Re: optical recognition for input

2022-01-17 Thread Josiah Boothby
On 1/17/22 15:34, James B. Wilkinson wrote: Yes, I was using 12 because that seemed to be the one Oracle's website wanted to send me. I'll back up to 11. I did look in the expanded src tree and found a blue million *.java files. I assume that the build process needs to compile all of them. Won

adjusting stem length in metronome mark?

2021-12-12 Thread Josiah Boothby
I used to know how to do this, I think, do I adjust the stem length in a metronome mark? Seems like I should be able to do something like \override MetronomeMark.stem-length = xyz but that *specifically* doesn't appear to be available. Something involving .add-stem-length perhaps? —J

multi-line markup inside a single box

2021-12-07 Thread Josiah Boothby
Maybe I'm missing something obvious (it's 1:30 in the's not unlikely!), but I'm trying to include a small two-line markup inside a single box. The thing that seems obvious is producing two boxed lines, which is not what I'm aiming for and is too visually cluttered for me to accept as a

Re: text at the end of a multimeasure rest

2021-01-05 Thread Josiah Boothby
s Paul. > > There were missing brackets: > > At least mismatched. It should have been: > > R1*4 \endMarkDown \mark \markup{D.S. al Fine) > > Without parentheses. > > Happy New Year, > > Paul > > > > R1*4 \endMarkDown \mark \markup {(D.S. al Fine)} >

text at the end of a multimeasure rest

2021-01-04 Thread Josiah Boothby
I think I used to know how to do this but I can't find any evidence of it, but I'd like to do something that looks roughly like the following, where the text ("fine" or "D.C. al fine") are printed below the line: |: /— 4 —/ :|: /— 4 —/ fine :| |: /— 4 —/ :|: /— 4 —/ D.C. al fine :| ...while separ

Re: Cautionary clef collision with rest

2020-05-31 Thread Josiah Boothby
R2.*3 > \clef G > g4 r r g r r > \once\override Staff.Clef.X-extent = #'(-5 . 5) > \clef F > } > > and properly set the extent. > HTH. > Cheers, > Pierre > > Le lun. 1 juin 2020 à 07:32, Josiah Boothby a écrit : >> >> I'm struggling

Cautionary clef collision with rest

2020-05-31 Thread Josiah Boothby
I'm struggling to increase the padding for a cautionary clef in a slightly crowded line, since it's colliding with rests when there are notes on other lines. Attached is an image of the score I'm working with as I'm struggling to come up with a concise test snippet that doesn't have other problems.

Re: Strings as variable names

2016-01-06 Thread Josiah Boothby
Sorry to delve into this a bit late, but an earlier point in this ongoing thread is relevant to work currently on my desk :) On Mon, 28 Dec 2015 19:20:28 +0100 David Kastrup wrote: > > flute_phrase01 = > > flute_phrase02 = > > > > or similar. > > When would you ever want to do that? Actually,

Re: numbering a series of exercises

2015-03-08 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Mon, 09 Mar 2015 02:20:51 +0100 Noeck wrote: > Hi Josiah, > > is this what you want? > That got me on the right track, thank you! What I ended up with is a bit simpler: #(define sequence-number 0) #(set! sequence-number (

numbering a series of exercises

2015-03-08 Thread Josiah Boothby
Hello all, I'm trying to do something that I suspect is easily done with scheme, but I have no idea how: I'd like to create a list of exercises that are automatically numbered. I'm currently using instrumentName for the numbers, to get something that looks something like this: 1. ===

Re: Variables as variables

2014-01-20 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Mon, 20 Jan 2014 16:00:59 +0100 Johan Vromans wrote: > Now I want to re-use bbb with a different value of aaa. Like a real > variable as known from other programming languages. > > aaa = { c4 d e f } > bbb = { a4 a a a \aaa b4 b b b } > \score { \bbb }% a4 a a a c4 d e f b4 b b b >

Re: kerning/ligatures in opentype fonts

2014-01-16 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Thu, 16 Jan 2014 15:05:50 +0100 Alexander Kobel wrote: > I was about to ask in that direction. If for a font "ff" leads to > collisions, and the ligature is not correct at that point, is it > recommended to insert space or to switch the font? Or, stated > differently: Should I consider i

