Tushar Teredesai wrote these words on 01/18/06 01:45 CST:

> Like Jermey said, you are expected to click on a link before commenting ;-)

No, folks are expected to provide links to the actual thing, and
not just a tease. Keep in mind, you are trying to convince us to
change; making one do some research, typically isn't the best plan.
Providing some convincing text goes a loooong way...

> The library soname has not changed so I don't think there are any
> changes to the interface.

Yeah, right.....

C'mon Tushar, provide something concrete. Saying you don't think
that the API/ABI hasn't changed because the soname didn't change
it purely just.... well...



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[GNU C Library stable release version 2.3.4] [Linux 2.6.10 i686]
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