Re: Some things need need to be fixed on the interfaces pages

2024-12-13 Thread Jeff Olson
On 12/13/2024 12:38 AM, Werner LEMBERG wrote: Yes. Also, I guess not as many left-handed players are upset about this as I thought. I'm left-handed by myself (but playing the piano), and I don't feel offended 🙂 But aren't you playing a right-handed piano? (My guitar instructor uses that as ev

Re: suppressing implicit TabStaff

2024-06-26 Thread Jeff Olson
On 6/26/2024 12:45 AM, Xavier Scheuer wrote: This works: \new TabStaff \with { \tabFullNotation } { \mus } Thanks, Xavier.  The NR example, that I now see, also works: \new TabStaff { \tabFullNotation \mus } All is good! Jeff

Re: suppressing implicit TabStaff

2024-06-25 Thread Jeff Olson
On 6/25/2024 11:45 PM, David Kastrup wrote: Have you tried just writing \set Staff.minimumFret instead? TabStaff listens to the alias Staff as well as its germane TabStaff. Thanks, David! That works even for the case where there is no explicit Staff (just a bare TabStaff).  Excellent! But

suppressing implicit TabStaff

2024-06-25 Thread Jeff Olson
Sometimes guitarists want the same piece two ways: with an added TabStaff while learning and without the TabStaff when performing (for brevity).  But the code needed to tailor the tab generation also screws up the notation when you don't want tab. My music code has extensive use of "\set TabSt

Re: Circular staves

2024-03-16 Thread Jeff Olson
heme code. This is a quickly coded demo, it would need a bit of love to gracefully print beams or ledger lines. (I won't invest that effort if the person is staying on Dorico and not actually using it, though.) -- o_

Re: accessing current file name in markup function

2023-12-08 Thread Jeff Olson
On 12/7/2023 12:21 PM, Jean Abou Samra wrote: Documentation question from trying to understand *location* in David's solution: Guessing, is sip a stream input pointer? _Where would I look to find the definition/example of sip?_  *location* doesn't return a string but a special type o

Re: accessing current file name in markup function

2023-12-07 Thread Jeff Olson
On 12/6/2023 3:48 PM, David Kastrup wrote: \version "2.24.2" locationOf = #(define-scheme-function () () (apply format #f "~a:~a:~a:~a" (ly:input-file-line-char-column (*location* \markup { \locationOf } Documentation question from trying to understand *location* in David's solutio

Re: petrucci style notehead for MetronomeMark, plus Piae Cantiones style G clef and time signature

2023-11-14 Thread Jeff Olson
e = #'mensural Considered it already but didn't want to stress my modern readers with an unfamiliar benefit. On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 5:24 PM Jeff Olson wrote: My questions ... 1)  How to get petrucci style note head in the tempo indication? 2)  Where to get the G clef as

petrucci style notehead for MetronomeMark, plus Piae Cantiones style G clef and time signature

2023-11-12 Thread Jeff Olson
This is my first time using quasi-mensural notation for modern notation readers (going for medieval look, not historical accuracy). If you haven't gagged at that, I'd like some help on a few items. Here's how the original starts ... (IMSLP260656 p48) InDulciJubilo1910 And this is my approxima

Re: Show TacetStaff when StaffGroup empty

2023-11-01 Thread Jeff Olson
On 11/1/2023 6:37 AM, David Kastrup wrote: Thanks, David. Now I'm really smiling to have learned something new! Your knowledge is more encyclopedic than Wikipedia. I once mail-ordered a fretted u-bass but exchanged i

Re: Show TacetStaff when StaffGroup empty

2023-10-31 Thread Jeff Olson
On 10/31/2023 4:23 PM, David Kastrup wrote: Jean Abou Samra writes: Le mardi 31 octobre 2023 à 20:40 +0100, David Kastrup a écrit : Given that I was way less comfortable with English at the time than I am today, it is possible that I fell into the trap of a false cognate: the French "cordes f