Re: smallCaps and accented letters

2013-12-21 Thread Josiah Boothby
> I noticed in a score that I've recently typeset that smallCaps doesn't > support accented characters (which is indeed written in the manual). ... > For now, is there a workaround? I don't remember how I found this (possibly through searching through the mailing list archives, because that's how

text accidentals [was Re: film score example]

2013-11-29 Thread Josiah Boothby
To clarify: > >> > Would you like to sponsor this? For $20 i could add special > >> > accidentals to LilyPond font and adjust \flat, \sharp and > >> > \natural commands to use them (and maybe others like \semiflat, > >> > if i'll have time). > >> > >> Why not use the Unicode charpoints, like B♭,

Re: film score example

2013-11-29 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Fri, 29 Nov 2013 15:45:33 +0100 David Kastrup wrote: > Janek Warchoł writes: > > > Would you like to sponsor this? For $20 i could add special > > accidentals to LilyPond font and adjust \flat, \sharp and \natural > > commands to use them (and maybe others like \semiflat, if i'll have > > t

Re: Quick Frescobaldi question

2013-05-15 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 10:48 PM, Federico Bruni wrote: > 2013/5/7 SoundsFromSound >> >> Hello all, >> >> I was just playing around in Frescobaldi tonight and I noticed that since >> updating to v2.0.9, my menu items are now "text" and not icons*. >> >> See included images please: can anyone tell

Re: Replacement suggestions for Century Schoolbook?

2013-01-08 Thread Josiah Boothby
> > I'd like to collect some suggestion for a replacement font for > > Century Schoolbook. So far, Linux Libertine[1] has been my go-to replacement font, especially when I want to be more economical with horizontal space. It's not the most beautiful font in the world, but it does look good on pape

Re: font selection

2012-12-17 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Mon, 17 Dec 2012 11:52:18 + Gerard McConnell wrote: > Hello, > A Microsoft security update prevents me from using Lilypond's > OpenType Century Schoolbook L. This baffles me, but as someone who hasn't used Windows much in the last few years, I have no idea how to help you with this bit.

musica ficta with an additional accidental

2012-12-15 Thread Josiah Boothby
I'd like to write a suggested/editorial accidental above a note that already has an accidental to the left of the notehead, and would ideally like the alteration to transpose when the voice is transposed. Example: A C-sharp with a suggested natural, transposed down a whole step should be a B-natu

Re: Help with musicxml2ly

2012-09-21 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 4:04 PM, TaoCG wrote: > pls-2 wrote >> Hi, >> >> can you replicate the error in a tiny example and post the .xml-file? >> >> Right now I can only guess. Is there a pickup measure? Are there multiple >> voices? >> >> patrick > > Unfortunately no. It's a very complex piece wh

Re: Compress Full Bar Rests

2012-09-15 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Sat, 15 Sep 2012 11:24:30 +0200 Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: > Hugh Resnick writes: > > >> Consider lumping your measures together, so: s1*3 instead of s1 s1 > >> s1 > >> > >> —Josiah > > > > Perfect. Thank you so much. > > I'd like to ask some more silly questions here > > * why is this [*3

Re: Compress Full Bar Rests

2012-09-14 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Sat, 15 Sep 2012 00:58:05 + (UTC) Hugh Resnick wrote: > > I'm not top posting. > > Jan N. himself requested that I send this question to the forum after > becoming frustrated with it last night and tweeting about it. I > cannot see what I am doing incorrectly that would prevent > \compres

Re: Frescobaldi- python-poppler-qt4

2012-08-19 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Ole Schmidt wrote: > Hi, > > I've just installed Frescobaldi from source on my mac, running Mac OS 10.6.8 > How can I install python-poppler-qt4 (for pdf-viewing)? > > When I follow the instructions I get the following error: > > ja?~/Public/python-poppler-qt4-0.16

Re: tunefl and other web services

2012-07-11 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Wed, 11 Jul 2012 12:03:45 -0700 David Rogers wrote: > Janek Warchoł writes: > > > > PS concerning the girl, she's pretty indeed, but some of the > > /priests/ using Lily might have a problem with that :) > > > I'm not a priest. However, I still don't like the picture. I don't > mean t

Re: Appreciation / Financial support

2012-06-11 Thread Josiah Boothby
it's already pretty easy separate the formal and musical elements -- and in ways that are suggested and supported in the official documentation. -- Josiah Boothby ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to stretch the bar width?

