"German" to "French"
written) ?
Wim van Dommelen
1. Re: Teaser: Animated Lilypond Scores (Tom Sgouros)
It sounds like you're asking for feedback, so I'll say that it looks great
and I would be very interested to hear more.
> https://youtu.be/oFFm7FcFa
Try \tag to mark which lines you want/need to display and then \keepWithTag to
create a fine-tuned file in which you can include or exclude based on a line of
text granularity with the possibility of multipe versions generated per include.
Wim van Dommelen.
Thanks for the hint, but one of the big nuisance-things about Mac OS X Catalina
is that these kind of utilities (a2ping) are just gone, are broken or are
converted to gui (manual) applications without a command-line substitute.
And one has to stumble on the problem, at least I didn't fin
/down) on the page would be nice.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Wim van Dommelen.
> \once\hideNotes
> \grace e'8-\tweak extra-offset #'(-1.3 . .8)( g') fis'!
> }
> HTH.
> Cheers,
> Pierre
> Le dim. 31 mai 2020 à 16:24, Wim van Dommelen <mailto:m...@wimvd.nl>> a écrit :
> Showing LilyPond to a fri
eel a little uncomfortable. Is this wrapping
everything, where will we end?
> On 29 May 2020, at 23:32 , Carl Sorensen wrote:
> Wim,
> I'm not sure what you mean by these things.
> The links worked perfectly for me, and there was neither registrati
> On 5/29/2020 1:39 PM, Wim van Dommelen wrote:
>> most of the links are broken, trying to do a straightforward download is
>> almost impossible
> Sorry, I should have checked further. Do the links on this other page work
> for you?
> <https://d
to be sold out and split
for other people's profit?
> On 29 May 2020, at 19:43 , Karlin High wrote:
> On 5/29/2020 11:29 AM, Wim van Dommelen wrote:
>> Is there somebody already working on a proper 64-bit compile of LilyPond for
>> the new Mac OS X
Is there somebody already working on a proper 64-bit compile of LilyPond for
the new Mac OS X 10.15.4 "Catalina" version?
As an end-user now (but with more than 25 years of software experience, a lot
of mainframe and Unix hours spend in systems programming, now retired), I liked
the Apple "old
:00 David Nalesnik <[hidden email]
> <http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=178375&i=0>>:
> > Hi Wim,
> >
> > On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 5:18 AM, Wim van Dommelen <[hidden email]
> > <http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=178375&
I'm trying to combine the staccatissimo sign(s) (as generated with the -!
articuulation) with a tremolo repeat (with the g2:8 notation).
Attached a .PNG file illustrating what I want tp produce.
Is this possible?
Is there a possibility to change the size of the notepads independent from
everything else?
I tried for example noytehead-style “altdefault” which looks slightly bigger on
my screen, but the composer wants noteheads which really touch the lines.
For example when I set the system staff-size
>> On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Shane Brandes > <mailto:sh...@grayskies.net>> wrote:
>> Wim,
>> you are missing the open [ for the groupings in the bottomstaff.
>> regards,
>> Shane
>> On Sun, Dec 28,
I stumbled on a small beaming problem. Attached two small .PNG’s for what
should be there (never mind the 7/4, that is a writo), my experimental output
and below my compiling code as for what I tried. The problem is in the second
voice showing hickups in the second part of both measures whe
Thanks, this works OK for me.
(Also thanks to Big Noise for his alternative solution!)
> On 19 Dec 2014, at 17:11 , David Nalesnik wrote:
> Hi Wim,
> On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 10:00 AM, Wim van Dommelen <mailto:m...@wimvd.nl>> wrote:
> Hi,
I’m trying to position an arrow on the system, please see the added .PNG for
what the composer originally wrote down on paper.
I tried the following code in Lilypond. All irrelevant noise removed, this
compiles correctly:
\version "2.18.0"
% an arrow used to signal low play:
One other example is a piece for clarinet. For example in a symphonic
orchestra piece and aimed at a clarinet in A to which the player
normally should switch. But if no clarinet in A is available, an
"ossia" for a clarinet in Bes could be provided. Of course the ossia
then needs a different
On 24 Sep 2013, at 12:07 , Jens Meyer wrote:
I am back with Lilypond again after several months. "Daily tasks" are
fine for me in the meantime, but now a special problem occured.
Welcom back!
