

2013-05-10 Thread Carl Peterson
, 2013 at 11:42 PM, Carl Peterson wrote: > I've made a little bit of progress: I've changed the code to: > > > #(define > (make-my-scores parser location lyrics) > (if (not (null? lyrics)) > #{ $(car lyrics) > $(make-my-scores parser location (cdr lyrics)) >

Re: Expansion of score for different format

2013-05-10 Thread Carl Peterson
eserved in the split-verse version (in the case of choruses where there are multiple parts). Thanks for the assistance. I think that gets everything I was looking for. Cheers, Carl On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 1:31 AM, Jay Anderson wrote: > On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 8:44 PM, Carl Peterson >

Problem with re stemUp open notehead

2013-05-13 Thread Carl Peterson
I think I might have noticed this before, but in the example below, all the "re" noteheads that are stem up that should be open (half note, dotted half note) are filled. Whole notes are not affected. \version "2.16.2" notation = { \aikenHeads \time 3/4 \key c \major d2. d' d'' d''' d'2 d'4 \st

Re: Problem with re stemUp open notehead

2013-05-13 Thread Carl Peterson
Acrobat 9.5.4. On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 10:52 PM, Andrew Bernard wrote: > I can't reproduce that problem either in 2.16.2 or 2.17.14. Arch Linux. I > do see that the notes on lines are quite tight, with not much air, but they > are not solid. > > Andrew > > > On 14/05/13

Lyrics spacing issues

2013-05-13 Thread Carl Peterson
Reposting a previous question with code example. Note that depending on how the alignment is defined, about a notehead of space is added to one side of the lyrics or the other. Thanks, Carl \version "2.16.2" \score { << \new Staff = "top" { \new Voice = "tester" { c' e' g' c'' } } \new Lyr

Re: an easier way to create the midi block

2013-05-14 Thread Carl Peterson
I think you need to include all your music notation in another set of braces and add a layout block to get printed output, like this: \score { { % music notation goes here } \midi { } % need this for midi \layout { } % need this for pdf } On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 7:13 PM, Sarah k Alawami

Re: Absolute positioning of staves and measures

2013-05-15 Thread Carl Peterson
I think this is what you're looking for on staff position: . Regarding measure width, I looked here: It says there's no conve

Page break after score header

2013-05-15 Thread Carl Peterson
How would I go about forcing a page break after a score's header (before the actual music)? In preparing slides for my psalter project, I want to generate title cards before the first slide of each score. So far, everything I'be tried either generates an error or leaves the first system on the p

Re: Instrument header repeating on page with multiple score blocks in file

2013-05-15 Thread Carl Peterson
If I'm understanding your query correctly, you want to take a look at the custom headers section of the notation manual and look at the markup for odd and even page headers. See, right at the top The next sec

Re: An idea for a systematic development of a large score.

2013-05-16 Thread Carl Peterson
This is somewhat the approach I'm taking with my Psalter project. each selection/hymn/psalm setting has a lyric file and a tune file. Each contains variables such as poet, scripture reference,copyright, etc. that are relevant and unchanging with that file. This allows me to reuse tunes with othe

Re: Left align first word of lyrics

2013-05-21 Thread Carl Peterson
Just thinking about some of the stuff I've been working on. Would it be possible to pass the lyrics to Scheme as a list of lists (a list of verses, with each verse a list of words), so that for each syllable placement it could look at the nth item of each list and determine correct placement. This

Question about page break time indices

2015-12-29 Thread Carl Peterson
All, I am involved in some choral recording projects where we are having the singers sing from projected slides. To aid in timing, pitch, etc., we have it set up where they have headphones feeding them the MIDI of the song being recorded as they sing. All of this is synchonored through the

Problems installing Frescobaldi for Mac, issue with py27-pyqt4 install

2014-02-08 Thread Carl Peterson
All (but particularly anyone with experience/knowledge on fresco for mac), I'm trying to install the latest stable of Frescobaldi on my Mac (10.9), and it gets to installing the py27-pyqt4 dependency, and fails with this message: Error: org.macports.configure for port py27-pyqt4 returned: config

