Hi Joe,
Yes, it looks like GUILE has required GNU MP arbitrary precision arithmetic
library since 2006:
Best regards,
On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 5:13 PM, Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2
#x27;long long' for the
> rational class. We could start using GUILE's rationals, but it will
> complicate memory management, so I think it's not worth the trouble.
> Anyone for a patch?
> On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 6:01 PM, Adam James Wilson
It looks like I'm going down a road of rhythmic complexity that breaks
Lilypond rendering in the absence of arbitrary precision arithmetic.
Han-Wen: would it be possible for me to sponsor a move to arbitrary
precision arithmetic? As you say, GUILE does support this option, and it
would be possibl
07, Trevor Bača <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2007 6:28 PM, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2007/11/29, Adam James Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > > I see -- so even with my arithmetic error (which started as a tiny
Hi Han-Wen,
I see -- so even with my arithmetic error (which started as a tiny
offset of 9/6319), we should expect Lily to render the score.
I can see that if fractional relations get complex enough to require
more precision than 32-bit values, there could be a problem.
Is a possible solution to
Hi Trevor,
As you suspected, there WAS indeed a math error -- I checked things
over yet again and found I'd entered a time signature as 4356/6319
instead of 4365/6319. (I'm doing some things algorithmically and some
intuitively, hence the entering of some data by hand).
I feel considerably relie
It is nice to see everyone is so interested in my "strange" fractions
-- it is great that these are possible in lilypond.
However, I'm still not sure what is breaking my code.
Possibilities are:
1. I'm making some syntactical mistake.
2. I made a math error someplace.
3. There's a real bug.
rent tempo -- hence the strange timesigs on the staff containing
this part.
But I still don't understand Valentin -- you're telling me you can't
tap out rhythms in 2667/25276 time? :)
On 11/27/07, Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2007/11/26, A
Hi all,
I'm using some complicated time signatures, like 3599/11748 followed
by 2667/25276 followed by 177/568, etc. (I have a good reason for this).
They render nicely for nearly ten pages or so of music, and then
suddenly adding an additional "strange" time signature causes two
programming erro
> Did you try my fix, to move the Break_align_engraver to the Staff context?
> \layout {
> \context {
>\consists "Mark_engraver"
>\consists "Break_align_engraver"
> }
There is a much easier way to do this thant I originally imagined. I
enclosed the function that I came up with and a snippet to
When you compile, note that the only problem is that the alignment
behavior of the ReheasalMarks is undesirable, due to the ReheasalMark
being moved to the
ext, but I have no idea if such an operation
> will work well also for multi-stave scores or if something else will break.
> /Mats
> Adam James Wilson wrote:
> > There is a problem when moving the RehearsalMark to the Staff
> > context. In the case where the Rehea
There is a problem when moving the RehearsalMark to the Staff
context. In the case where the RehearsalMark remains in the Score
context (comment out the layout block below), the first RehearsalMark
aligns to a Clef and the rest align to staff-bars. This is the
correct behavior.
But if you move
Here's a question for folks used to modifying lilypond with scheme -
In my score there is a RehearsalMark above every barline in every
staff. I want to be able to center each TimeSignature above its
associated RehearsalMark.
I'm using TimeSignature X and Y offsets to do this now manually; for
Hi all,
I know this issue has come up before; just wondering if there is a
workaround that doesn't involve tweaking each object that is aligned
unsuitably . . .
I have moved ReheasalMark to the Staff context. I want each
RehearsalMark never to align to a clef but always to a staff-bar. The
I want to make the \accent articulation bold, and change its font
size, while still being able to attach it to a note using "^" and "_".
I gather from the documentation that the function below should do.
However, only the font-size change seems to display any effect. I can
even specify nonesense
\clef percussion
\time 3/4
\bar "|"
g'2. ~
\bar "|"
\bar "|"
Hi Ole,
I think this is what you wanted; I attached the lilypond code (ole.ly)
and a .png of the output (ole.png). Let me know if this is what you
were going for. If it is this case that you wanted 7/8 to actually
appear in the time of 3/4, as it does in the handwritten sample, you
can do this
5 Quarter Notes for both the
> bassclarinet and percussion"
> Is it possible to make it more (human) readible on the base of your
> snippet ( to have meter changes in the lower system of your snippet)?
> best,
> ole
> Am 20.09.2007 um 23:48 schrieb Adam James
Hi folks,
I'm pretty frustrrated at the moment - wondering if anyone has
exeperienced a similar problem.
I unfortunately don't have a small snippet to describe the problem,
because it seems to arise from volume/complexity. . .
Here's what I'm doing:
I'm using a global "invisible" voice at 3/8 i
Hi Valentin,
I added snippet to LSR under the title:
"How to compress full-measure rests (e.g. "R4") in a compressMusic
block in a poly-tempo situation."
Let me know it passes muster.
On 9/20/07, Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2007/9/
> 2007/9/20, Adam James Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I answered my own question: it turns out if I set the \time of the
> > offending staff to ["global" voice \time * crosspulse ratio] - in this
> > case 3/8 * 4/9, or 1/6, the full measure rests
\repeat unfold 9 { R4. \bar "|" }
>> }
>> }
On 9/18/07, Adam James Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks:
> Here'
, not 3 as I mistakenly wrote originally.
On 9/18/07, Adam James Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks:
> Here's a snippet with two staves: one with four bars of 3/8 and
> another with 3 bars of 3/8 in the same time as the first four bars.
