On 1/18/06, Randy McMurchy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tushar Teredesai wrote these words on 01/18/06 01:45 CST:
> > Like Jermey said, you are expected to click on a link before commenting ;-)
> No, folks are expected to provide links to the actual thing, and
> not just a tease. Keep in mind, you are trying to convince us to
> change; making one do some research, typically isn't the best plan.
> Providing some convincing text goes a loooong way...

Why should version upgrades need convincing? So if gcc-5.0 is released
do you want a link to the tarball to really know that a new version
has been released?!

> > The library soname has not changed so I don't think there are any
> > changes to the interface.
> Yeah, right.....
> C'mon Tushar, provide something concrete. Saying you don't think
> that the API/ABI hasn't changed because the soname didn't change
> it purely just.... well...
> bullsh*t...

I said *think* i.e. it is a judgement call based on my past
experience. After all that is why sonames were created so that if
there are any incompatibilities the developer could increment the
soname without causing problems. Please don't argue for the sake of
arguing. I am not suggesting some major change to the book, just a
simple version upgrade.

Tushar Teredesai
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