How to make staff spacing with lyrics fixed

2014-10-02 Thread Carl Peterson
Hey all, How do I get the spacing between lyrics and the surrounding staves to be equal and fixed, regardless of whether noteheads/stems collide with the lyrics? I've tried a number of different combinations of settings and can't get the stems ignored. Also, I noticed that the spacing depends on

Re: Left align first word of lyrics

2013-05-22 Thread Carl Peterson
I'm not in a position to test this at the moment, but just for confirmation, will this work with an arbitrary number of tagged syllables through a Lyrics context? ex: tagIt = \once \override Lyrics.LyricText #'tagged = ##t \new Lyrics \lyricsto A { \tagIt This is the first phrase in my so

Re: Left align first word of lyrics

2013-05-23 Thread Carl Peterson
David, This is amazing. I was able to drop this into my own project without any trouble except changing the lyrics context command to reflect me using 2.16 instead of 2.17. Kudos. Cheers, Carl On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 1:06 PM, David Nalesnik wrote: > Well, comparing the lengths of strings is a

Re: Fine endings

2013-05-25 Thread Carl Peterson
Paul, If I'm understanding your question correctly, there is no way I know of to "structurally" define a Fine ending (i.e., to where you could "unfold it" automatically like with volta repeats). All the documentation I've seen says you "cosmetically" define it using rehearsal marks and a bit of tw

Re: Aligning c1 |. with R1 |.

2013-05-31 Thread Carl Peterson
The "easy" way is to use a regular whole note rest instead of a whole-measure rest, i.e., r1 instead of R1. However, I recognize there are times you either don't want to consider when another staff might only have a single note (such as in orchestral scores) or when you need it to be a whole-measur

"mi" notehead width variable in Metafont

2013-06-17 Thread Carl Peterson
I've noticed for awhile that the mi shaped notehead is wider than the other shaped noteheads. This creates some rather unattractive misalignments when stacked with the "do" notehead, for instance: \relative c' { \key c \major \aikenHeads 1 2 4 } I don't really know much about Metafont or compilin

Re: quotes and commas in lyrics

2013-06-20 Thread Carl Peterson
"\"Some" -- "day,\"" is grammatically correct. Commas and periods usually go inside the quotation mark, but other punctuation marks only if they are part of the actual quotation. Cheers, Carl On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 4:33 AM, David Kastrup wrote: > Gerard McConnell writes: > > > Hello, the fo

Re: quotes and commas in lyrics

2013-06-20 Thread Carl Peterson
And I wrote the response before I'd had any caffeine for the day, so I didn't pick up that Gerard specifically wanted "Some-day", instead of "Some-day," On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 10:23 AM, Kieren MacMillan <> wrote: > Hi Carl, > > > "\"Some" -- "day,\"" is grammatical

Web Server setup

2013-06-25 Thread Carl Peterson
So I know a hymnal publisher who is wanting to give churches the option of setting a hymn text to different tunes with the same meter (and of creating "composite" hymns with verses from different texts set to the same tune). They used Finale for the actual hymnal (and that isn't likely to change),

Re: Synchronize music of different length

2013-07-05 Thread Carl Peterson
I don't know that Urs was contemplating "irrational" in the mathematical sense, but in the more logical sense of being something not governed by an easily understood relationship, such as one measure generating two and the next two generating one, and then maybe four develops to 10 and 9 to 5, or s

Re: Changing position of Lyrics

2013-07-10 Thread Carl Peterson
Sebastian, Can you provide an example of this and/or a sample of code? Cheers, Carl On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 5:10 PM, Sebastian Canagaratna <> wrote: > HI: I wonder if someone could help me with this. > All the examples I see in the documentation refers to Lyrics either ab

Re: Changing position of Lyrics

2013-07-12 Thread Carl Peterson
Sebastian, So the issue is that in mm. 3-4, the alto lyrics are on a second line? I think this is intentional...each Lyrics context is given a dedicated line on a system. To do what you would want, you would need to combine the Lyrics and set the associated voice (which, given the non-overlapping

