Thanks for that Kieren, it works and is very flexible I couldn't find an
obvious switch for line alignment (top, center, bottom), so I feared that
lambda would be appearing :-) FWIW I checked a handful of scores each from
Schott, Universal, Faber, Ricordi and while not identical, they lean towa
Hi Damian,
> how do I get the dotted line to align with the bottom of the 8 rather than
> the middle?
This is the kind of thing I use, though it’s old enough that there may well be
better ways nowadays:
\version "2.25.11"
loco = \ottava #0
#(define eightva
%% messin
mmm, just one more thing how do I get the dotted line to align with the bottom
of the 8 rather than the middle? thanks again
Thanks all It works with \set Staff.ottavation = \markup {\concat {8 \tiny{vb}}} Damian On 17 Oct 2024, at 12:47, Mark Knoop
wrote: At 11:28 on 17 Oct 2024, damianlegassick wrote: I had this same problem. To investigate it, I
looked up the definition of ottavation-ordinals in ly/property
At 11:28 on 17 Oct 2024, damianlegassick wrote:
>> I had this same problem. To investigate it, I looked up
>> the definition of ottavation-ordinals in
>> ly/ I then created a new ottavation list
>> called ottavation-ordinals-b, with "va" and &q
I had this same problem. To investigate it, I looked up the definition of ottavation-ordinals in ly/ I
then created a new ottavation list called ottavation-ordinals-b, with "va" and "ma" changed to
"vb" and "mb" for the negative ottavat
at 5:34 AM damianlegassick wrote: Hi all When I
use \set Staff.ottavation = "8vb" the v and the b are larger than with the plain: \set Staff.ottavationMarkups = #ottavation-ordinals any clues how to adjust this? thanks Damian I
had this same problem. To investigate it, I looked up the defi
At 06:56 on 17 Oct 2024, Carl Sorensen wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 5:34 AM damianlegassick
> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> When I use
>> \set Staff.ottavation = "8vb"
>> the v and the b are larger than with the plain:
On Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 5:34 AM damianlegassick
> Hi all
> When I use
> \set Staff.ottavation = "8vb"
> the v and the b are larger than with the plain:
> \set Staff.ottavationMarkups = #ottavation-ordinals
> any clues how to adjust thi
Depends on how you want to adjust it, I suppose… Do you want the “va” larger or
the “vb” smaller? vb smaller ideally, but either would work
Hi Damian,
> When I use
> \set Staff.ottavation = "8vb"
> the v and the b are larger than with the plain:
> \set Staff.ottavationMarkups = #ottavation-ordinals
> any clues how to adjust this?
Depends on how you want to adjust it, I suppose…
Do you want the “va” l
\version "2.25.18" \layout { ragged-last = ##f } { \clef bass c,,4 \set
Staff.ottavationMarkups = #ottavation-ordinals \ottava -1 4 4 4 \ottava 0 4 \set Staff.ottavation =
"8vb" \ottava -1 4 4 4 }
the v and the b are larger than larger than the v and the a in ...
Hi all When I use \set Staff.ottavation = "8vb" the v and the b are larger than
with the plain: \set Staff.ottavationMarkups = #ottavation-ordinals any clues how to
adjust this? thanks Damian
On Fri, 17 Feb 2023 at 19:26, Immanuel Asmus wrote:
> Hello,
> I’d like to have an OttavaBracket with ottavation "8", but after a line
> break, the ottavation should read "(8)". I cannot figure out whether
> this can be achieved with \alterBroken,
I’d like to have an OttavaBracket with ottavation "8", but after a line
break, the ottavation should read "(8)". I cannot figure out whether
this can be achieved with \alterBroken, since ottavation is not a
feature of OttavaBracket. I read in th
Hi Phil,
Thanks for the quick and helpful response.
The first question I have is… Where can I post code that I’m working on, as I’m
trying to make it the best it can be? I don’t even know whether it would be
better [in terms of performance, maintainability, etc.] to use a real Scheme
- Original Message -
From: "Kieren MacMillan"
To: "Lilypond-User Mailing List"
Cc: "lilypond-devel"
Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2015 3:27 PM
Subject: improving ottavation
Hello all,
I’d like to help improve ottavation-related issues in Lilypond
Hello all,
I’d like to help improve ottavation-related issues in Lilypond, by fixing
current less-than-perfect behaviour, and adding some helpful syntactic sugar.
I believe there are only three accepted issues currently in the tracker (cf.