I want to use "\partial" in a 6/4 instead of "\skip2 \skip4" giving me
only a half of the
On 23 Sep 2013, at 14:46 , David Kastrup wrote:
Wim van Dommelen writes:
I'm trying to engrave a simple volta repeat with specific text on the
alternatives. In itself this works fine, I just copied the commands
from the notation manual. But in doing so I see strange font-change
I'm trying to engrave a simple volta repeat with specific text on the
alternatives. In itself this works fine, I just copied the commands
from the notation manual. But in doing so I see strange font-change
for some (but not all !) of the characters in the text. See the PNG
file for my
On 17 Sep 2013, at 12:39 , David Kastrup wrote:
It's not going to make it easier to pinpoint the problem if we only
to see it on PPC. As I stated above "this points to a bad compilation
and/or a platform-specific problem. Or something related to garbage
Agreed, but
On 16 Sep 2013, at 21:12 , David Kastrup wrote:
Not before we get more data. I don't see 0/0 in current master but
rather 1/2 as before. So we need to get more data (which platform
exactly, which binary etc). Since I can't reproduce this on current
master and there has not really been any rel
I downloaded the newest version (2.17.26) today and saw a strange
message converning barcheck. It lost the
This sample code:
\version "2.17.26"
\relative f {
c'4 d | e f g a b c
produces this error:
GNU LilyPond 2.17.26
Processing `t
On 16 Sep 2013, at 11:28 , Richard Sabey wrote:
. , that using absolute mode is better, and one reason is
that it makes it easier to make the Lilypond notation for later bits
of a musical work, using the Lilypond notation you have already
written for earlier bits. You can copy a
On 20 Aug 2013, at 10:15 , Mark Polesky wrote:
I know it's an odd request, but what if I actually want
the ~ character to print in lyrics? None of these work:
#(string #\~)
\version "2.17.22"
mytilde = \markup { "~" }
\relative c'' { d8 c16 a bes8 f e' d c4 }
On 15 Aug 2013, at 01:27 , Dominic wrote:
- has dynamics separately defined and attached to spacers, so that
they can
be duplicated in several staves
If I substitute the wish to have these "defined" for the wish to
"control" theme seperate, I would do this:
%the "definition":
music = {
On 30 Jul 2013, at 08:46 , Marc Hohl wrote:
transposeTo = transposeTo OR c
In the past I've used a very simple construct:
notes = { ... }
music = {
\tag Bassoon \notes
\tag BCl \transpose bes, c' { \notes }
instrument = Bassoon % could be Bassoon or BCl (bassclarinet) in
On 27 Jul 2013, at 05:05 , Nick Payne wrote:
On 27/07/13 07:52, Wim van Dommelen wrote:
I've a piece starting with a \slashedGrace. See attached .png and .ly
for an example of what happens. I remember but cannot find back the
positioning at the beginning of a measure has been a pr
I've a piece starting with a \slashedGrace. See attached .png and .ly
for an example of what happens. I remember but cannot find back the
positioning at the beginning of a measure has been a problem before.
Any suggestions for a solution?
Description: Binary d
On 25 Jul 2013, at 23:44 , David Kastrup wrote:
#(list instrumentOne 'score)
#`(,instrumentOne score)
did try these, couldn't get it work (due to a missing quote, my
mistake) but
or in LilyPond, namely
\keepWithTag \instrumentOne.score
I didn't know this syntax construct, this one works
I'm trying to automate and simplify some things. And I tried to
automate also my \tag construct in a file tiogether with some variable-
expansion for the label used. Take for example this compiling example:
\version "2.17.22"
VoiceI = \relative f {
\tag #'Bassoon \clef bass
You placed the \book on top, but it should only encompass the \score
sections and what belonds there, so AFTER the variable definition
\left and \right.
On 25 Jul 2013, at 19:00 , Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:
Mr. Bruni,
Thank you for your response and recommendation. It enc
On 22 Jul 2013, at 16:56 , David Kastrup wrote:
Wim van Dommelen writes:
\score {
\new Staff {
\keepWithTag #'part \music
\keepWithTag #'score \music
There is also a function in the archive to use multiple tags in one
call: \ke
On 21 Jul 2013, at 21:16 , Pierre Perol-Schneider wrote:
2013/7/21 Christopher R. Maden
I will disagree with Carl here — I like to have end bars (and other
flow-features) in all my parts precisely because errors like this show
up with a giant flashing neon sign. It is a nice diagnostic side-
reply on convert-ly :-)
Thanks for pointing me back to the right direction.
