You should definitely use R1^\markup{...}
One method to get the horizontal size the way you want it
is to manually specify the width, such as
\override MultiMeasureRest  #'minimum-length = #10

I couldn't find any method to let LilyPond figure out the width


Benjamin Esham wrote:

Hello all,

I am typesetting a horn part from a piano concerto, and I'm having difficulty with the "Cadenza" rests in the piece. What I would like is a rest in the staff—it can be a 4-beat rest, like r1, a full- measure rest, like R1, or a long multi-measure rest, with the horizontal bar; I don't really care which kind. Above that, center- aligned, should be a fermata, and aligned above that, the word "Cadenza".

I haven't found any way to get an acceptable result. I'm using LilyPond 2.10.15. If I use r1^\markup{...}, I get the text fine, but the rest is not center-aligned in the measure. If I use R1^\markup {...}, the measure is condensed to just the horizontal size of the rest, and the text sticks out of the measure. (Using \fatText had no effect on this.) Can anyone tell me how to get the output I described above? Thanks!


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