I attached a .ly file and a .png to demonstrate the breaking problem.
The example should break at the end of the second measure in the top
staff - instead, only the "inivisible" voices seem to break and wrap
around, becoming visible as they do so.


On 8/17/07, Adam James Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's the rest of this thread, in reverse order - I accidentally replied to
> Mats instead of the list.
> ===================
> The principle you describe should indeed work. However, when I tried a
> small example, I discovered that there's some strange bug involved and I
> have just sent a bug report. It seems to be a recent bug, since at least
> one of
> my examples worked correctly in version 2.10.25 but failed when I upgraded
> to 2.10.29 (for the development versions, I have only tried 2.11.29,
> where it
> fails as well).
>     /Mats
> ===================
> Hi Mats, thanks for the reply!
> I've checked this - the first method, putting a fake barline in each staff,
> doesn't work, because  the two staves in the score have streams of notes in
> relatively prime number pulses over the same period of time - so a barline
> in one lands on top of a note duration in the other.  Putting the break in
> an extra "empty" voice and removing Forbid_line_break engraver from the
> voice in which the break should occur I though might work, so I removed the
> engraver from the music voice in both staves and added the a voice with the
> same breaks in each of the staves - this didn't seem to work; the console
> printed something like "pagebreak event overidden by some other event . .
> ."  Is there something else I'm missing?
>  Imagine a measure of 270/8 over a measure 331/8 in the same time - each
> barred in 3/8; in each the 3/8 bar takes up different amount of space, so
> none of the barlines line up.
> It seems the simplest hack would be to fix the page width issue - I tried
> adding my own page, (append! paper-alist '(("adam" . (cons (* 1100 in) (* 17
> in))))), but the output width was still truncated to 200in.  It seems like
> this upper limit, wherever it is coded, would be easy to remove, yes?
> BTW I'm using the latest development release v. 2.11.29
> Best,
> Adam
> ========================
> On 8/17/07, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > See the section on Line breaking for information on how to include
> > line breaks in the middle of a measure. The same principle applies to
> > page breaks.
> >
> >    /Mats

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Description: Binary data

<<attachment: breaking-example.png>>

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