2012-05-13 Thread Josiah Boothby
Just tested my example. Didn't work. Not even a little bit. The suggestion given in the other thread is certainly the better way. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to stretch the bar width?

2012-05-13 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 3:54 AM, Federico Bruni wrote: > Hi, > > I'm sure this has been asked before, but I couldn't find anything in the > archives.  Guess I'm using the wrong keywords. > > I'm writing a legenda for tablature and I'm using \markup over each bar to > explain the notation. > As you

Re: Notation of french horn

2012-04-30 Thread Josiah Boothby
> Vaughn Williams's Sea Symphony (finished in 1909) gives the horns no key > signature. In his second symphony (finished in 1914), he gives no key signature to the horns or trumpets (both in F), but does give a key signature to the cornets. ___ lilypon

Re: Notation of french horn

2012-04-30 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 11:50, Tim Reeves wrote: > Holst First Suite for Military Band (in E flat) (1909) - written for four > horns in E flat - those were common in early twentieth century bands - horn > parts have no sharps or flats in key signature - nowadays the player would > get a part that

Re: Notation of french horn

2012-04-27 Thread Josiah Boothby
>>> That would be hilarious. I would pay you twenty-five cents to arrange >>> the horn parts to, say, Tristan und Isolde so that each new fingering >>> is notated as a crook change. I'd pay fifty cents if it was actually >>> legible. >> Wagner sometimes got close to this. Look at the first horn pa

Re: Notation of french horn

2012-04-27 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 01:07, Jonas Olson wrote: > On the valveless horn you change crooks to give the instrument a > transposition that matches the music. That way, the music is always > notated in C major (assuming major mode), just like how music sounding > in B♭ major, played on a B♭ clarinet

Re: Notation of french horn

2012-04-27 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 15:44, Timothy Reeves wrote: > I've played horn for a while (albeit for only a third of a century not a > full half century ;) and I would say that while you *may* write it with no > key signature and accidentals where needed, it is not expected by modern > players, who ar

Re: Notation of french horn

2012-04-27 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 21:31, Helge Kruse wrote: > Thanks to all for the answer. I wasn't aware of the transposed notation > praxis for this instrument. So I think it will be best to write the actual > notes as they should appear on the sheet. This can make discussions with the > performers easie

Re: Oldstyle Figures (OSF) from OpenType Font

2012-04-21 Thread Josiah Boothby
> can anybody tell me if I can use the 'Old Style Figure' subset of an > OpenType font in markups? I may be mistaken, but I don't believe there is currently a way to do this. Perhaps post to the Bugs list as a feature request? —Josiah ___ lilypond-user

Re: musicxml2ly from sibelius

2012-04-13 Thread Josiah Boothby
Thank you, Mattias, for showing me this workaround! > You could also try to import the musicxml file into MuseScore: MuseScore is > available for Linux, Windows and Mac. It does not only read musicxml, but > midi as well. Plus: it exports in lilypond-format! > > I've had success in reading a music

Re: musicxml2ly from sibelius

2012-04-11 Thread Josiah Boothby
> That is a python error, a bug in the musicxml2ly script. > children is a list and index is a number but the number is higher than the > list has items. > Can't tell more from just that exception. > > Nils Nils, would you like to see the file? I shouldn't put it out on the internet where all can

Re: musicxml2ly from sibelius

2012-04-10 Thread Josiah Boothby
>> I'm a bit surprised you have musicxml from Sibelius.  As far as I was >> aware, it doesn't export into _any_ useful interchange format, including >> musicxml. > > Googling suggests there is an expensive 3rd party program. Googling also suggests that Sibelius is confident of their MusicXML outpu

musicxml2ly from sibelius

2012-04-10 Thread Josiah Boothby
A composer recently gave me a messy part he'd prepared with Sibelius, and I asked him for a musicxml file on the off chance that it might work in Lilypond and I could clean it up. With Lilypond 2.15.36 (Slackware 13.37, x86), I get the error below along with no output file. I tried the prebuilt lil