Re: Two End bar

2013-07-20 Thread Carl Peterson
On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 10:14 PM, Jun Wang wrote: > Hi, > I couldn't figure out why I have 2 end bar, see attached lily code and > image file, extra end bar is marked with red color. > Do you have any clue? > > Thanks > Jun > > Jun, You've specified the bars in all your voices. It looks like t

Re: Comparing LilyPond with Sibelius, Finale, Musescore etc

2013-07-23 Thread Carl Peterson
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 12:44 PM, Richard Shann wrote: > On Tue, 2013-07-23 at 17:23 +0200, pls wrote: > > > (both MusicXML and their corresponding PDF/PNG files) as reference > files: They > cover quite a broad spectrum of music notation.

Questions about Automatic Part Combine and Scheme

2013-07-23 Thread Carl Peterson
I've started using the automatic part combiner as part of my SATB hymnal/psalter work. It simplifies my life tremendously, and the default works well except for two situations: 1) Where the voices are more than an octave apart (eg., between tenor and bass), since it separates the voices 2) Where t

Re: Comparing LilyPond with Sibelius, Finale, Musescore etc

2013-07-23 Thread Carl Peterson
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Richard Shann wrote: > On Tue, 2013-07-23 at 13:01 -0400, Carl Peterson wrote: > > This may be what you're getting at with the musicXML idea, but what > > about doing what we usually do to demonstrate lilypond...take a > > reference sc

Re: Questions about Automatic Part Combine and Scheme

2013-07-23 Thread Carl Peterson
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 1:20 PM, Carl Peterson wrote: > I've started using the automatic part combiner as part of my SATB > hymnal/psalter work. It simplifies my life tremendously, and the default > works well except for two situations: > > 1) How do I get the function to look

Re: Anyone using a tablet for lily?

2013-07-30 Thread Carl Peterson
On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 11:21 AM, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote: > On Tue, 30 Jul 2013 08:39:16 -0600 > wrote: > > Is anyone using a tablet to run lilypond and if so which one? > > I was thinking about getting a tablet but why run Lilypond on it? > Build your PDFs elsewhere and just us

Re: Anyone using a tablet for lily?

2013-07-30 Thread Carl Peterson
On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 12:58 PM, Eduardo Silva wrote: > > What I would be interested in is a WYSIWYG editor that would be able to > take down notes and output a basic ly file, perhaps to Dropbox. > > Hi, I think there are some editors for Android/Ipad that will at least > output to ABC or MusicXM

Re: Maybe bug? Lyrics on a tied note at end of system

2013-08-05 Thread Carl Peterson
On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 10:38 AM, James Harkins wrote: > On Aug 4, 2013 5:30 PM, "Trevor Daniels" wrote: > > maybe it's as Phil stated in his answer: singers expect the lyric text > to start with the note and do not follow other/foreign aesthetic styles > > Classical or jazz singers? > I can't s

Re: Maybe bug? Lyrics on a tied note at end of system

2013-08-05 Thread Carl Peterson
On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 5:10 PM, David Rogers wrote: > James Harkins writes: > > > On Aug 5, 2013 2:59 PM, "James Harkins" wrote: > >> I appreciate the thought, but I'm not quite interested in that > > particular flavor of Kool-aid. I'll go with my eye on this. I don't > > like how it looks, and

Re: Maybe bug? Lyrics on a tied note at end of system

2013-08-05 Thread Carl Peterson
On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 8:55 PM, David Rogers wrote: > Carl Peterson writes: > > > I'm curious...did you happen to notice any examples where the engraver > > chose to split the measure that might be indicative of an approach? If > > I were to have done something like


2013-08-09 Thread Carl Peterson
On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 9:21 AM, Urs Liska wrote: > Am 09.08.2013 15:11, schrieb Jan-Peter Voigt: > Of course I don't know that either, but I see a few steps: > 1) Modify the mapping of glyphs to Unicode numbers >I think that would be very simple, just a matter of remapping them in a > suitabl