On 11 Jul 2013, at 10:54 , Pierre Perol-Schneider wrote:
2013/7/10 Wim van Dommelen
Is there any work done on this? Some code I can use or test?
Hi Wim,
Having the need to engrave a "bendBefore" I looked in the archives and
found this item mentioned several times over the last few years but
not in recent versions of Lilypond.
Is there any work done on this? Some code I can use or test?
On 25 Jun 2013, at 18:39 , Tim Slattery wrote:
A little late but count +1 for me Jan.
Elm, which this guy loves, is an ancient, text-based email client.
Not relevant, the principle holds with all mailers. I use a graphical
email program
this exists? At http://lilypond.org/download/binaries/documentation/lilypond-2.17.20-1.documentation.tar.bz2
for example, as shown on the development page?
Phil Holmes
- Original Message -
From: Wim van Dommelen
To: Nick Payne
Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 5
On 11 Jun 2013, at 05:00 , Nick Payne wrote:
On 11/06/13 12:32, Nick Payne wrote:
54Mb in size: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q9u89cbsbrgkjkc/Lilydoc-2.17.20.pdf
p.s. I forgot to add - Adobe Reader is the only product I am aware
of that can successfully open PDF portfolios. All the third part
Hi Jacques,
I use tags as follows:
%(definitions from my standard include-file)
% Some easy clarinet fingering abbreviations:
fingercolor = #blue
fLfinger = ^\markup{ \bold \with-color \fingercolor "L" }
fL = -\tag #'BCLfingering \fLfinger
fRfinger = ^\markup{ \bold \with-color \fingercolor "R"
On 24 May 2013, at 03:21 , Sarah k Alawami wrote:
Actually I was thinking the variables for the piano since one of the
sections repeats a lot in the right hand. Will all of that still
compile if I have the files's variables like that or do I need to
then create a veritable for the foe its
hobo is just the Dutch name for oboe. typo
On 24 May 2013, at 00:51 , David Kastrup wrote:
Wim van Dommelen writes:
Yes, that is possible if I understand correctly what you want to do.
For example you can make a set of files:
- clarinet-1.ly, contains the
Hi Sarah,
On 23 May 2013, at 19:46 , Sarah k Alawami wrote:
I was thinking of putting my variables in each file
each variable only *once* in a file, I presume
that way I can do a bit less less typing, at least in that file.
will this still work in the end when I compile all files in to o
On 22 May 2013, at 10:06 , David Kastrup wrote:
It's just a matter of efficiency. To find the problem, you need to
down the code to the essential part anyway. Not doing this in advance
is only efficient if the expected number of helpers is below 1 or if
their time is to be valued less
On 17 May 2013, at 03:26 , wjm wrote:
After a lot of fiddling around I came up with this schema:-
I use a similar approach.
This approach is well-facilitated in Frescobaldi, using the point-
and-click correlation between the output pane and the relevant input
On 17 May 2013, at 11:47 , Nick Payne wrote:
On 17/05/13 17:45, Paul Malcolm wrote:
excuse me, just a trivial question, but I cannot seem to find the
I want to add the date variable to one element of text in my title.
I have this in the preamble
date = #(strftime "%d-%m-%Y" (loca
You mixed up the \score block with the music variables.This one now works. Regards,Wim.
Description: Binary data
On 15 May 2013, at 01:40 , Sarah k Alawami wrote:Interesting. It worked when I did this before but now I'm unsure of how I did it lol! here is the change I tried to make. It'
On 14 May 2013, at 19:34 , Sarah k Alawami wrote:
lol. I did that and it seems to work, but it is failing majored in
the viola part. I tried to make a midi of just th part by putitn it
in to a test file but it is not working correctly. I can never
tell when my octaves will in your words
If you want a MIDI file put
\midi {}
right after the line where \layout is stated, but before the last
closing bracket.
On 14 May 2013, at 19:03 , Sarah k Alawami wrote:
Ah. except my midi file is not being created for some reason. I'll
just put that part through a website
Line 274 for Violin I should be (I think):
4 d'8 b a g 4 d'8 b a g|
I assume the first note in the tritone runs in the melody also.