Re: ubuntu lyx lilypond latex

2011-09-13 Thread Josiah Boothby
When I experimented with this, it seemed that LyX required a sufficiently recent minimum version of Lilypond. If the version of Ubuntu you're using has an outdated version of Lilypond, LyX won't use it. Make sure you have lilypond version 2.14.x or greater as well as Lyx 2.0.x. --Josiah 2011/9/1

Re: wiki or blog with lilypond

2010-11-06 Thread Josiah Boothby
> Wordpress: > I tried this recently. ScoreRender appears to be sporadically maintained and does not appear to be compatible with modern versions of either Lilypond or Wordpress. ___ lilypond-user mailing

Re: [Lilypond] half-stopped horn

2010-01-23 Thread Josiah Boothby
> Something like c2^"⊕" should do the trick; it works in my little test > sample (using 2.12.3) without needing any tweaking. In case it's necessary (or at least useful), the circled-plus character appears to be coded as 2295 in UTF-16. ___ lilypond-us

Re: [Lilypond] half-stopped horn

2010-01-23 Thread Josiah Boothby
On Fri, 22 Jan 2010 21:54:44 -0200 Ezequiel Birman wrote: > Hello. > > I found your post in lylypond user list of 25 Sep 2004 regarding horn > notation and the half stopped glyph. > > I am facing the same problem. I've tried inserting an eps file with > the $\oplus$ glyph, but I can't get it ri

Re: scheme function for transposition

2009-06-01 Thread Josiah Boothby
> The only solution i know is to use the scheme equivalent of \transpose : >    ly:music-transpose > But it is a bit harder... > > > > firstNotes = \relative c' { c4 d e f } > > first = #(define-music-function (parser location trans)(ly:music?) > (let* ( >   (trans-note (ca

Re: scheme function for transposition

2009-06-01 Thread Josiah Boothby
> I think you have to declare two variables: > #(define-music-function (parser location trans notes) (ly:music? ly:music?) > #{ >  \transpose c $trans { $notes } > #}) The problem appears to be that \transpose is expecting a notename, not a variable, so this has the same problem, and doubled. Tha

scheme function for transposition

2009-05-31 Thread Josiah Boothby
I'm confused trying to use scheme to create a function. I've tried several things, but the current function (dysfunction?) and application looks something like this: % code snippet \version "2.12.2" firstNotes = \relative c' { c4 d e f } first = #(define-music-function (parser location trans)

Re: sectional titles above tempo markings?

2009-05-22 Thread Josiah Boothby
>  \tempo 4 = 69 \tempo \markup \dir-column >  { >    \concat { "Tenderly, with some rubato (" \fontsize #-2 \general-align #Y > #DOWN \note #"4" #1 " = ca. 66-72)" } >    "VARIATION I" >    \vspace #0 >    \combine \fontsize #2 "PART ONE" \lower #0.7 \override #'(thickness . 1.5) > \draw-line #'

Re: sectional titles above tempo markings?

2009-05-21 Thread Josiah Boothby
I get an error with \vspace: error: unknown escaped string: `\vspace' Are we both using 2.12? Thanks, Josiah On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote: > > Hi Josiah, > >> Using 2.12.2, I'm wondering if I can include some sort of sectional >> titling information above a tempo ma

sectional titles above tempo markings?

2009-05-19 Thread Josiah Boothby
Hello, Using 2.12.2, I'm wondering if I can include some sort of sectional titling information above a tempo marking, ideally also with a markup below the tempo indication, something like: Henry in the Store Superfast (4=198) (muted) [staff with music] Thank you, Josiah __

Re: producing "archival" scores

2007-04-06 Thread Josiah Boothby
On 4/5/07, Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello everybody, hello Jason, I would like to add my 2 cents here: though LilyPond syntax evolves indeed very quickly, you'll always be able to find the version of LilyPond which was in use when you first typed your score, on http://lilypo

Re: blank paper - removing the clef 2.8.4 Solved?