2013-08-09 Thread Carl Peterson
On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 12:21 AM, Werner LEMBERG wrote: > > > The SMuFL standard is just a specification cooked up by Steinberg > > for the new program. It's been possible for them to consider this > > since they are architecting the program from scratch. But it's a > > step away and outside of


2013-08-10 Thread Carl Peterson
On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 5:46 AM, David Kastrup wrote: > Andrew Bernard writes: > > > On 10/08/13 7:10 PM, David Kastrup wrote: > > > >> Of course, people are free to do whatever they want with their own time > >> and efforts. But if you do it out of a feeling of contributing to > >> LilyPond, i

Re: MIDI keyboard

2013-08-13 Thread Carl Peterson
On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 11:19 AM, Richard Shann wrote: > > here is your problem. You are hoping that the timing of your keypress > could be interpreted and a duration of note estimated from it. Such > systems have been tried many times, and are offered by programs that > don't care if you succeed

Re: Setting automatic beam behavior

2013-08-13 Thread Carl Peterson
On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 11:57 AM, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote: > Hello: > > In a single voice (, setting automatic beam behavior produces > the desired notation. > > When the left hand is added ( the commands – identical in both > files – do not take effect. > > Must I do someth

Re: Dynamics, spacers, and partcombine used at once.

2013-08-14 Thread Carl Peterson
On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 7:27 PM, Dominic wrote: > > So my question is, how can I get the dynamics to align themselves > 'correctly', i.e. as they would be if they were directly attached to the > notes. Putting the dynamics in a Dynamics context is not really an option, > since that will make them

Re: Refrain Hymn Setting

2013-08-18 Thread Carl Peterson
My approach to handling parts for hymn settings is to define the music for the verses and chorus independently and then apply nested simultaneous and sequential voices. So, for instance, \score { << \new Staff = "top" { << \new Voice = "sopRef" { \sopRefrainNotes } \new Voice = "altRef" {

Re: new to lilypond

2013-08-19 Thread Carl Peterson
On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 11:36 AM, Andrew Bernard wrote: > Greetings, > > James Harkins > 20 August 2013 12:31 AM > > I'll be bold and disagree. G-flat is ges in Dutch (3 characters) and gf in > English (2 characters). If you're typesetting a piece in D-flat major, the > 33% > redundancy for ev

Re: Vertically centering lyrics between two staves?

2013-08-20 Thread Carl Peterson
On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 4:20 PM, Ted Walther wrote: > > Now, someone posted another alternative; I could mark the musical notes of > the refrain as a separate voice, and tie the chorus lyrics to that. Well > and good; I wasn't aware that voices could be sequential. After all, > staves in a scor

Re: Vertically centering lyrics between two staves?

2013-08-20 Thread Carl Peterson
On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 5:49 PM, Ted Walther wrote: > Another problem with that snippet is the amount to drop. With a good > centering command, it is centered. But if I alter the font size, etc, the > amount of raising and dropping needed to center the lyrics will alter. How > can I predict th

Re: Vertically centering lyrics between two staves?

2013-08-20 Thread Carl Peterson
On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 6:02 PM, Eluze wrote: > Ted Walther wrote > > Another problem with that snippet is the amount to drop. With a good > > centering command, it is centered. But if I alter the font size, etc, > the > > amount of raising and dropping needed to center the lyrics will alter. >

Re: How to add the number of repetitions above a bar

2013-08-27 Thread Carl Peterson
On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Gilberto Agostinho <> wrote: > Hello everyone, > > I am working with a score in Lilypond that has a lot of repetitions, where > basically every bar has to be repeated a certain number of times. I would > like to be able to write the n

Re: Tie placement in voiceTwo

2013-09-01 Thread Carl Peterson
On Sep 1, 2013 6:01 AM, "Peter Bjuhr" wrote: > > As David points out the original example is uncommon both regarding ties and slurs. I like to add another example which represent a more common use of ties. > > As you can see from the ly-file I first use a tie, then a slur, then a double dot. > > I

Re: Drawing a hexagon with a number inside

2013-09-03 Thread Carl Peterson
On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 1:44 PM, Rachael Thomas Carlson <> wrote: > > I hate to use Arial but the publishing house that I am emulating uses only > proprietary fonts. > There are a few non-proprietary fonts that emulate Arial much the same way that Arial emulates He

