
I started using lilypond some weeks ago, the results look great so
far, but by now I have accumulated a few questions. I'll post them one
by one.

Take a look at the following snippet:

\version "2.10.7"
\score {<<\time 6/8 \relative c' {c8. d16 e f | #(set-time-signature
12 16 '(3 3 3 3)) c8. [d16 e f]}>>}

Is there a way to achieve the second look in 6/8? That is, can I have
a single beam between the dotted 8th and the first 16th, and double
beams all the way between the 16th? Could this be achieved by changing
the meter but not displaying it?


PS: Win XP, Lily 2.10.7

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