There is a problem when moving the RehearsalMark to the Staff context. In the case where the RehearsalMark remains in the Score context (comment out the layout block below), the first RehearsalMark aligns to a Clef and the rest align to staff-bars. This is the correct behavior.
But if you move the RehearsalMark to the Staff context (retain the layour block below), the opposite (and incorrect) behavior occurs: the first RehearsalMark aligns to a staff-bar and the rest seem to align to Clefs. \version "2.11.34" %%{ \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Mark_engraver" } \context { \Staff \consists "Mark_engraver" } } %%} \new Staff { \bar "|" \mark \default \clef bass c'4 c'4 \bar "|" \mark \default \clef treble c'4 c'4 } Should this be filed as a bug? Best, Adam _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list