2006-06-05 Thread Josiah Boothby
Additionally, there is an entry for blank staff paper in the LSR. On 6/4/06, Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Paul Scott wrote: > Why doesn't this remove the clef sign? 2.8.4, 2.8.3 > > #(set-global-staff-size 24) > > \layout{ indent = 0\in } > emptymusic = { > \repeat unfold 9 % Change t

emacs lilypond-mode, GUB?

2006-05-02 Thread Josiah Boothby
when installing with the GUB, how do I use the emacs mode? Based on the instructions from the compilation guide, I tried creating a folder in my .emacs folder called site-lisp (so ~/.emacs/site-lisp) and copied all of the files from /usr/local/lilypond/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/ into it, and crea

Re: Kile and Lilypond-Book Howto

2006-05-01 Thread Josiah Boothby
If anyone can figure out how to set up context highlighting, that would probably be the only thing missing to this. It's not necessary, but I know that some people like to have it. Josiah ___ lilypond-user mailing list http://lists

Kile and Lilypond-Book Howto

2006-05-01 Thread Josiah Boothby
On 5/1/06, Lothar Schmid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > ... For lilypond-book projects, I > have set Kile up to make things easy. ... How did you set up Kile? I tried to configure it to produce output with lilypond, but gave up after two hours in frustration. A small Howto would be really great!

Re: Which frontend?

2006-05-01 Thread Josiah Boothby
$ emacs -nw (C-a C-s C-z to save and hide the editor) excuse me, that's C-x C-s to save and C-z to hide. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Which frontend?

2006-05-01 Thread Josiah Boothby
I use an unoriginal combination of xterm, emacs, and xpdf. When I'm working on a longer project, I can set up xpdf so that it's always visible and is updated after I've run lilypond: $ emacs -nw (C-a C-s C-z to save and hide the editor) $ lilypond $ xpdf -z 100 -remote m

Re: Score identifier not working in book block

2006-04-23 Thread Josiah Boothby
just a hunch, try putting a space between \relative c' and the bracket, so: \relative c' { what you have is \relative c'{ --josiah On 4/23/06, Michael Brennan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Graham Percival wrote: > > > > The music needs to be in an explicit {}. > > \book { > > { > > \mysco

Re: UTF-8 encoding problems

2006-04-23 Thread Josiah Boothby
IOn 4/22/06, Graydon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Sat, Apr 22, 2006 at 04:15:35PM -0700, jimmy2 scripsit: > > Here is an example, e with accent aigue: é. It appears as it is > > supposed to in my usual editors (pico, nedit). On the other hand, in > > a working example with German accents which

Re: What to use to edit output after the fact?

2006-04-21 Thread Josiah Boothby
On 4/21/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Previously: > >For those who are having trouble getting Lilypond files to work with > >Illustrator or other graphics programs, I would be curious to know if the > >following works as I just tried it on my system and the file opens fine. > >

Re: multi \transpose in old crook- trumpet parts - a solution

2006-04-20 Thread Josiah Boothby
> Thanks. I just looked at > > 8.2.8 Different editions from one source > > When I have time I'll figure \tag out. Right now looking the doc above > it isn't obvious how I would apply this to make transposition any easier > than it already is for me. I know that if I can understand object

Re: Slurs in 2.8

2006-04-20 Thread Josiah Boothby
On 4/20/06, Artur Rataj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Has anyone on this list any idea why the slurs are as I described? Try sending this to the bugs list. You might also try providing a visual example of what it looks like (you can create a .png, for instance). Also, please include version and ope

Re: Uninstall

2006-04-13 Thread josiah boothby
ing OS 10.4.6. > I don't know what type of installer is used. > . . . > I can't open the programm. Just empty documents. > > K. Vellinga > Op 13-apr-2006, om 19:22 heeft josiah boothby het volgende geschreven: > > > would also be useful to know what the

Re: Uninstall

2006-04-13 Thread josiah boothby would also be useful to know what the problem seems to be. Josiah On 4/13/06, josiah boothby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > It would be much easier to help you if we knew what operating system > (Windows, OSX, or what Linux or BSD) you've tried to install Lilypond > in. I

