Well, now at least I know of a way to move it around, but I have no idea what the pair of numbers for x-extent mean (and #'(-5 . 5) puts the clef in an even stranger place). Looking through the documentation only tells me that X-extent takes two numbers, but doesn't actually inform me of what those numbers *do*. *headdesk*
I'll tinker until I figure it out, but thanks for the pointer. On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 10:53 PM Pierre Perol-Schneider <pierre.schneider.pa...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Hi Josiah, > > Maybe try: > > \version "2.20.0" > > { > \clef F \time 3/4 > R2.*3 > \clef G > g4 r r g r r > \once\override Staff.Clef.X-extent = #'(-5 . 5) > \clef F > } > > and properly set the extent. > HTH. > Cheers, > Pierre > > Le lun. 1 juin 2020 à 07:32, Josiah Boothby <josi...@gmail.com> a écrit : >> >> I'm struggling to increase the padding for a cautionary clef in a >> slightly crowded line, since it's colliding with rests when there are >> notes on other lines. Attached is an image of the score I'm working >> with as I'm struggling to come up with a concise test snippet that >> doesn't have other problems. Should I instead adjust the measure >> width? I'm using 2.20.0. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Josiah