Re: Show TacetStaff when StaffGroup empty

2023-10-31 Thread Jeff Olson
On 10/31/2023 1:40 PM, David Kastrup wrote: Nothing to fret about, unless you're in documentation, eh Harm? I know Harm as a pretty good fretted string instrument player. Probably this should just be "strings" which it typically associated with the kind of instruments listed there and has the a

Re: Show TacetStaff when StaffGroup empty

2023-10-31 Thread Jeff Olson
On 10/30/2023 11:27 AM, Michael Werner wrote: This is based on I'm not the OP but that is excellent documentation, save for one word: "In the following example, staves devoted to wind instruments are removed in the second

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 246, Issue 40

2023-05-13 Thread Jeff Olson
On 5/13/2023 5:49 PM, Jean Abou Samra wrote: PS. In fact it's better like this (to avoid influencing other balloons at the same moment): |\version "2.24.1" \layout { \context { \Voice \consists Balloon_engraver } } circleB = \tweak layer -1 \tweak annotation-balloon ##f \balloonText #'(0 .

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 246, Issue 40

2023-05-13 Thread Jeff Olson
On 5/13/2023 2:07 PM, wrote: Il 13/05/23 15:47, Jean Abou Samra ha scritto: [...] |\version "2.24.1" circleB = \once \override NoteHead.stencil = #(grob-transformer 'stencil (lambda (grob original) (grob-interpret-markup grob #{ \markup \with-outline \stencil #or

Re: help with Wrong type of argument

2023-05-01 Thread Jeff Olson
s: #(list (list 'lineto 0 hgt) (list 'closepath)) or, mixing the two styles, #(list (list 'lineto 0 hgt) '(closepath)) Thanks, Lucas.  That helps too! -- o_ Jeff Olson (\___\/_/) jjocanoe ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~

Re: help with Wrong type of argument

2023-05-01 Thread Jeff Olson
e. It's an excellent explanation (thanks Jean!). -- o_ Jeff Olson (\___\/_/) jjocanoe ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~

help with Wrong type of argument

2023-04-30 Thread Jeff Olson
I'm starting to translate some of my \postscript markups into lilypond in order to use cairo, and it seems I always stub my toe when trying to use a variable in a substitution function. In this example I'm trying to do (lineto 0 hgt) which fails with "In procedure *: Wrong type argument in pos

Re: trouble putting \book block in a scheme function

2023-04-05 Thread Jeff Olson
On 4/5/2023 2:37 PM, Jean Abou Samra wrote: Le mercredi 05 avril 2023 à 14:30 -0600, Jeff Olson a écrit : The conclusion of [1], on how to put nicely cropped png or svg images into individual files with specified file names, was to wrap each score in a \book block with an individual

trouble putting \book block in a scheme function

2023-04-05 Thread Jeff Olson
The conclusion of [1], on how to put nicely cropped png or svg images into individual files with specified file names, was to wrap each score in a \book block with an individual \bookOutputName, as shown in that message. Since I have 1000+ such scores, each conveniently created by a scheme fu

Re: bookOutputName still gets "-1" suffix added to SVG file names

2023-03-30 Thread Jeff Olson
On 3/30/2023 7:05 PM, Jean Abou Samra wrote: I don't understand the problem you're having. Is my suggestion of using -dtall-page-formats not sufficient for your use case? If you expect a 1-to-1 mapping between SVG files and MIDI files, you can just put each piece into its own \book, with the \bo

Re: bookOutputName still gets "-1" suffix added to SVG file names

2023-03-30 Thread Jeff Olson
On 3/30/2023 10:11 AM, David Wright wrote:    32 -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 J None   32199 Mar 29 22:25  Foo-1.svg*    32 -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 J None   32190 Mar 29 22:25  Abc-1.svg*    32 -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 J None   32231 Mar 29 22:25  Bar-1.svg* That looks like a linux platform. But it's Windows 10 running the cyg