Double slurs on automatic part combining

2013-09-05 Thread Carl Peterson
I am using the automatic part combiner in preparing SATB hymn sheets. The issue I have is that when the notes are chorded by the apc, if there is a slur (in both parts), only one slur is printed (as is seen in the documentation for automatic part combining). In virtually all the examples I've seen,

Re: Double slurs on automatic part combining

2013-09-05 Thread Carl Peterson
On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 9:44 PM, David Kastrup wrote: > Carl Peterson writes: > > > I am using the automatic part combiner in preparing SATB hymn sheets. The > > issue I have is that when the notes are chorded by the apc, if there is a > > slur (in both parts), only on

Re: Double slurs on automatic part combining

2013-09-05 Thread Carl Peterson
On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 10:11 PM, David Kastrup wrote: > > > Well, this is probably going nowhere fast, but it's moderately amusing > that it seems to do something: > > Agreed on both counts. This probably means that if it bothers me enough, I'm going to have to go back into the part-combiner.scm

Re: Double slurs on automatic part combining

2013-09-06 Thread Carl Peterson
On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 4:53 AM, Phil Holmes wrote: > > I have to my right hand "Hymns and Modern, New Standard" and behind me > "Songs of Praise, New Standard". Both of these use separate voices for Sop > and Alto; Tenor and Bass. I strongly believe this is the best way of > setting 4 part voic

Re: Double slurs on automatic part combining

2013-09-06 Thread Carl Peterson
On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 8:46 AM, David Kastrup wrote: > Carl Peterson writes: > > > Some hymnals (the same ones) also do not beam flagged notes unless the > > notes are for the same syllable (in which case, the beam serves as the > > slur). I have adopted this chan

Re: Double slurs on automatic part combining

2013-09-06 Thread Carl Peterson
On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 12:59 PM, David Rogers wrote: > > In practical terms, Carl's and my hymn books may in fact be considered > correct, because in many churches and/or church-music traditions, the > congregation is expected to sing in unison most of the time, the choir > in SATB if there is a c

Re: Double slurs on automatic part combining

2013-09-06 Thread Carl Peterson
On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 10:33 PM, Carl Peterson wrote: > > This probably means that if it bothers me enough, I'm going to have to go > back into the part-combiner.scm file and dissect it. While my hands are in > the patient, I might as well figure out how to get it to combine t

Re: Double slurs on automatic part combining

2013-09-06 Thread Carl Peterson
On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 6:02 PM, Carl Peterson wrote: > So getting back to this, I had somewhat a stroke of inspiration, but I > can't find in the documentation whether this is possible. Is it possible to > define a global context for all voice "one"s and all voice "

Re: Double slurs on automatic part combining

2013-09-06 Thread Carl Peterson
On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 9:08 PM, Mark Polesky wrote: > Karl and Carl (and other choral typesetters), > > I've added a new context to the source code called > "NullVoice" which is designed exactly for this purpose. > It's not yet available as a release, but you can get it by > replacing your instal

Re: point and click

2013-09-07 Thread Carl Peterson
On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 8:04 AM, David Kastrup wrote: > > > The links do no harm. If at any point of time file size is a problem > for any given person, he can reduce it himself. > > I have a problem with this statement. If they do no harm, why then does the Usage file say: *"Note:* You should a

Fwd: Anacrusis

2013-09-07 Thread Carl Peterson
On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 11:28 PM, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote: > Hello: > > ** ** > > A partial measure contains 1 and 1/16 beat. How is that notated in the > command “\partial?” > > ** > Try \partial 16*17 ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-u

Re: Anacrusis

2013-09-07 Thread Carl Peterson
On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 11:35 PM, Carl Peterson wrote: > On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 11:28 PM, Mark Stephen Mrotek > wrote: > >> Hello: >> >> ** ** >> >> A partial measure contains 1 and 1/16 beat. How is that notated in the >> command “\partial?”

