So in my mockup I forgot to include the reason I hadn't wanted to use \mark
: I'd already been using \mark to delineate sections:

Time = {
  \mark\markup{ Minuet }
  \repeat volta 2 { s1*4 }
  \repeat volta 2 { s1*4_\markup\right-align{ fine } }
  \mark\markup{ Trio }
  \repeat volta 2 { s1*4 }
  \repeat volta 2 { s1*4_\markup\right-align{ D.C. al fine } }

Either the sectional headings or the roadmap text should be applied with
\mark, but not both. I'm of half a mind to do a feature request for
beginning and ending texts to be applicable to repeats (something perhaps
like \repeat \volta 2 { \with \startTextAbove "2x only" \endTextBelow "D.C.
al fine" } { \notes } but the current correct solution is probably just
evading me :P )

On Mon, Jan 4, 2021 at 11:40 PM Paul Scott <> wrote:

> On 1/4/21 11:58 PM, Jacques Menu wrote:
> Thanks Paul.
> There were missing brackets:
> At least mismatched.  It should have been:
> R1*4 \endMarkDown \mark \markup{D.S. al Fine)
> Without parentheses.
> Happy New Year,
> Paul
>   R1*4 \endMarkDown \mark \markup {(D.S. al Fine)}
> JM
> Le 5 janv. 2021 à 07:18, Paul Scott <> a écrit :
> On 1/4/21 10:29 PM, Josiah Boothby wrote:
> I think I used to know how to do this but I can't find any evidence of it,
> but I'd like to do something that looks roughly like the following, where
> the text ("fine" or "D.C. al fine") are printed below the line:
> |: /— 4 —/ :|: /— 4 —/ fine :|
> |: /— 4 —/ :|: /— 4 —/ D.C. al fine :|
> ...while separating notes and time into separate variables. It seems like
> I should be able to do this by simply setting text to right-align:
> Time = {
>   \repeat volta 2 { s1*4 }
>   \repeat volta 2 { s1*4_\markup\right-align{ fine } }
>   \repeat volta 2 { s1*4 }
>   \repeat volta 2 { s1*4_\markup\right-align{ D.C. al fine } }
> }
> Notes = {
>   R1*4
>   R1*4
>   R1*4
>   R1*4
> }
> ...but that's clearly not how it works, since the text ends up being
> printed in the middle of the rest. Please remind me how to do this?
> s1*3 s1_"fine"
> ends up breaking the multimeasure rest, so is suboptimal.
> This is one of the pieces of code I have defined in  my common file that I
> load with all of my code:
> endMarkDown = {
>   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #right
>   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark
>   #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible
>   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'direction = #DOWN
>   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'font-size = #0
> }
> (The above could probably better but It works for me.
> Then:
> R1*4 \endMarkDown \mark \markup(D.S. al Fine)
> I also have endMark which puts the text above.
> HTH,
> Paul

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