Re: bookOutputName still gets "-1" suffix added to SVG file names

2023-03-30 Thread Jeff Olson
On 3/29/2023 11:57 PM, Jean Abou Samra wrote: These "-1" suffices are messing with my URLs for the SVG files, so I'd appreciate any ideas on how to get rid of them.  Thx. They are there for good reason. If any of your |\book|s got output on multiple pages, there would indeed be multiple files

bookOutputName still gets "-1" suffix added to SVG file names

2023-03-29 Thread Jeff Olson
I've got to generate a thousand+ cropped SVG files with specified file names from one lilypond compilation, so I'm wrapping each score in a \book with its own \bookOutputName as in this MWE: \version "2.24.1" #(ly:set-option 'backend 'cairo) #(ly:set-option 'separate-page-formats 'svg) #(ly:set-o

Re: Installing 2.24.1

2023-03-13 Thread Jeff Olson
On 3/13/2023 7:06 AM, Werner LEMBERG wrote: Wow! That was fast work, Werner! Thanks for finding a way to include the extra steps to "Run as administrator". Jeff

Re: RE: Installing 2.24.1

2023-03-12 Thread Jeff Olson
On 3/11/2023 10:37 PM, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote: My experience installing Lilypond is with the Windows Installer. I know what a Zip file is yet I have never used one to install a program. Is there some more detailed instructions than what is provided in The Graphical Setup for Windows? Quoti

Re: how would one cross-reference two [or more] books?

2023-01-14 Thread Jeff Olson
On 1/13/2023 1:27 PM, Jean Abou Samra wrote: LilyPond 2.24.1 is planned for the end of January or early February. Whether it includes this mostly depends on whether Ivan Maidanski has released BDWGC 8.2.3 by then. Thanks for the update, Jean!  Could you also help me understand what was happe

Re: how would one cross-reference two [or more] books?

2023-01-13 Thread Jeff Olson
(including lilypond-user) On 1/12/2023 7:01 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi all, A very large part of my composition [and thus Lilypond engraving] career is concerned with very large, multi-format musical dramas (operas, musicals, plays-with-music, dramatic song cycles, etc.). A typical set

Re: HTH w RTFM (Reading The Full Manual)

2023-01-05 Thread Jeff Olson
On 1/5/2023 6:26 AM, David Kastrup wrote: I wonder whether something like this might help motivate work on lagging translations? Hmm, lags over what kind of time scale? I've only been comparing major releases, 2.24.0 vs 2.22.2. Did translations for 2.24.0 features not make it into that release

Re: HTH w RTFM (Reading The Full Manual)

2023-01-05 Thread Jeff Olson
On 1/5/2023 3:24 PM, Jeff Olson wrote: But there is one for the Contributor's Guide, which I'll send separately due to size. And here it is. In this one, the Old/Obsolete sections reveal that most of the old administrative policies have been thrown out. Also the Bug Squad an

comparing crashes in 2.23.81 with 2.23.14 and 2.22.1

2022-11-17 Thread Jeff Olson
The attached score generator hints that the crashes in these three releases may be different manifestations of the same 32-bit address limit. A previous thread ( indicated a fixed was being worked for "exited with return

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-14 Thread Jeff Olson
On 11/14/2022 1:53 PM, Jean Abou Samra wrote: Meanwhile I've got to get back to making an MWE to explore why 2.23.14 (but not 2.22.1) is crashing with a segmentation fault when I put too many scores in a bookpart (clearly another thread). If it is something like "exited with return code -107374

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-14 Thread Jeff Olson
On 11/13/2022 1:24 PM, Jean Abou Samra wrote: [Self-promotion:] Have you tried to read this? (It originates in a presentation that some people found clear, which is the reason why I wrote it down.) Yes!  It is excellent and I highly recommend it.  Espec

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-12 Thread Jeff Olson
On 11/10/2022 4:50 AM, Jean Abou Samra wrote: For your information, I have submitted a merge request to mention this change in LilyPond's Changes document ( Also, the red herring in is now tracked in

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-12 Thread Jeff Olson
On 11/12/2022 1:51 AM, Hans Ã…berg wrote: On 12 Nov 2022, at 05:27, Jeff Olson wrote: On 11/7/2022 6:58 AM, Hans Ã…berg wrote: In 2.22 you successfully get "Hello, World!" at top of page. This example works in LilyPond 2.23.80 (MacPorts), on MacOS 13.0. Interesting. This must

