As far as I can see from the implementation, this is hard-coded for the moment.
However, since the whole implementation of fret diagrams is done in Scheme,
you don't have to recompile LilyPond to change it, it should suffice to include
a modified version of the Scheme code into your .ly file. However, I'm not
sure how large part of the file scm/fret-diagrams.scm that you would have to
copy and modify. Preferably, the current implementation should be modified
to make it easy to customize how the symbols are drawn.


José Luis Cruz wrote:

I've searched in manual and in the list archive, but i've been able to
find a way for substituting the 'x' symbol that denotes a muted string
in a fret-diagram.

I want to be able to use another symbol, like a blank space, or
ideally a markup (for changing font's size and attributes).

If someone is so smart for figuring a way, maybe we're lucky and it
can be applied also to substitute any dot inside the fret-diagram for
another symbol? :-)


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        Signal Processing
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