Re: Uninstall

2006-04-13 Thread josiah boothby
It would be much easier to help you if we knew what operating system (Windows, OSX, or what Linux or BSD) you've tried to install Lilypond in. It would also help if we knew what installer you used. Josiah On 4/13/06, K. Vellinga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear Mr/Mrs, > > Something went wrong w

Re: Installing 2.8 after many other releases

2006-04-12 Thread josiah boothby
so, for instance /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin if the new is in /usr/local/bin and the old is in /usr/bin? but with the old binaries deleted, is the old installation still salvageable? On 4/12/06, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Quoting josiah boothby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: &g

Re: Installing 2.8 after many other releases

2006-04-12 Thread josiah boothby
Honestly, I think this is the problem: > I am afraid to lose the lilypond-snapshot 2.4.1 and remain with no > working lilypond, which has become essential to me. My advice would be to uninstall this with apt-get, and try the GUB installer. Deleting the binaries doesn't uninstall the program. Jos

Re: Old-style F clef?

2006-04-12 Thread josiah boothby
I also seem to recall that having custom graphics made is possible and is not a terribly expensive sponsorship. You would have to inquire as to the price and likelihood of implementation, though, if this is something that interests you. Josiah On 4/11/06, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Re: missing something like afterAcciaccatura

2006-04-09 Thread josiah boothby
I seem to recall a question like mine coming up recently, but I can't figure out how to apply the answers here: is there a way do this with scheme so that this much typing could be avoided? Josiah On 4/9/06, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > You have to set the corresponding property ma

Re: stereo pan

2006-04-07 Thread josiah boothby
if you used tags or \book to create two separate midi files, could you either tell timidity to play one with the left channel and the other with the right? or would you have to take a further step and combine them into a third, stereo midi file? On 4/7/06, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Re: SciTE and Lilypond

2006-03-23 Thread D Josiah Boothby
It shouldn't be hard to look over the SciTE properties file for TeX/LaTeX filetypes and edit that to be lilypond compatible. I've started a couple times, but since I keep going back to Emacs, I've never really seen it to be worth my while. :) Josiah On Wed, 22 Mar 2006, RDNewman wrote: At

Re: stuck with alto\bass notes

2006-03-13 Thread D Josiah Boothby
Two things you might want to read in the manual, and I will assume you're using version 2.6: First, as an attempt to answer your question, you might find sections 2.10 (Combining notes into chords) and 2.16 (Single staff polyphony) useful. Also, section 6.6 is devoted to a more thorough discus

Re: help! need an example

2006-03-13 Thread D Josiah Boothby
actually, if you boiled it down to a measure or two, and called it something like "chorale with lyrics", it would probably be quite useful. On Mon, 13 Mar 2006, jango wrote: i will definitly do that, though i don't think that music will be very useful :) -- View this message in context: http

Re: help! need an example

2006-03-13 Thread D Josiah Boothby
There are two parts to my response: I will try to give you an outline that Should Work, then I will suggest that when you finally *do* finish it, you submit what you have to the Lilypond Snippet Repository (LSR) which can be found here: % example code begins \version "

Re: want blank music for concert/theatre organ printed landscape

2006-02-24 Thread D Josiah Boothby
If you go to the Lilypond Snippet Repository (LSR), do a search for blank manuscript paper (staff paper, something like that). There is an expample there of how to do most of the tings you are asking about, and I think you've figured out everything else (namely, how to make a landscape page).

Re: lilypond and inkscape (again)

2006-02-21 Thread D Josiah Boothby
Is it possible that if fontforge was compiled without support for svg that this sort of problem might exist? If that is the case, then it might be a packaging issue. Josiah On Sun, 19 Feb 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: Pedro Kröger wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pedro Kröger) writes: Hi, Some

Re: Defining shortcuts for scheme code

2006-02-17 Thread D Josiah Boothby
This would be particularly useful if you had a file containing a number of your shortcuts, so all you would have to do is something like this: \include "" then call whatever shortcut(s) you need, when you need them. Josiah On Thu, 16 Feb 2006, Thies Albrecht wrote: Hi everyb

