Hi Damian,

> how do I get the dotted line to align with the bottom of the 8 rather than 
> the middle?

This is the kind of thing I use, though it’s old enough that there may well be 
better ways nowadays:

\version "2.25.11"

loco = \ottava #0
#(define eightva
   %% messing around with \with-dimensions,
   %% because OttavaBracket has no details.stencil-align-dir-y
       \with-dimensions #'(0 . 4) #'(-1 . 0.75)
       \lower #0.225 \italic \concat { "8" \hspace #0.05 \fontsize #-0.5 "va" }
#(define eightva-par
       \translate #'(0.625 . 0) \with-dimensions #'(0 . 5.5) #'(-1 . 0.75)
       \lower #0.25 \concat { "(" \hspace #0.05 \italic { "8" \hspace #0.125 
"va" } ")" }
octU = {
  \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.font-shape = #'upright
  \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.before-line-breaking =
      #(lambda (grob) (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text eightva))
  \override Staff.OttavaBracket.after-line-breaking =
   #(lambda (grob)
      (let* ((orig (ly:grob-original grob))
             (siblings (if (ly:grob? orig)
                           (ly:spanner-broken-into orig)
       (if (> (length siblings) 1)
             (lambda (sib) (ly:grob-set-property! sib 'text eightva-par))
             (cdr siblings)))))
  \ottava #1

  \octU c'''4 4 4 4 \break
  c'''4 4 4 4
  c'''1 \loco

Hope that helps!

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