Maurits Lamers wrote:
Yes I did.

The problem is that when I model it the way of the template, it keeps saying that it is unable to find a Voice.

That warning is usually harmless, just indicating that the voice does not have contain any music at the beginning of the piece. However, the problem in your file was something else (I will send it also to bug-lilypond, since it's clearly an undocumented feature). The following small example illustrates the problem:

  \new ChoirStaff {
    \context Voice =a \notes \relative c' {c d e f}
    \lyricsto a \context Lyrics \lyrics{Ly -- rics comes here }

If you try it, you'll notice that the lyrics isn't printed and
you don't even get a warning. However, if you change it to

  \new ChoirStaff <<
    \context Voice =a \notes \relative c' {c d e f}
    \lyricsto a \context Lyrics \lyrics{Ly -- rics comes here }

Everything works as expected. What's the difference? Well, in the first
example you say that you should have a line of music followed by some
lyrics (since you use {...} instead of <<...>>) but at the same time
you say that the lyrics should go together with the music. Apparently,
this confuses LilyPond (I'm getting more and more convinced that this
is a plain bug). In the second example, the use of <<...>> tells
LilyPond that the music and lyrics should be simultaneous, which makes
more sense to LilyPond. So, your example works if you either move the
lyrics into the <<...>> of your \new ChoirStaff{\notes<<...>>}
(which can be simplified into \new ChoirStaff\notes<<...>> ) or
add another <<...>> :
  \lyrics << ... >>

By the way, I hope you have realized that the \lyrics and \notes
commands are just used to tell the lexicographic analyzer of the
LilyPond frontend that it should switch mode to correspond to the
widely different characteristics of the syntax for lyrics and
notes, respectively. Also, you can nest these arbitrarily, so
you can have a \notes{...} within a \lyrics{...} and vice versa.
All this is simplified in the development version.

The other thing is that the template does not work. When I run it through lilypond it keeps saying that there is nothing for lilypond to do.

Is this on Mac or PC? If it's on the Mac, it might possibly be a problem that your browser saves the file using a character coding or line end convention that confuses LilyPond. However, you have these files included in your installation as well. On your PC, you could try to start the cygwin command window and run lilypond /usr/share/doc/lilypond-2.2.5/input/template/ I'm certain that it will work excellently.

I don't know the directory structure of the Fink installation, but
the file should be available at some similar location, together with
the other documentation files.


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