On 4/6/2022 12:35 AM, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
The attached MWE file has lots of my failed attempts commented out
(I'm at a teachable moment if someone has a moment to teach). Or
just point me to the right manual page(s).
Here is a piece of code that works:
$@(map (lambda (i) (scr)) (iota 10))
Now let's go through your attempt to see why they are failing.
This is an amazing user group! Thank you times three to Aaron, Valentin
and Jean for your immediate and expert responses!
And special thanks to you, Jean, for giving me a full course explaining
why all my previous attempts had failed. That was a very valuable
learning experience!
The code I'm using now is:
% scors generates a specified number of scores
% e.g. invoke $@(scors 10) from lilypond to generate ten scores
#(define (scors num) (map (lambda (i) (scr)) (iota num)))
This works nicely as I can make a series of invocations in different
bookparts (simulating separate chapters) while preserving the overall
sequence of piece numbers.
I'd like you to check my learning on "$@" ...
Per the ER section 1.2.1, "There are also ‘list splicing’ operators |$@|
and |#@| that insert all elements of a list in the surrounding context."
So it's not part of scheme but part of lilypond, as a bridge between
scheme and lilypond.
And that it tells lilypond to preserve all the elements of scheme list
value as a sequence of expressions/values to be parsed/interpreted by
lilypond, as opposed to getting just the value of the last element of
the list.
And so it is analogous (at least mnemonically) to the meaning of "$%" in
bash (if I remember correctly), which preserves a sequence of command
line arguments as separate values rather than combining them as one
But may I ask, why are "$@" and "#@" called 'list splicing' operators?
The same terminology is used in Perl for what appears to me to be very
different behaviors (list editing, insertion and removal), so I'd
appreciate learning why 'splicing' is considered descriptive in lilypond.