Hi Knute,

Maybe something like this will work for you?

\version "2.19.20"
\language "english"

#(define (ottava-jr grob)
   (let* (
          ;; have we been split?
          (orig (ly:grob-original grob))

          ;; if yes, get the split pieces (our siblings)
          (siblings (if (ly:grob? orig)
                        (ly:spanner-broken-into orig)

     (if (and (>= (length siblings) 2)
              (eq? (car (last-pair siblings)) grob))
         (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text '"8va m.d."))))

octaveUp = { 
  \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.direction = #UP
  \set Staff.ottavation = #"8va pour la main droite seulement"
  \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.after-line-breaking = #ottava-jr
  \set Voice.middleCPosition = #(- 6 5)

octaveOff = {
  \unset Staff.ottavation
  \unset Voice.middleCPosition

\relative c' {
      s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 |
      \repeat unfold 4 { e4 f g a }
      s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | 
      \repeat unfold 16 { c4 d e f }

Hope that helps!

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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