Re: Copyrights (was Re: No time/no bars)

2007-03-21 Thread stk
Copyright question: I can find folk (or traditional) songs (or dances) from many countries in Eastern & Western Europe a) in printed publications (from Kammen, Mel Bay, & others); b) in midi files available on the Internet. In many cases, actually verifying the composition date is not easy

Re: Where the dot belongs to...

2007-03-21 Thread Graham Percival
Thanks, entered as Cheers, - Graham Mats Bengtsson wrote: In the source code that handles collisions of note heads (lily/ I found the following comment: /* For full collisions, the right hand head may obscure dots, so

Re: defintion for metrelessness (help?)

2007-03-21 Thread Geoff Horton
What I do in similar situations is something like this: pb = \break "" and then insert a \pb at every spot in the music where I'm willing to tolerate a break. Needless to say, that results in a really messy input file, but it does get the job done. Geoff __

Re: Vertical edges on TextSpanners?

2007-03-21 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Please always tell what LilyPond version you use to be sure to get a relevant answer. If you use version 2.11.14 or earlier, you can do \override TextSpanner #'edge-height = #'(0 . 1.2) if you have a more recent 2.11 version, the solution is a bit more complicate. The easiest way to figure out is

Re: Markup for cadenza rest

2007-03-21 Thread Mats Bengtsson
You should definitely use R1^\markup{...} One method to get the horizontal size the way you want it is to manually specify the width, such as \override MultiMeasureRest #'minimum-length = #10 I couldn't find any method to let LilyPond figure out the width automatically. /Mats Benjamin Esham

Markup for cadenza rest

2007-03-21 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hello all, I am typesetting a horn part from a piano concerto, and I'm having difficulty with the "Cadenza" rests in the piece. What I would like is a rest in the staff—it can be a 4-beat rest, like r1, a full- measure rest, like R1, or a long multi-measure rest, with the horizontal bar;

Re: rest merging (willing to sponsor)

2007-03-21 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
2007/3/21, Arvid Grøtting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi, in the category for "Coding better typography automation", my choir is willing to sponsor (within reason) the coding of automatic rest merging within a staff. The code that controls this is in , and it shouldn't be hard to (o

Re: Copyrights (was Re: No time/no bars)

2007-03-21 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Mike Blackstock wrote: In Canada, it's 50 years after the death of the relevant people. In many (all?) jurisdictions, a published music manuscript - the layout, fonts, etc. - is considered artwork, and hence falls under copyright law, regardless of whether or not the music itself is in the pub

Re: defintion for metrelessness (help?)

2007-03-21 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Monk Panteleimon wrote: I have a little definition (here called "chant") which, together with my standard \layout block let's me write unmetred music ad infinitum without having to (explicitly) add invisible barlines whenever I want the line to break. This potentially really useful, since ot

Re: rest merging (willing to sponsor)

2007-03-21 Thread yota moteuchi
i'm looking forward to seeing this feature implemented ^^ Yota On 3/21/07, Arvid Grøtting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 2007/3/21, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > I hope you have tried the workaround described in > Whil

Vertical edges on TextSpanners?

2007-03-21 Thread Daniel Johnson
I was recently typesetting a Gershwin song with a very short (2-note) ottava bracket, which needed the octavation text "8va bassa ad lib." This text is too long for the bracket, so I considered reducing text size and using column markup; but the Staff.octavation property takes text, not markup, and

defintion for metrelessness (help?)

2007-03-21 Thread Monk Panteleimon
I have a little definition (here called "chant") which, together with my standard \layout block let's me write unmetred music ad infinitum without having to (explicitly) add invisible barlines whenever I want the line to break. This potentially really useful, since otherwise I have to recompi

Re: Copyrights (was Re: No time/no bars)

2007-03-21 Thread Mike Blackstock
In Canada, it's 50 years after the death of the relevant people. In many (all?) jurisdictions, a published music manuscript - the layout, fonts, etc. - is considered artwork, and hence falls under copyright law, regardless of whether or not the music itself is in the public domain. My understan

Copyrights (was Re: No time/no bars)

2007-03-21 Thread Kevin Dalley
You probably know about Mutopia's page on copyright. Their rule of thumb is: 1. The composer, lyricist, arranger and editor all must have been dead for more than seventy years. 2. The work must have been published prior to 1923. I

Re: Changing fret-diagram muted string symbol

2007-03-21 Thread Carl Sorensen
José Luis Cruz> writes: > > Hello, > > I've searched in manual and in the list archive, but i've been able to > find a way for substituting the 'x' symbol that denotes a muted string > in a fret-diagram. > > I want to be able to use another symbol, like a blank space, or > ideally a

Re: rest merging (willing to sponsor)

2007-03-21 Thread Arvid Grøtting
2007/3/21, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I hope you have tried the workaround described in While certainly usable, this workaround requires that I know which voices I want to go to which staff, at least in the multiple

Re: rest merging (willing to sponsor)

2007-03-21 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Arvid Grøtting wrote: Hi, in the category for "Coding better typography automation", my choir is willing to sponsor (within reason) the coding of automatic rest merging within a staff. Background: In staffs with multiple voices, common typesetting practice is to merge simultaneous rests of equ

rest merging (willing to sponsor)

2007-03-21 Thread Arvid Grøtting
Hi, in the category for "Coding better typography automation", my choir is willing to sponsor (within reason) the coding of automatic rest merging within a staff. Background: In staffs with multiple voices, common typesetting practice is to merge simultaneous rests of equal duration that are com

Re: sponsorship option gone?

2007-03-21 Thread Arvid Grøtting
and this is what I thing you are searching: Yes, and I've read that before. Doesn't seem too updated, though. I'll post a request here and see what happens. :) -- Arvid ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypon

Re: sponsorship option gone?

2007-03-21 Thread José Luis Cruz
Hi, In the main web, it seems there's no direct link. But I found this googling: and this is what I thing you are searching: cheers, ___ lilypond-user mailing list lil

sponsorship option gone?

2007-03-21 Thread Arvid Grøtting
Hi, I was browsing through the web site today in order to find the instructions for sponsoring a bugfix/feature, but it looks gone. Is sponsoring features no longer an option? Cheers, -- Arvid ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: TeX backend doesn't work :/

2007-03-21 Thread Mats Bengtsson
See and other related discussions on the mailing list archives. /Mats Matthias Berndt wrote: Hi, I'd like to use Lilypond's TeX backend, but it keeps telling me that it can't find the ecrm6 font, even though it lies in /

TeX backend doesn't work :/

2007-03-21 Thread Matthias Berndt
Hi, I'd like to use Lilypond's TeX backend, but it keeps telling me that it can't find the ecrm6 font, even though it lies in /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/ec-fonts-mftraced/ecrm6.tfm I've figured out that i probably have to set some environment variable properly, but i can't figure out wh

Re: Problem that needs help

2007-03-21 Thread Mats Bengtsson
My general suggestion is to read sections "4.1 Suggestions for writing LilyPond files" (including subsections) and "4.5 Troubleshooting (taking it all apart)" in the manual. There's definitely no need to start from scratch. From your description, my guess is that you have made a typo that caus

Re: Changing fret-diagram muted string symbol

2007-03-21 Thread Mats Bengtsson
As far as I can see from the implementation, this is hard-coded for the moment. However, since the whole implementation of fret diagrams is done in Scheme, you don't have to recompile LilyPond to change it, it should suffice to include a modified version of the Scheme code into your .ly file. H