Re: faster lilypond rendering

2006-02-15 Thread D Josiah Boothby
I produce a 70 pages conductor's score in less than half an hour (and this is a *very* conservative estimate) on a two years old PC. True, it has 2GB of memory, but other than that, it is to be considered a fairly old beast by today's standards. ... And it takes forever on my 700Mhz PII! So,

Re: MIDI Input/Invoke

2006-02-04 Thread D Josiah Boothby
I think Recordare has plugins or something of that nature that allow Sibelius to output MusicXML. Sorry, I meant to dig up the link and include that before sending. Here it is: I've never used this, so I can't verify its quality. If you go this way, I

Re: MIDI Input/Invoke

2006-02-04 Thread D Josiah Boothby
Not being a windows user, I can't really help you with the matter of invocation. However, on the matter of midi2ly and translating midi files to lilypond, there has been considerable discussion on this list. Regarding midi2ly: I need to know everything there is to turn a MIDI file into a Lilyp

Re: etf2ly

2006-01-24 Thread D Josiah Boothby
Or should I just re-notate the whole thing? I know that this is just a way for me to admit to being a bit of a masochist, but I generally find it easier (and just as time consuming) to start over. I've tried using the lily code that Rosegarden, NoteEdit, and Denemo produce, but I spend so muc

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 38, Issue 17

2006-01-16 Thread D Josiah Boothby
There were a few mentioned above. Someone recently pointed out that Emacs is available for Windows, and (if you prefer) so is Vim (both are easy to find with google). In my former windows days, I used NoteTab: My brother, who actually makes money writing code, likes met

Re: newbie:poor quality output

2006-01-12 Thread D Josiah Boothby
Are you referring to printed output or screen display of the pdf? Different PDF viewers and ghostscript libraries seem to produce different results on screen, sometimes in some fairly problematic ways. I have seen no problems when I've printed to paper, however. Josiah On Thu, 12 Jan 2006, d

Re: User Experience Engineering

2006-01-07 Thread D Josiah Boothby
On Sun, 8 Jan 2006, Joshua Koo wrote: I have no say in Lilypond development, but I do have similar thoughts I would like to share (well as maybe a more bias windows user). It seems to me that part of the issue that's at play in this thread is a matter of porting software from a Unix-based envi

Re: Ubuntu Problem

2006-01-06 Thread D Josiah Boothby
There are two things that this reminds me of. Did you include the entire line, including the "deb" at the beginning? Did you run apt-get update (or the synaptic equivalent)? Josiah On Sat, 7 Jan 2006, S L Raymond wrote: after adding that line, I get the following error when running synaptic:

half-stop sign

2005-12-29 Thread D Josiah Boothby
how much to sponser the addition of a half-stop sign (similar to the mathematical circled plus) to the feta font? or is it just easier to try to use a text markup to put it in? josiah ___ lilypond-user mailing list http://lists

Re: A few questions

2005-12-27 Thread D Josiah Boothby
On Wed, 28 Dec 2005, Jannik Jeppesen wrote: Is it possible to Make all the bars exact the same size? It does not look good that the bars does not stand exactly above each other Any Ideas (or just a link to the manual:-)) If you search through the mailing list archives, you will find extensive

Re: A few questions

2005-12-27 Thread D Josiah Boothby
On Tue, 27 Dec 2005, Jannik Jeppesen wrote: Hi... is there really no one who ca?n help me with this. Please...? I have a few questions. As a general piece of advice that unfortunately not very helpful with any of the questions that you asked, splitting up your questions is a very good id

Re: switching to lilypond from finale

2005-12-17 Thread D Josiah Boothby
You might try downloading it from its sourceforge page. I seem to recall doing that once when the jEdit servers were down and I couldn't download the plugins through jEdit. Josiah On Fri, 16 Dec 2005, David Rogers wrote: On 16-Dec-2005, at 3:38 PM, Bertalan Fodor wrote: You need java 5.0

Re: coda placement problem

2005-12-11 Thread D Josiah Boothby
have you tried overriding with #'padding instead of #'extra-offset? josiah On Sun, 11 Dec 2005, Kenneth Teh wrote: I'm having trouble placing the coda symbol. The closest I've come to what I want is reproduced below. g2 c,2 | \mark \markup { \small \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" } % ma

