Monk Panteleimon wrote:

I have a little definition (here called "chant") which, together with my standard \layout block let's me write unmetred music ad infinitum without having to (explicitly) add
invisible barlines whenever I want the line to break. This
potentially really useful, since otherwise I have to recompile my .ly's
often, decide where the break is best and put it there.

There are a couple of problems which keep me adding the explicit \breaks
amyway, however, and if anyone could help work them out I would be so
happy that I would submit my definition to the LSR without delay.

(ahem..) The definition:
chant = {
       \set Score.defaultBarType = ""
       \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'strict-note-spacing = ##t
       \set Score.barAlways = ##t
% and in the layout block (but this part's not at issue) :
\layout { ragged-last = ##t
     \context { \Staff
         \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
             \remove "Bar_number_engraver"  }

The problems with the "chant" definition are 2, so here's the probably
harder one first:
I want the linebreaks to be just slightly more picky, something like
what happens with Forbid_linebreak_engraver (sic?) only referring to
what the adjacent note values around the break, so that:
1. Lines don't break between notes of duration shorter than a quarter-note,
e.g. between a dotted-quarter and an eighth and

One solution is to skip the barAlways setting, keep the
time signature engraver but remove the printing of the time
signatures and specify a time signature corresponding to
where you can accept to have line breaks. For example,
if you can accept to have a line break after each full quarter
note, but not shorter, then you specify the time signature
\time 1/4. What I just described in words corresponds to
chant = {
      \set Score.defaultBarType = ""
      \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'strict-note-spacing = ##t
% and in the layout block (but this part's not at issue) :
\layout { ragged-last = ##t
    \context { \Staff
        \override TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
            \remove "Bar_number_engraver"  }

2. Lines don't break in the middle of a melisma whose whole duration is
less than one whole-note.

Harder, except if these melismas always start on a time
instant corresponding to a full number of whole-notes.
In that case, just take my previous answer and use
\time 4/4

N.B. I am aware that I could just set the t.signature for some
denominator higher than 8 (rather than doing BarAlways)
The problem with this is that Znamenny Chant is so metrically
irregular and syncopated that I would be getting bar-overflow all the
time. It wouldn't fit even into a 1/4 t.signature.

Oops, I didn't see this remark until now.


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