Unfortunately, there is no simple way to do the underlining for the moment
as far as I know. I wouldn't be surprised if this is supported in Pango (i.e.
the font handling software package used by LilyPond), and in that case
it's probably not so difficult to add it to LilyPond. See also
for a somewhat related issue.


Jean-marc LEGRAND wrote:

XP + lily 2.10

Hi list !

Coming from the french list where we are several to seeking a simple way of 
underlining text :

Is there a simple way to underline text in markups (and everywhere else, such 
as headers) ?

I've seen in the list something like \\underline, but it doesn't work at all. 
I'd be very surprised
to learn that something as simple as \bold or \italic doesn't exist for 

Best regards !


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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
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