On 24 May 2013, at 03:21 , Sarah k Alawami wrote:

Actually I was thinking the variables for the piano since one of the sections repeats a lot in the right hand. Will all of that still compile if I have the files's variables like that or do I need to then create a veritable for the foe itself?

Whatever makes it easier for you to write/read. You can have more variables in one file or have a file (with all the variables in it) included in another file, or have one variable used inside another one, for example

one = \relative c' { c4 d e c }
two = \relative c' { e4 f g2 }
three = \relative c' { g'8 a g f e4 c }
four = \relative c' { c4 g c2 }
piano = { \time 4/4 \one \one \two \two \three \three \four \four }

    \new Staff <<

etc..... The important thing is to make easy understandable, but the big advantage is to be able to do some of the parts, get these OK and build on it.


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