> I
it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of lilypond-user digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. \breathe X-offset (Trevor Daniels)
>2. help with stopStaff (Neil Thornock)
>3. Re:help with stopStaff (Neil Thornock)
> 4. Re:partial SpanBar possib
Hi folks:
Here's a snippet with two staves: one with four bars of 3/8 and
another with 3 bars of 3/8 in the same time as the first four bars.
I used compressMusic to line them up, and I'm using a global
"breaking" voice (imagine this pattern continuing for page and pages).
The problem is, the fu
Wow Joe, thanks! This kicks ass! I can now remove all the whiteout
blocks I've inserted throughout my score!
On 9/17/07, Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Sep 2007 16:44:22 Adam James Wilson wrote:
> > I have a StaffGroup that contains four stave
Hi all,
Thanks everyone for being such active participants in this community -
as a new user of Lilypond I'm finding it a great experience, both as a
tool in and of itself and as an interaction between
I'm just looking at this thread for the first time after sen
On 9/10/07, Adam James Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nevermind - I've answered my own question - here it is, for those interested:
> r16[ g16 \times 2/3 {r16 e'8] }
> Best,
> Adam
> On 9/10/07, Adam James Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nevermind - I've answered my own question - here it is, for those interested:
r16[ g16 \times 2/3 {r16 e'8] }
On 9/10/07, Adam James Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It seems you can beam together tuplets followed by non-tuplets (v. 2.11):
> \times 2
It seems you can beam together tuplets followed by non-tuplets (v. 2.11):
\times 2/3 {c'16[ c'8 } c'16 c'16]
But beaming together non-tuplets followed by tuplets fails with an
"unexpected ']'" error:
c'16[ c'16 \times 2/3 {c'16 c'8 } ]
Any known methods/hacks to get the second beaming example t
Thanks again Kieren and Trevor!
Maybe you can help me with a separate issue involving beaming tuplets
to non-tuplets (I'll also publish this to the list under an
appropriate heading):
It seems you can beam together tuplets followed by non-tuplets:
\times 2/3 {c'16[ c'8 } c'16 c'16]
But beaming
I'd like to be able to "damp" TupletBrackets the way you can damp
Beams to force horizontal TupletBrackets. I can't seem to find a
similar method in the docs (I'm using 2.11.32).
It seems that there was a "delta-y" argument for bracket slope in a
much much older version of Lily . . .
Is there a
; If Han-Wen or one of the senior devs can think of an idiomatic way to
> implement such a feature, I'd be happy to sponsor ... would probably
> make Adam's rather complicated multimetric stuff look even sharper ...
> Trevor.
> On 9/6/07, Adam James Wilson
Thanks Trevor and Kieren,
I had thought about InnerStaffGroups as well, but for maximum
flexibility of turning on or off parts of the SpanBar, each inner
staff would have to belong to more than one InnerStaffGroup, and I'm
guessing that that is not possible.
I'll try the whitebox trick!
Thanks a
BTW - v. 2.11.32
On 9/4/07, Adam James Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a StaffGroup that contains four staves. Most of the time, I
> want a SpanBar to pass through all four staves. However, there are
> some points at which I'd like the SpanBar to connect onl
I have a StaffGroup that contains four staves. Most of the time, I
want a SpanBar to pass through all four staves. However, there are
some points at which I'd like the SpanBar to connect only the bottom
three staves, or the middle two staves.
Changing StaffGroup.SpanBar #'transparent = ##t wipes
NOT buggy after
Best regards,
On 8/19/07, Adam James Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My apologies for so many postings on this issue -
> It turns out you can get proportional notation for two staves in
> different tempos WITHIN pages, but not ACROSS pages.
My apologies for so many postings on this issue -
It turns out you can get proportional notation for two staves in
different tempos WITHIN pages, but not ACROSS pages.
Lilypond seems to be fine with page breaking through a note duration,
but NOT fine with breaking through a note duration if the n
otation of music in multiple simultaneous tempi; most of my music
takes this form, and this is the first time I've been able to
accurately typeset events so that they appear in space as they do in
Lilypond rocks.
On 8/19/07, Adam James Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Mats,
Thanks for filing the bug on my pagebreaking issue.
Is there a way to get the 2.10.25 release in which you mentioned the
breaking works as expected? I couldn't find it on lilypond.org. I'm
using mac, powerpc.
Also, do you know anything about the upper limit (508 cm) I seem to
have enc
\new Voice \with { \consists Default_bar_line_engraver } {
\repeat unfold 6 \skip 4
\bar "" \break
\repeat unfold 6 \skip 4
\bar ""
Hi everyone,
It seems that even with custom paper the upper limit for paper width
is 200 inches (508cm), at least in \version "2.11.29."
Does anyone know how to fix it so that the width has no maximum?
lilypond-user mailing list
I attached a .ly file and a .png to demonstrate the breaking problem.
The example should break at the end of the second measure in the top
staff - instead, only the "inivisible" voices seem to break and wrap
around, becoming visible as they do so.
On 8/17/07, Adam James Wils
Here's the rest of this thread, in reverse order - I accidentally replied to
Mats instead of the list.
The principle you describe should indeed work. However, when I tried a
small example, I discovered that there's some strange bug involved and I
have just sent a bug report. It
I'm a first time poster - I've been trying to use Lilypond for
proportionally notating multi-tempo music.
I'm writing a score that has two or more voices in different tempi
To solve this, I make a huge measure. For example, the first staff will
contain a minute of quarter no
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