Re: triplets

2005-12-08 Thread D Josiah Boothby
I believe that What you're looking for is \compressMusic. Apparently, it works just like \times, but doesn't show the tuplet brackets. I haven't used it, so I don't know. It also might be new to 2.7, since I can't seem to find any mention of it in the manual (2.6 or 2.7). I did find some menti

Re: switch to lilypond from finale

2005-12-07 Thread D Josiah Boothby
On Thu, 8 Dec 2005, Josu wrote: Hi list, i use to work as engraver for publishers companys. I work with finale2004 under MacOSX, im really impressed by this new software, but ive got a few questions: - How much quick can be this program? I use to work with really big scores for large orchestra.

Re: Presentation and first doubt

2005-12-07 Thread D Josiah Boothby
On Wed, 7 Dec 2005, Pedro Mart?nez wrote: Hello comunity, At first place I would like to present myself because this is the first time I write here and I'm so glad to be part of this comunity. My name is Pedro, I have study Musicology and I didn't know the existence of lilypond until a few days

Re: Roadmap to lily code

2005-12-05 Thread D Josiah Boothby
Regarding scheme, I can't really help you and would welcome additional explanations. However, in general, the easiest way to learn Lilypond (or at least what worked for me) is to go to the mutopia website and download lilypond sources. Copy and paste until you get comfortable starting from scra

Re: Install of 2.6.4 on FreeBSD

2005-11-23 Thread D Josiah Boothby
I wish I could help you. Have you tried asking this on the bug list? Gordon Gilbert wrote: Hi! My install of 2.6.4 has stopped with the following output: gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/ports/distfiles/lilypond-2.6.4/python' /bin/sh /usr/ports/distfiles/lilypond-2.6.4/stepmake/stepmake/..

Re: Newbie needs help with LaTeX/lilypond integration

2005-11-22 Thread D Josiah Boothby
On Tue, 22 Nov 2005, Bernard Hurley wrote: Does LyX work with windows? Maybe with cygwin? There is a port of LyX for windows. Not being a windows user, I can't say how well it works, but I've been pleased with its performance on Linux. Info on the windows port can be found onthe following si

Re: lily in agnula ? lily in live distro ?

2005-11-14 Thread D Josiah Boothby
Does anyone know if there is any momentum to include lilypond on the upcoming version of dynebolic? Josiah Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote: There is something called Studio to Go British Expensive Lilypond is integrated with Rosegarden I found it to be a to

Re: PDFLaTeX support (WAS: windows user of lilybook (wanted for help))

2005-11-13 Thread D Josiah Boothby
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: If there is interest, PDFLaTeX support for lilypond-book is also a sponsorable feature. How much? ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: place prall

2005-11-06 Thread D Josiah Boothby
You might try treating them the same way you would any articulation, with _, -, or ^ depending on where you want it placed. I don't know offhand if this would work, though. Josiah On Sun, 6 Nov 2005, Aaron Mehl wrote: Hi, I think this is question of where to find this in the docs. I want t

Re: Magazine Article

2005-11-05 Thread D Josiah Boothby
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: joe ferguson wrote: There is an article about a highly specialized use of Lilypond in the December, 2005, issue of Linux Journal. Make Stunning Schenker Graphs with GNU Lilypond this seems to be a subscription-only article

Re: Problem with title fonts

2005-11-01 Thread D Josiah Boothby
yes, that's a common problem. try downloading the newest ec-fonts-mftraced package from the lilypond page: josiah On Tue, 1 Nov 2005, Daniel Hernandez wrote: Hello group, I'm a novice Lilypond user. I'm working with lilypond 2.4.5 in debian. I intalled lil

Re: The frust is growing up ... Was: Re: giving up frustrated ... :-(

2005-10-27 Thread D Josiah Boothby
Unfortunately, this is a bit of a problem with the Debian world. Outdated and (relatively) proven is given more importance than up-to-date -- even if the up-to-date software is better, more stable, and much more desirable. Because of dependency chains, installing the official 2.6.3 .deb from

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