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-11 Thread Jeff Olson
On 11/7/2022 11:58 PM, Jean Abou Samra wrote: By the way, what are you using PostScript code for more precisely? It is not possible for you to switch to regular markup? (If it's lots of paths, for example, that could be partly automated.) Jean, I did most of this 5+ years ago in 2.18.2 before

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-11 Thread Jeff Olson
ave to put it inside an explicit bookpart since it forces the title/composer like on the front page. Would be nice if lilypond had a way to load a resource into the postscript file without having to produce this extra output, or sledge hammer the bold/italic styles. So does this sor

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-11 Thread Jeff Olson
On 11/7/2022 6:58 AM, Hans Åberg wrote: In 2.22 you successfully get "Hello, World!" at top of page. This example works in LilyPond 2.23.80 (MacPorts), on MacOS 13.0. Interesting.  This must mean that Helvetica-Bold is available as a system font on MacOS, so even our stripped down ghostscript

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-11 Thread Jeff Olson
On 11/7/2022 6:46 AM, Timothy Lanfear wrote: Could it be sufficient to install the full Ghostscript and set the environment variable GS_FONTPATH to point to that Ghostscript version's font directory? (e.g. export GS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/fonts). The LilyPond Ghostscript will then search that di

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-07 Thread Jeff Olson
On 11/7/2022 12:02 AM, Jean Abou Samra wrote: \version "2.23.80" \markup { \postscript "     /NimbusSans-Regular findfont     4 scalefont setfont     (Hello, World!) show     " } \markup \override #'(font-name . "Nimbus Sans") \translate #'(100 . 0) "abcxyz" ... N.B. The way I found "Nimbus

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-06 Thread Jeff Olson
On 11/6/2022 1:05 AM, Jean Abou Samra wrote: Can someone explain (a) why Helvetical is no longer in 2.23.14's gs and (b) the syntax for specifying Nimbus Sans L properly in my MWE? Thanks for wading through all this with me.  I've been on a very big lilypond project for 6 years now, and it i

ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-05 Thread Jeff Olson
This MWE works in 2.22.1 but fails in 2.23.14 (running via Frescobaldi 3.1.1 on up-to-date Windows 10): \version "2.22.1" \markup {   \postscript #"     /Helvetica-Bold findfont     4 scalefont setfont     (Hello, World!) show     " } In 2.22 you successfully get "H

Re: ChoirStaff with spanning bar lines at breaks

2022-10-18 Thread Jeff Olson
On 10/18/2022 5:30 AM, Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote: \version "2.22.1" \layout {   \context {     \ChoirStaff     \consists Span_bar_engraver     \override SpanBar.break-visibility = ##(#t #f #f)   } } ... or, if you want to have the illusion of being able to talk to LilyPond in English, equival

ChoirStaff with spanning bar lines at breaks

2022-10-17 Thread Jeff Olson
I'm transcribing an SA-TB piece with lyrics between the two staves and using a ChoirStaff so there are no spanning bar lines between the staves that would interfere with the lyrics.  But my source does add spanning bar lines at the end of each system. How can I get bar lines in a ChoirStaff to

Re: Barre grob - appearance

2022-08-29 Thread Jeff Olson
On 8/27/2022 5:36 AM, Thomas Morley wrote: Ofcourse, one can find several codings here on the list, in LSR, I have some own as well. All are (ab)using spanners like TextSpanner or hijacking other grobs like Arpeggio. As an old amateur guitarist, I'm looking forward to a better barre solution.

Re: is "pure positioning" done per score or per bookpart?

2022-06-16 Thread Jeff Olson
On 6/16/2022 3:01 PM, Jean Abou Samra wrote: Le 16/06/2022 à 01:35, Jeff Olson a écrit : Jean, I'm studying your "Overview of LilyPond’s inner workings" (

is "pure positioning" done per score or per bookpart?