Note that what you did in Violin II is perfect, you did put in the
octave checks, LilyPond will then issue a warning AND change the note
to the octave you want
Hi Sarah,
The transpose looks much better now! Good. But in the trumpet you
still made a mistake in the order. When you use both \relative and a
\transpose, do it like this:
trumpetMusic =
\transpose c' d { \relative c' { \key g \major
\repeat volta 2 {
\partial r8 |
then all music is ente
On 13 May 2013, at 17:06 , Sarah k Alawami wrote:
Ok. so do I have to put the right keys in at least not everything in
g major after the transpose line? I did read the manual but me being
a singer and I can only transpost by ear it kind of makes thing
sharder. I used to be able to do this
p. lol! so sorry if this makes no
sense. Heha
Oh btw thanks for the texshop program. It rocks.
On May 13, 2013, at 7:26 AM, Wim van Dommelen wrote:
lilypond-user mailing list
for comparison.
On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Wim van Dommelen
I didn't attached a diagram, just the .ly file to generate it. Now
the result is attached in .png, so you should see that. It shows you
two layout, first one is with all keys, the second one with the "F&qu
Jurgensen wrote:I don't see an attached diagram? Many oboes do have a LH F, which is a little knobbly one sort of on top of the others. If I could see it, I'll take a look.Since your email is continental, I assume you're looking for Conservatoire key system. I can help with that. On M
I am looking at some of the woodwind diagrams, redesigning the
clarinet part and if possible trying to judge on correctness of the
In the Oboe diagram I see a left-hand key labeled F, but it is placed
a little bit strange on top of the others. Comparing with pictures on
Hi Sarah,
You sure have come a long way, but I think it is already a nice result.
What I see:
- line 17: the opening bracket is still before the \relative instead
of after. That causes a problem that the musical expression seen by
the \relative is only the next statement, that is the \key g
You horn music goes wrong because the opening bracket is in line 169
instead of directly after the \relative and \transpose. And before
that another one is missing. I think in the bassoon, same problem with
\relative there.
Sorry, I don't have enough time now to look at it in detail
Hi Sarah,
Remember that error-messages do have a function. The program
communicates to you that it cannot follow.
Your problems start in line 14 by forgetting the opening bracket { of
the \relative. But I can only guess where the closing bracket should
be. The bracket don't add-up to
I remember and use it this way:
so: R1*3 is three times the length of one whole note. Always calculate
the total length you need and that it gets there.
I tried simply this: Assume you want 4/4 followed by 3/4 and three
full measures rest in each:
\time 4/4
made the suggestion that there be
an option to show line numbers and I tried the control e command for
jumping to the error in the score but that does nothing according to
voice over.
On May 2, 2013, at 12:52 AM, Wim van Dommelen wrote:
Hi Sarah,
The closing bracket } on line 34 i
Hi Sarah,
The closing bracket } on line 34 is one too much. And in line 156
there is some strange - not lilypond - text.
When I compiled this I noticed one important thing: the flute and
trumpet (in C) melodies show one sharp for \key g \major,
but the line you indicate with Clarinet in B-f
Hi Sarah,
1. If you write \key g \major and present this score to a clarinettist
-- playing on a B-flat clarinet -- the piece will sound as \key f
2. If you write \key g \major and present this score to a horn player
-- playing a horn in F -- the piece will sound as \key c \major.
What you need is setting the indent-values and tune these to what you need/want.'indent' in the paper block is for the first system, 'short-indent' for all others. Notation manual (v.2.16.0) page 485/486.Small compiling example attached.Another option could be to make a column out of "C.A." that de
On 19 Apr 2013, at 21:41 , Joseph Austin wrote:
I'm a relative newbie to Lilypond,
using 2.16.2-1 on Mac OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard).
I want to try some modifications,
and am trying to work through the tutorial in:
Manuals > Extending > Scheme Tutorial.
I haven't been able to get the scheme-sandb
On 18 Apr 2013, at 16:53 , Stjepan Horvat wrote:
Hi guys..i want to learn the scheme syntax and implementation in
I'm on half of The Little Schemer by Daniel P. Friedman book
(100/200p)..What would you suggest after i'm finished with it?