Re: Notehead of harmonic whole note too narrow

2013-09-09 Thread Carl Peterson
On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Phil Holmes wrote: > - Original Message - From: "Owain Sutton" > > >> >> It strikes me more as an issue of horizontal alignment than notehead size. >> >> For comparison, here's an example published by Boosey & Hawkes (Britten >> violin >> concerto): http:/

Question about autocompile bash script

2013-09-09 Thread Carl Peterson
Question for those who are familiar with linux bash shell scripting... I have a script running on my linux box that uses inotifywait to monitor a folder and compile any changed lilypond files. The folder is tied to my dropbox account, so I can upload files to dropbox from any computer and have the

Re: Question about autocompile bash script

2013-09-10 Thread Carl Peterson
On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 5:22 AM, immanuel litzroth wrote: > If there were some kind of make-dep for lilypond it could even generate > these dependencies > automaticaly, like it happens for C (the compiler generates dependencies > when passed the > correct flags). This should not be too hard to bre

Re: Overall (global) resizing difficulties

2013-09-10 Thread Carl Peterson
On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Joshua Nichols wrote: > Thanks Carl! Should the myStaffSize be inside a #() or unspecified? > It is outside a Scheme context, so: \paper { myStaffSize = #22 } ___ lilypond-user mailing list ht

Re: Overall (global) resizing difficulties

2013-09-10 Thread Carl Peterson
> font tree), I got a normal response... So perhaps it is a bug? Or am I > missing something? > > IC, > > Josh > > > On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 12:12 PM, Carl Peterson > wrote: > >> On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Joshua Nichols > > wrote: >> >>

Re: Overall (global) resizing difficulties

2013-09-10 Thread Carl Peterson
Replying to group since I forgot to the first time... On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Carl Peterson wrote: > I use #(set-global-staff-size __) at the top oc the document and > myStaffSize = #__ in the paper block. Usually I have to play with the two > to find the right combination of s

Re: mea máxima culpa

2013-09-12 Thread Carl Peterson
On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Kieren MacMillan <> wrote: > Hi all, > > > I have no idea how your email system would figure out just what mail Tim > > had been replying to. The information is just not there in the headers. > > Apple Mail uses the Subject (as text),

Re: mea máxima culpa

2013-09-12 Thread Carl Peterson
On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 1:20 PM, David Kastrup wrote: > Tim Roberts writes: > > > David Kastrup wrote: > >> How does it make it harder? As I said, replying to a digest makes no > >> sense with regard to message threading anyway. > > > > Of course it makes sense. I just did it, and your mailer

Re: mea máxima culpa

2013-09-12 Thread Carl Peterson
On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 2:04 PM, David Kastrup wrote: > > I'm certain Gmail will also be able to figure out the mail you are > replying to without referring to any header at all as long as any Gmail > user has not yet deleted it (and probably even afterwards). But for a > normal mail server/clie

Re: mea máxima culpa

2013-09-12 Thread Carl Peterson
On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 2:48 PM, David Kastrup wrote: > Not sure about that. The information usually is available in the > headers, and as far as I can tell, Gmail does preserve and maintain it > as well. So unless someone "breaks the chain", it would seem like a > poor choice not to actually u

Re: mea máxima culpa

2013-09-12 Thread Carl Peterson
On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 3:50 PM, Evan Driscoll wrote: > On 9/12/2013 2:03 PM, Carl Peterson wrote: > > It also discourages the delightful idiots who insist on replying all > > to a mass mailing (when the original sender didn't have the decency or > > know-how to stick

Re: Lyrics to hymn - new user

2013-10-12 Thread Carl Peterson
On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 9:26 PM, Garrett McGilvray <> wrote: > Hi folks, > > The short version of the question (I think) is this: how do you set a > multi-measure rest when manually specifying lyric duration? > > -- > If the short version isn't sufficient, here is w

Re: Lyrics to hymn - new user

2013-10-13 Thread Carl Peterson
On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Garrett McGilvray <> wrote: > Hi Carl, > > I am so very grateful for your help. I have taken some time to study your > answer and do some practicing. I'm sorry to say that I'm still stuck. Where > I am getting confused is how to make a p

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