On 30.10.2015 23:29, Gilberto Agostinho wrote:
Simon Albrecht-2 wrote
\layout {
\context {
\override OttavaBracket.springs-and-rods =
%\override OttavaBracket.minimum-length = 0.3
and adjust minimum-length to taste.
For som
> All approved now - future posts should be forwarded immediately.
> Trevor
Thanks a lot, Simon and Trevor
lilypond-user mailing list
Noeck wrote Friday, October 30, 2015 9:31 PM
> just to make sure: "Post awaiting moderation." is the usual thing to
> happen on sourceforge and someone will have a look at some point if he
> allows my comment?
All approved now - future posts should be forwarded immediately.
e in context:
Sent from the User mailing list archive at
lilypond-user mailing list
On 30.10.2015 22:01, Gilberto Agostinho wrote:
Second thing, try this code:
\relative c'' {
\ottavation #1 c8 \ottavation #0 d, d d d d d d
It will output only "8va" without the vertical line. I believe that,
according to Gould, we always need to have the ve
On 30.10.2015 22:31, Noeck wrote:
Hi Simon,
just to make sure: "Post awaiting moderation." is the usual thing to
happen on sourceforge and someone will have a look at some point if he
allows my comment?
Done already :-)
I suppose Phil or Trevor could well give you a status where this
Hi Simon,
just to make sure: "Post awaiting moderation." is the usual thing to
happen on sourceforge and someone will have a look at some point if he
allows my comment?
lilypond-user mailing list
if I want to have only a
"8" text, without the "va"? Maybe we could create a \ottavation-no-text for
Simply comment out (i.e. prefix with a ‘;’) the line
‘#:raise (if upward? 0.6 0) text’
(should be line 22).
Or use the attached version, where you can adjust the
Hi Simon, thanks for the improvements, I knew my function was utterly
inefficient but I have a hard time with Scheme. Just two things about this
Which modifications to your function should I do if I want to have only a
"8" text, without the "va"? Maybe we could create a
Hi Simon,
> And regarding your other comments: please comment in the tracker yourself.
Thanks for pushing me to sign up. Finally I have an account and I will
comment myself.
lilypond-user mailing list
On 30.10.2015 21:29, Noeck wrote:
At first, the endings (22da, 29na) looked
convincing, but I wondered why I have seen 22ma before (e.g. in Bravura
[1]). When looking at this and searching online, I tend to think ma is
correct as the Italian word seems to be 'ventiduesimo/-a' and the same
for 29m
Hi Gilberto and Simon,
I have my own ottava function as a replacement of \ottava, more about it
@Gilberto: Very nice, I tried to move the lines up/down once but without
success. You solve all my issues [3], [4] :) I will gladly use your
@Simon: Even better. Thanks. At first, the
Yours, Simon
\version "2.19.28"
(format-ottava layout props dir interval)
(integer? integer?)
"Output a markup for use in { \\set Staff.ottavation }.
Takes as input the direction of ottavation (-1 or 1)
and the interval (one of the numbers 8, 15, 22, 2
H. S. Teoh wrote
> Very nice! But shouldn't this be fixed in Lilypond itself, not just as
> an external function?
Thanks! And sure, if people want to implement this idea in LilyPond itself
that would be ideal.
View this message in context:
Am 30.10.2015 um 18:34 schrieb H. S. Teoh:
> On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 10:31:22AM -0700, Gilberto Agostinho wrote:
>> Hello LilyPonders,
>> I would like to share a little function I created for myself.
>> According to Elaine Gould's /Behind Bars/, the ottava dashed line
>> should attach itself t
On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 10:31:22AM -0700, Gilberto Agostinho wrote:
> Hello LilyPonders,
> I would like to share a little function I created for myself.
> According to Elaine Gould's /Behind Bars/, the ottava dashed line
> should attach itself to the top of the 8va (or 15ma) and to the bottom
View this message in context:
Sent from the User mailing list archive at
lilypond-user mailing list
Great suggestions. Thanks.
Knute Snortum
(via Gmail)
On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 5:04 PM, Kieren MacMillan <> wrote:
> Hi Knute,
> Maybe something like this will work for you?
> \version "2.19.20"
> \language "english"
> #(define (ottava-jr grob)
>(let* (
Hi Knute,
Maybe something like this will work for you?
\version "2.19.20"
\language "english"
#(define (ottava-jr grob)
(let* (
;; have we been split?
(orig (ly:grob-original grob))
;; if yes, get the split pieces (our siblings)
(siblings (if (ly:grob?
c4 d e f }
The "loco" marking on the other voice should be considered an
alternative to writing "m.d. seulement", of course.