(maybe a book)
A very good reference (n
I'm trying to download LilyDev, the latest pointer I could find was:
from the v.2.17.15 Contributor's Guide, but that pointer starts to
download and stalls for hours after 16.1 MB done. Is there something
Hi Joram,
But that alone doesn't always work, some email programs jump in, they
see this extra indentation and "patch" it. So when you send out a
nicely fit message, my email program (standard/default Apple OS X
mail) scrambles it (and if "needed" again).
Not a problem for me, but as you
On 15 Apr 2013, at 08:09 , Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
Thomas Scharkowski t-online.de> writes:
">>" (without quotes) is missing at the end of your code.
It's more likely that your mail reader interpreted ">>" as a quoted
line and didn't show it to you.
On 10 Apr 2013, at 11:38 , Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
Just like my lilypond scores I often still write (simple) html code
using just Vim. Maybe I'm just getting old and old fashioned :-)
+1, we're not alone..
lilypond-user m
Marvellous. Nice for parties, can make a quiz out of this!
On 27 Mar 2013, at 09:36 , Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
I have updated/re-written my Python implementation of Mozart's
Musical Dice Game
It of course depends on how large you want the dot and what other
flexibility you want/need. But with a regular '.' (or any character-
string) you could easily do this without special function code needed:
\version "2.16.0"
dotcolor = #red
smalldotmark = \markup{\bold \with-color \dotcolor ".
On 20 Mar 2013, at 17:03 , Nick Baskin wrote:
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Kieren MacMillan > wrote:
Hi James,
All good points!
> R2 (a full measure rest in 2/4 time)
> R2*2 (two full measure rests in 2/4 time)
> R*2 (two full measure rests in any meter)
On 20 Mar 2013, at 14:32 , ryanmichaelmcclure wrote:
I'm unable to post the fingering chart from my professor's book
because it's
owned by the publisher and not him... There goes that idea.
No problem, I don't want you to violate any rights. If however you
find a suitable usable version on
On 17 Mar 2013, at 10:07 , m...@mikesolomon.org wrote:
On 17 mars 2013, at 09:31, Wim van Dommelen wrote:
Hi Mike,
I tried that, but 'covered' doesn't in this stencil (the 'bassoon-
cc-one-key-stencil' is different from the others) if I see this
right, you need
Hi Mike,
I tried that, but 'covered' doesn't in this stencil (the 'bassoon-cc-
one-key-stencil' is different from the others) if I see this right,
you need a 'ring'-type stencil to do that. Or did I miss something
I use 2.16.0 (stable).
So for the solution I gave Ryan, I ALSO had t
Hi Ryan,
Unfortunately this feature does not exist yet. If I understand
correctly you want the result as shown in the PNG attachment.
(Shown with a quick and dirty round hole, not the ellipse form)
On 16 Mar 2013, at 02:45 , ryanmichaelmcclure wrote:
I am attempting
On 10 Mar 2013, at 10:06 , David Kastrup wrote:
Wim van Dommelen writes:
Agree, we should have an easy way to switch from absolute to relative
(Yes, everthing inside \relative { } is relative, all other is
absolute, I know), like: \absolute: from here on everything is
absolute like \clef
On 9 Mar 2013, at 05:45 , Keith OHara wrote:
Colin Hall gmail.com> writes:
In my early days with Lilypond I learned this to my cost. I've never
used \relative since then.
I stopped using \relative about a year ago, because absolute note
entry is
vastly easier.
Not if y
Hi Sarah,
TeXShop has line numbers, work OK with Lilypond. Has a possibility to
compile it and open the PDF afterwards. Easy.
On 4 Mar 2013, at 06:57 , Sarah k Alawami wrote:
yeah I'm horrible at compiling stuff and using the terminal. i was
looking for a GUI way of doin
Hi Arlin,A piece with 5 movements, one (solo-)part. I've stripped every movement to 2 bars. The file generates the transposed parts for a bass-clarinet, but with exactly the same input notes I also have a compiling file for the original Gamba. This is the way I do this, probably not perfect but for
Indeed, inspiring. Remembers me of a museum in Kopenhagen (mmmhh,
forgot the name) I once visited where they have a small exhibition of
these tools. Impressing.
