Re: Barbershop Quartet / TTBB template ready for your critique

2004-10-22 Thread Arvid Grøtting
"Peter B. Steiger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Singers, please take a look at it and tell me where it needs > improvement. Arvid, you mentioned working on a TTBB template; I would > especially like to see yours (meaning: steal all your good ideas to put > in mine). I'm afraid it's at home and

Re: Lilypond on Mandrake 10.0

2004-10-22 Thread Mats Bengtsson
I was able to open the lily.pdf file and saw there music, lo and behold. It is getting there. Now, what about lily.aux and lily.midi? How do I get that output? What is still missing? For the MIDI file, follow the advice of a previous answer and start reading the documentation to find out how

Refi*nance now

2004-10-22 Thread Elisabeth J. Mayes
___ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Réf. : Very minor problem with lilypond

2004-10-22 Thread Maurits Lamers
Hi :) Yes I did. I tried almost everything. Maybe someone want to try to solve it. The only thing I want, is that I have two staves while each stave has its own lyric line. It shoudn't be that difficult, but one way or another, I don't seem to be able to manage it. greets Maurits On 22-okt-04,

Re: Réf. : Very minor problem with lilypond

2004-10-22 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Did you even take a look at the template file in the Templates section of the on-line documentation for your LilyPond version? /Mats Maurits Lamers wrote: Hi :) Yes I did. I tried almost everything. Maybe someone want to try to solve it. The only thing I want, is that I have two staves

Re: Réf. : Very minor problem with lilypond

2004-10-22 Thread Maurits Lamers
Yes I did. The problem is that when I model it the way of the template, it keeps saying that it is unable to find a Voice. The other thing is that the template does not work. When I run it through lilypond it keeps saying that there is nothing for lilypond to do. greets Maurits

Re: Réf. : Very minor problem with lilypond

2004-10-22 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Maurits Lamers wrote: Yes I did. The problem is that when I model it the way of the template, it keeps saying that it is unable to find a Voice. That warning is usually harmless, just indicating that the voice does not have contain any music at the beginning of the piece. However, the pro

Lilypond on Mandrake 10.0. Thanks for your help, everyone.

2004-10-22 Thread Sarah Cordish
Helpful friends, Look at the nice run I got last night. I have to run Lilypond in Root mode, don't know why. Because of your suggestions, I did the Lilypond installation over again and installed Guile and tetex. I will look-up the midi interface in the documentation. I didn't know what an

Re: Lilypond on Mandrake 10.0. Thanks for your help, everyone.

2004-10-22 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Sarah Cordish wrote: Helpful friends, Look at the nice run I got last night. I have to run Lilypond in Root mode, don't know why. This is apparently a bug in the Mandrake package of LilyPond and a solution was given in a previous email: Change to root: su Make the directories of the installation

Re: Réf. : Very minor problem with lilypond

2004-10-22 Thread Maurits Lamers
Ok ! This makes sense. I got it working now. Finally :) There is one addition I have to make If you want to make the two staves you have to add another pair of << >> The code looks like this now: \score { \new Choirstaff << \notes << \new staff { \context Voice = a { music } } \context Lyrics = la

shift the ottava-number

2004-10-22 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all, I'm using version 2.2.6 and want to shift the number of octavation (e.g. 8) relatively to the dashed-line or vice versa. The default looks like: * * * * * * * *_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * * | * *

Re: Réf. : Very minor problem with lilypond

2004-10-22 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Why not \score { \new Choirstaff \notes << \new staff { \context Voice = a { music } } \context Lyrics = la { s1 } ... >> I see that you have reverted to the idea of writing lyrics within a \context Staff{...}, I didn't expect it to work, but obviously it does for some strange reason. I really rec

Re: Réf. : Very minor problem with lilypond

2004-10-22 Thread Maurits Lamers
Maybe a little bit more clear: \new Staff { \key g \major \context Voice = melodietwee \relative c' { s4 | s 2.*15 | s2 d4 | g g8 a g fis | e4 e e | a4 a8 b a g | fis4 d d | b'4 b8 c b a | g4 e d8 d | e4 a fis | g2 d4 | g g g | fis2 fis4 | g fis e | d2 a'4 | b4 a8 a g

Multiple verses in Noteedit problem

2004-10-22 Thread Barry Roberts
I'm trying to learn enough lilypond to figure this one out myself, but it's taking longer than I had hoped, so I'm begging for help. In Noteedit 2.7.3 (from the ccrma rhfc2 i386 rpm) I can export as lilypond without problem until I add a second verse lyric to a staff. Then lilypond gets errors. I


2004-10-22 Thread $B=BC+9-9p(B

Arý ve BAL mucizesi

2004-10-22 Thread Arda Bal
Title: .: Ardabal :. ÜRETİCİDEN; KATKISIZ DOĞAL ARDAHAN ÇİÇEK BALI ARILARIN OLAĞANÜSTÜ YAŞAMLARI Kraliçe arının kovandaki rolü, yönetim hakimiyeti, günlük