Hi Sarah,
1. If you write \key g \major and present this score to a clarinettist
-- playing on a B-flat clarinet -- the piece will sound as \key f
2. If you write \key g \major and present this score to a horn player
-- playing a horn in F -- the piece will sound as \key c \major.
3. When in doubth I use the little mnemonic trick I learned on the
basic school: When you play a (written) C on a B-flat clarinet it
sounds like a B-flat on the piano (which is in concert-pitch, one
whole note lower), so when you want to play the sound a piano produces
when playing the C you have to adjust the same amount on your
clarinet, one whole note higher, play a D.
4. So for the horn in F: when you play the G on the horn it sounds as
a C. The keys go parallel to this.
5. Looking at your example, assuming these notes are shown to
\key g \major { g fis e d }
will sound (in your ear) as: { g fis e d } on a piano
will sound (in your ear) as: { f e d c } on a
B-flat clarinet
will sound (in your ear) as: { c b a g } on a F
will sound (in your ear) as: { e dis c bes } on a A clarinet
6. Because instrumentalists are used to a certain notation, you have
to keep in mind what note you want to sound and transpose the score
accordingly. For this example I assume you want the notes g fis e d to
sound, in concert-pitch as if on a piano. For all these instruments
you transpose like this:
\version "2.16.0"
\clef treble
\key g \major
\relative c'' { g fis e d }
% B-flat clarinet:
\clef treble
\transpose bes c' {
\key g \major
\relative c'' { g fis e d }
% F horn:
\clef bass
\transpose f c' {
\key g \major
\relative c { g fis e d }
% A clarinet:
\clef treble
\transpose a c' {
\key g \major
\relative c'' { g fis e d }
Note that I put the \key signatures inside the \transpose sections so
I let Lilypond do that conversion also.
I hope this helps you and doesn't lead to more confusion.
On 28 Apr 2013, at 21:51 , Sarah k Alawami wrote:
Ok, so in this case this thing is in g. so if I write something like
\key g \major
[g fis e d |
} How would that look transposed to the horn in f? besides the key
being a forth higher then what I'm actually hearing. I think. I'm
trying to remember my theory classes from years ago lol!
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