On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Richard Shann <richard.sh...@virgin.net>wrote:

> On Tue, 2013-07-23 at 13:01 -0400, Carl Peterson wrote:
> > This may be what you're getting at with the musicXML idea, but what
> > about doing what we usually do to demonstrate lilypond...take a
> > reference score, and set it up with no manual edits? So, for example,
> > in Finale you would be able to connect slurs from notehead to
> > notehead, but not adjust the curve in any way. In LP, you would add
> > the parentheses and nothing else. This eliminates any issue of
> > musicXML translation and trying to get the musicXML figured out may
> > end up being like the post a few weeks ago where the poster decided it
> > was easier to re-input the score than to deal with converting
> > software.
> We have  just crossed in the post on this issue. We would need willing
> owners of proprietary programs to do signifcant work ...

Finale and Sibelius offer 30-day trial versions of their software, and
Finale has a free version of their software, Notepad (
http://www.finalemusic.com/products/finale-notepad/) that is mainly limited
in number of instruments and export options.
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