On 1/18/06, Randy McMurchy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tushar Teredesai wrote these words on 01/18/06 01:45 CST:
> > Like Jermey said, you are expected to click on a link before commenting ;-)
> No, folks are expected to provide links to the actual thing, and
> not just a tease. Keep in mind,
Randy McMurchy wrote:
> Tushar Teredesai wrote these words on 01/18/06 00:57 CST:
>>I don't think you checked the link that I mentioned. It has a tarball
> Cool!
> For those like me that don't understand why a link wasn't provided
> initially to the tarball, here it is:
Tushar Teredesai wrote these words on 01/18/06 01:45 CST:
> Like Jermey said, you are expected to click on a link before commenting ;-)
No, folks are expected to provide links to the actual thing, and
not just a tease. Keep in mind, you are trying to convince us to
change; making one do some rese
Randy McMurchy wrote:
> Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 01/18/06 00:36 CST:
>>Tushar Teredesai wrote:
>>>It looks like upstream has a new release of popt
>>Where is the source?
> Perhaps a better question is:
> Who(what) is upstream with the popt package?
I was a little short in
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006, Richard A Downing wrote:
I did have a certificate saying that I can program this beasty in
assembler, but have never done so in anger. The certificate's date is
interesting - 1976 I think. I also do Intel 4040. Hasn't cosmic-ray
bombardment done for them yet? :-)
I th