2022-06-15 Thread Jeff Olson
Jean, I'm studying your "Overview of LilyPond’s inner workings" ( and trying to correlate the processing steps you describe with the INFO level output that I can

Re: phrase marks ending on tied notes: first vs last?

2022-05-04 Thread Jeff Olson
On 5/4/2022 5:58 PM, Brian Barker wrote: At 17:30 04/05/2022 -0600, Jeff Olson wrote: What would Elaine Gould do? "When a final pitch is extended by a series of tied notes, it is acceptable (and a convention) to end the slur with the first whole-bar duration; alternatively, in cr

phrase marks ending on tied notes: first vs last?

2022-05-04 Thread Jeff Olson
Just curious whether other users have wrestled with this choice or have strong preferences. At the recommendation of my reviewer, I'm adding phrase marks \(...\) to hundreds of simple sight reading exercises, to make them more readable.  While doing so, I caught myself sometimes ending the phr

Re: how to repeat a scheme function that creates a Score

2022-04-06 Thread Jeff Olson
On 4/6/2022 12:35 AM, Jean Abou Samra wrote: The attached MWE file has lots of my failed attempts commented out (I'm at a teachable moment if someone has a moment to teach).  Or just point me to the right manual page(s). Here is a piece of code that works: $@(map (lambda (i) (scr)) (iota 10

Re: how to repeat a scheme function that creates a Score

2022-04-06 Thread Jeff Olson
On 4/5/2022 11:58 PM, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2022-04-05 10:40 pm, Jeff Olson wrote: Question (b): My secondary question is very simple.  How do you set the seed for scheme's "random" function (used in my gen-music.ily).  I'd like to get the repeatability of a pseudo-ran

how to repeat a scheme function that creates a Score

2022-04-05 Thread Jeff Olson
Two questions below re: (a) looping and (b) random seed. In order to investigate some other problems I'm having in a large project (pagination, memory usage) I learned enough scheme (barely) to define a function that generates a new score with each invocation: -- \version "2.22.0" \include

Re: Ambitus_engraver causes ghost laissezVibrer ties on first note of Voice

2022-03-23 Thread Jeff Olson
On 3/23/2022 5:18 AM, Valentin Petzel wrote: I have nothing against ghosts, just against this type of ghost. This is the user mailing list. For requests like "please fix this" you might also send this to the bug mailing list. If you need a quick fix: Adding an empty grace column \grace{ s } befo

Ambitus_engraver causes ghost laissezVibrer ties on first note of Voice

2022-03-22 Thread Jeff Olson
Do you like ghosts? Putting an LV tie on the first note of a Voice in which there is an ambitus generates two unwelcome "ghost" LV ties floating unattached above and below the note, in addition to the desired single LV tie that is properly attached to the note.  Here is the MWE (see also attac

Re: how to reference paper variables in a music function

2018-11-29 Thread Jeff Olson
Jeff On 11/29/2018 9:26 AM, David Wright wrote: On Wed 28 Nov 2018 at 23:12:20 (-0700), Jeff Olson wrote: I have a complex Mutopia submission that requires different formatting for A4 and Letter sized paper (it's too tight on the pag

how to reference paper variables in a music function

2018-11-29 Thread Jeff Olson
I have a complex Mutopia submission that requires different formatting for A4 and Letter sized paper (it's too tight on the page to trust lilypond's spacing algorithms on the same source without paper specific tweaks). So I'd like to define a music function (see "ifLetter" below) that can sen

Re: Choice of pitch input mode

2016-04-29 Thread Jeff Olson
On 4/29/2016 4:56 PM, Jeff Olson wrote: < 41312 41340 Okay, now I know what you mean by the > problem and I've modified my ways and the script (to insert a couple of leading blanks) to show e.g. < 41312 > 41340 HTH, Jeff

Re: Choice of pitch input mode

2016-04-29 Thread Jeff Olson
On 4/29/2016 5:58 AM, Matt Hood wrote: What does everyone prefer? Relative, absolute, or a mix of both? Summary: For my work, a perl script confimed my choice of absolute mode in conjunction with judicious use of \transpose, but for other people it suggests relative is better.