XP + lily 2.10
Hi list !
Coming from the french list where we are several to seeking a simple way of
underlining text :
Is there a simple way to underline text in markups (and everywhere else, such
as headers) ?
I've seen in the list something like \\underline, but it doesn't work at all.
Of course it's possible, I just copied most of the code from your
"working" example,
since it probably is a good idea anyway to use separate macro
definitions (identifiers)
for the two parts. To get volta brackets also on the second stave, you
have to add the
setting voltaOnThisStaff = ##t. Here
Unfortunately, there is no simple way to do the underlining for the moment
as far as I know. I wouldn't be surprised if this is supported in Pango
the font handling software package used by LilyPond), and in that case
it's probably not so difficult to add it to LilyPond. See also
i'm using LaTeX with lilypond-book and am quite happy with it, but you
should go with a recent version of lilypond, especially if you're on
windows, as i had a lot of trouble with the 2.8.x series. I chose to go
with LaTeX and lilypond-book, because i wanted to add pictures and
background grap
>> In this rhythmic snippet, the "perferatory" spacing on only the very
>> first system collapses down to nothing (compared to the remaining
>> three systems). Is there any way to control this amount of
>> system-initial spacing and make it equal that of the remaining three
>> systems?
> Aha. Th
On 2/15/07, Maximilian Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In this rhythmic snippet, the "perferatory" spacing on only the very
>> first system collapses down to nothing (compared to the remaining
>> three systems). Is there any way to control this amount of
>> system-initial spacing and make it
when executing lilypond-book contained in Lilypond.app (Mac OS X), I get
the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 44, in ?
import lilylib as ly
ImportError: No module named lilylib
Is some
Trevor Bača schrieb:
> Hi Max,
> Check chapter 11.4 in the next couple of days for a substantial
> expansion of the proportional docs, which goes into a considerable
> amount of detail on all of these settings, complete with pairs of
> contrasting examples.
Am I correct to suppose that these c
Oh yes I see
A old solution is
\override Staff.InstrumentName #'space-alist =
#'((left-edge extra-space . 0.0))
but no work with "2.8.8"
sorry !
\relative c' {
\override Staff.InstrumentName #'space-alist =
#'((left-edge extra-space . 0.0))
\set Staff.instr
I'm the lilypond packager for Fedora, and recently received a bug report
(https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=225410) that the
lilypond entries in the main info file /usr/share/info are trying to
find the info files in /usr/share/info/lilypond. If I just want them all
On 2/15/07, Maximilian Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Trevor Bača schrieb:
> Hi Max,
> Check chapter 11.4 in the next couple of days for a substantial
> expansion of the proportional docs, which goes into a considerable
> amount of detail on all of these settings, complete with pairs of
> c
Quentin Spencer wrote:
I'm the lilypond packager for Fedora, and recently received a bug report
(https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=225410) that the
lilypond entries in the main info file /usr/share/info are trying to
find the info files in /usr/share/info/lilypond. If I just
I have a song with repeats and different endings. There´s a first
ending and one for the 2nd and 3rd time, but if I do it like that:
\version "2.10.16"
\relative c'' {
\repeat volta 3 {
c4 c c c
\alternative {
% first ending
Read the section on Manual repeat commands.
Quoting Dominic Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I have a song with repeats and different endings. There´s a first
ending and one for the 2nd and 3rd time, but if I do it like that:
\version "2.10.16"
\relative c'' {
Quentin Spencer escreveu:
> I'm the lilypond packager for Fedora, and recently received a bug report
> (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=225410) that the
> lilypond entries in the main info file /usr/share/info are trying to
> find the info files in /usr/share/info/lilypond. If
Trevor Bača wrote:
[... a very long and equally excellent description concerning the scope
of layout settings ...]
> In the end I think Han-Wen is right that the naming of \layout and
> \paper is unfortunate. All the settings in \layout and \paper are very
> clearly "page layout" settings, which
Hi all,
is there an easy way to set the vertical distance of
a lyrics line from the corresponding staff?
In my score the lyrics are too far away from the
Lilyond 2.11.18 on SUSE 10.2
I can send the source if this is non-trivial.
Best regards,
Robert Memering
On 2/15/07, Maximilian Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Trevor Bača wrote:
[... a very long and equally excellent description concerning the scope
of layout settings ...]
> In the end I think Han-Wen is right that the naming of \layout and
> \paper is unfortunate. All the settings in \layout a
I'm working on some unmetered music that essentially needs to fall
into two columns--cantor on the left, congregation on the right. It
would be great if I could get all the measures to be of the same width
so that the columns would line up neatly. Searching the mailing list,
the only solution I fo
I started using lilypond some weeks ago, the results look great so
far, but by now I have accumulated a few questions. I'll post them one
by one.
Take a look at the following snippet:
\version "2.10.7"
\score {<<\time 6/8 \relative c' {c8. d16 e f | #(set-time-signature
12 16 '(3 3 3 3)) c8
I suggest programming lilypond to format ragged right ##f (justified)
single bars of length 4 inches for each the cantor and congregation.
Then use lilypond-book to make individual eps (or pdf) files. You
can then paste those images into a larger document in the two 4 inch
each columns yo
For string instruments, double-stops that involve all four chords are usually
written with quarter-note heads for the bottom two notes, even if the rest of
the chord is a half note. This is because the bottom two chords are struck only
momentarily, like grace notes. Consider, for exampl
somewhere around this location in the documentation
it illustrates that
\layout {
\context {
% a little smaller so lyrics
% can be closer to the staff
You explicitly called lilypond-book. I suspect you do not have the
bin directory in your PATH. lilypond-book reads your PATH to find
where lilylib is located. Your path should look like this:
On Fri, Feb 16, 2007 at 03:37:16AM +, Michael Culbertson wrote:
> Hello,
> For string instruments, double-stops that involve all four chords are
> usually
> written with quarter-note heads for the bottom two notes, even if the rest of
> the chord is a half note. This is because the botto
I'm using Lilypond 2.11.18-1 on Mac OS X Intel 10.4.8.
If I have the following:
\header {
copyright = "A\nB"
I get the following error message, even though the Lilypond doc says
strings may include newlines as \n:
programming error: FT_Get_Glyph_Name () error: invalid argument
26 matches
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