Quentin Spencer wrote:
I'm the lilypond packager for Fedora, and recently received a bug report (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=225410) that the lilypond entries in the main info file /usr/share/info are trying to find the info files in /usr/share/info/lilypond. If I just want them all installed in /usr/share/info, is there some configure or make option that I can invoke so that the info files are built this way to start with. Nothing I have tried seems to work other than running "sed -e s,lilypond/,, -i *.info" on the files before they are packaged, but this is kind of an ugly solution.

I believe that the fink maintainer had a similar problem; the fink patch contains lines such as:

diff -ruN lilypond-2.10.12-orig/Documentation/user/lilypond.tely lilypond-2.10.1
-* LilyPond: (lilypond/lilypond).           The GNU music typesetter.
+* LilyPond: (lilypond).           The GNU music typesetter.

Have a look at the fink patch for lilypond and lilypond-unstable.

- Graham

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