I was a little upset when I read "they decided to disperse the
collection", but it is true, I've contacted them and you can indeed
On 8 Feb 2013, at 18:31 , Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
On 02/08/2013 05:30 PM, Wim van Dommelen wrote:
Mmmh, but the correct use of it is vital. See e.g. Sparnaay pages
57 and 58. By
looking back to these pages I noticed he writes the usage of the
hole with a
cross in circle &quo
On 8 Feb 2013, at 13:55 , Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
I see, so it's a little-finger d for both lh and rh?
Again, so Selmer has only 3 thumb keys, it's just the notes
On 8 Feb 2013, at 11:35 , Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
On 02/07/2013 02:26 PM, Wim van Dommelen wrote:
The "clarinet-with-low-gis", "bass-clarinet" and "low-bass-
clarinet" will then
be "intermediate" stencils, but otherwise complete and callab
And hopefully "loads once" then :-)
On 8 Feb 2013, at 10:49 , Werner LEMBERG wrote:
But it also looks like we should look into autoload here. There is
no point loading this sort of baggage into every LilyPond run.
Does guile support autoload out of the box?
these in the documentation some how, come to think of it. cheers,JeffOn Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 1:42 AM, James Harkins <jamshar...@gmail.com> wrote: On Feb 6, 2013 4:46 PM, "Wim van Dommelen" <m...@wimvd.nl> wrote: > > Hi James, > > Note that the Lilypond diagrams ar
On 7 Feb 2013, at 23:33 , Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
The regular one doesn't, the full-Boehm instrument does. See e.g.
this example:
But that also has the low-ees, because it still is a "soprano" it
sounds higher then the low-ees in the ba
On 7 Feb 2013, at 18:46 , Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
On 02/07/2013 02:26 PM, Wim van Dommelen wrote:
clarinet-family --> clarinet (what we have now, but without the
"hole" ? I guess you mean the extra touchpiece on the LH 1st
Hi Joseph, Mike,
I've looked into different brand/models (as far as my friends and
knowledge reaches) and had my thoughts on it (so it is may be not
exhausting enough!). Meanwhile I also studied the underlying code
(which is both daunting and haunting) and I see the following model(s)
On 5 Feb 2013, at 12:47 , Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
On 02/05/2013 07:46 AM, David Kastrup wrote:
Disagree. The default conversation language of LilyPond (all its
command and function names) is English, the default note language is
dutch. side-ees is perfectly consistent with LilyPond's
On 4 Feb 2013, at 09:44 , David Kastrup wrote:
First: consider the possibility of keeping an alias "four" to the key,
but let code and documentation stick with side-ees.
I'll look into that.
Second: when doing such a change, it might be worth trying to cook
up a
rule for python/convertrules
After last week discussions on what is / missing of / wrong in / not
pretty with / wished for / the woodwind stencils, I've made a list off
all things concerning the (bass-)clarinet stencils (about 20 smaller
and bigger items) and I dived into the code.
I've already changed some thing
On 31 Jan 2013, at 17:48 , Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
On 01/30/2013 09:42 AM, Wim van Dommelen wrote:
That is why the "low-bass-clarinet" stencil exists. That is (as I
engineer it) intended for bass-clarinet toward low-C (the concert
model) whereas
the "bass-c
Hi Joseph,
On 29 Jan 2013, at 23:22 , Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
-- more realistic key shapes and placement for the diagrams (this
is a
minor quibble, but nice if it can be done);
-- an option to display unused as well as used keys (Wim's request);
E.g. with a property '(showal
Hi Guy,
Your problem is that you did not specify the language, then it
defaults to Dutch.
I guess you want:
\transpose bes, f { ... notes ... }
\transpose f c' { }
does the same, both move you up exactly one kwint/scale.
\language "english"
On 29 Jan 2013, at 22:17 , Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
On 01/29/2013 09:50 PM, Wim van Dommelen wrote:
Since you're finding it relatively straightforward to play with the
Scheme code, can I put in a feature request -- any chance of fixing
the shape of the register key for clarinet
On 29 Jan 2013, at 22:29 , m...@mikesolomon.org wrote:
Just a note to say thank you to all those who want to make this code
better. It's tough for me to take it any farther with my non-expert
knowledge of woodwind instruments, but I would be glad to answer any
and on questions addressed to
On 29 Jan 2013, at 16:06 , Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
For example, as I recall, Selmer bass clarinets used to have the
right-hand little finger low Eb on the _upper_ rank of keys, with a
low C#/Db on the lower rank. Buffet have traditionally had it the
opposite way round.
FYI, they ch
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