On Tue, 27 Dec 2005, Jannik Jeppesen wrote:
Hi... is there really no one who ca?n help me with this..... Please...?
I have a few questions.
As a general piece of advice that unfortunately not very helpful with any
of the questions that you asked, splitting up your questions is a very
good idea. Along with this, instead of an email subject reading "A few
questions" or "I have a question" or "Lilypond is confusing", a subject
that directly pertains to the question at hand would help the community in
a number of ways. Most helful to yourself in the sense that those of us
who might know enough about midi (for instance) could help you with a
midi-related question; but also helpful to other users who might have the
same question, but who have not (yet) asked the community.
Good luck. I think you'll find that if you stick with Lilypond, the
quality of output alone is very rewarding, but the way it all works --
text based entry, so having a generally logical organization system --
saves time and makes one wonder why one ever used Finale or Sibelius
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