HTH, Simon
Am 16.05.2015 um 19:13 schrieb Knute Snortum:
I have a piece where I need a fairly long ottavation text that goes
Subject: Ottavation text too long for next line
I have a piece where I need a fairly long ottavation text that goes from one
line to the next (it says that the ottavation applies to the right hand only).
The problem is that there is only one measure on the second
I have a piece where I need a fairly long ottavation text that goes from
one line to the next (it says that the ottavation applies to the right hand
only). The problem is that there is only one measure on the second line
and the text doesn't fit when it's repeated. One solution is to
On 2014/12/24 17:31, Thomas Morley wrote:
2014-12-24 21:48 GMT+01:00 Jinsong Zhao :
Hi there,
For the following snippet,I want the ottavation duplicates text after \break
to be (8va), how to get that?
\version "2.19.15"
\relative c'' {
c4 \ottava #1
2014-12-24 21:48 GMT+01:00 Jinsong Zhao :
> Hi there,
> For the following snippet,I want the ottavation duplicates text after \break
> to be (8va), how to get that?
> \version "2.19.15"
> \relative c'' {
> c4 \ottava #1
> \set Staf
Hi there,
For the following snippet,I want the ottavation duplicates text after
\break to be (8va), how to get that?
\version "2.19.15"
\relative c'' {
c4 \ottava #1
\set Staff.ottavation = #"octave"
c4 c4 c4 \break
c4 c4 c4 c4
Thanks in a
tavation = #"8"
\layout {
\context {
% \Score ottavation=#"8" % this does not work
} }}
Why not just define something like
eightU = { \ottava #1 \set Staff.ottavation = #"8" }
eightD = { \ottava #-1 \set Staf
= #"8" each time.
\score { \new Staff {
\ottava #1
%\set Staff.ottavation = #"8"
\ottava #-1
%\set Staff.ottavation = #"8"
\layout {
\context {
% \Score ottavation=#"8" % this does not work
} }}
ve me typing \set
> Staff.ottavation = #"8" each time.
> Thanks,
> Peter
> \score { \new Staff {
> {
> {
> \ottava #1
> %\set Staff.ottavation = #"8"
> c''1
> \ottava #-1
> %\set Staff.ottavation = #"8"
> c
ore { \new Staff {
\ottava #1
%\set Staff.ottavation = #"8"
\ottava #-1
%\set Staff.ottavation = #"8"
\layout {
\context {
% \Score ottavation=#"8" % this does not work
} }}
On 04/06/2011 01:51 PM, wr
On Apr 6, 2011, at 7:22 AM, James Lowe wrote:
> From: Peter O'Doherty []
> Sent: 06 April 2011 12:21
> To: James Lowe
> Subject: Re: ottavation
> Thanks for your reply, James. My question wasn't very clear - there are
> numerous
From: Peter O'Doherty []
Sent: 06 April 2011 12:21
To: James Lowe
Subject: Re: ottavation
Thanks for your reply, James. My question wasn't very clear - there are
numerous instances of ottava passages in the score, but not the whole score so
\clef "t
2011/4/6 James Lowe
> Hello,
> )-Original Message-
> )From:
> )[] On
> )Behalf Of Peter O'Doherty
> )Sent: 06 April 2011 09:51
> )To: lily
)-Original Message-
)[] On
)Behalf Of Peter O'Doherty
)Sent: 06 April 2011 09:51
)To: lilypond-user
)Subject: ottavation
)How can I adjust
How can I adjust \set Staff.ottavation = #"8" to include it in the
layout section so it applies to the whole score?
\layout {
\context {
%\set Staff.ottavation = #"8"
Many thanks,
lilypond-user mailing
On Sunday 01 March 2009, Rob Canning wrote:
> hello,
> is there anything i can \set or \override or anything in order for
lilypond to
> automaticaly take care of ottavation?
> i would like to be able to set an upper and lower threshold and then
when these
> are exceede
is there anything i can \set or \override or anything in order for lilypond to
automaticaly take care of ottavation?
i would like to be able to set an upper and lower threshold and then when these
are exceeded lilypond will automagicaly take care of the ottavas?
Hi Peter!
Peter Clarke schrieb:
Greetings all,
I would like to change the ottavation text (on the octave
up/down bracket) from the rather verbose default "8va
bassa" to just "8". The manual says I can do this with
\set Staff.ottavation = #"8"
but this giv
Greetings all,
I would like to change the ottavation text (on the octave
up/down bracket) from the rather verbose default "8va
bassa" to just "8". The manual says I can do this with
\set Staff.ottavation = #"8"
but this gives me the following error when parsing:
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