Yes I did.
The problem is that when I model it the way of the template, it keeps saying that it is unable to find a Voice.
The other thing is that the template does not work. When I run it through lilypond it keeps saying that there is nothing for lilypond to do.
On 22-okt-04, at 10:22, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Did you even take a look at the template file in the Templates section of the on-line documentation for your LilyPond version?
Maurits Lamers wrote:Hi :)
Yes I did.
I tried almost everything. Maybe someone want to try to solve it.
The only thing I want, is that I have two staves while each stave has its own lyric line.
It shoudn't be that difficult, but one way or another, I don't seem to be able to manage it.
On 22-okt-04, at 8:56, Jean-marc LEGRAND wrote:
Maybe my answer is very silly, but have you tried to change the order of music, lyrics and chords in
your script ? I've done this with bass and its figures to have the figures above and not under the
Michiel Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Objet : Very minor problem with lilypond
21/10/2004 19:55
I have this sheet of music with the following set-up:
Music (in two staffs), Lyrics and Chrods.
In pure essence I get it right on the paper, however the chords are
below the music (violin staff, above the bass staff) just above the lyrics.
What I'd like most however is to have the chords above the violin staff
and the lyrics between the two music staffs... what could it be I'm
doing wrong?
I'm not really at home atm, and have very limited time... if it would make the case much easier I can provide examples of course... But I'm thinking of it now and the problem is so minor that I'd very soon forget it anyway...
Thanks though...
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