On 12/6/2023 3:48 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
\version "2.24.2"

locationOf =
#(define-scheme-function () ()
    (apply format #f "~a:~a:~a:~a" (ly:input-file-line-char-column 

\markup { \locationOf }

Documentation question from trying to understand *location* in David's solution:

I found that function in the IR documentation[1], but I could not find the definition of a /_sip_/:


       Return input location insipas|(file-name line char column)|.

Guessing, is sip a stream input pointer? _Where would I look to find the definition/example of sip?_

Or, David, does *location* mean a string literal containing the name of the file like "eso.ly"?

[1] https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/internals/scheme-functions#index-ly_003ainput_002dfile_002dline_002dchar_002dcolumn


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