Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [pootle] creating projects for 4.4 now

2014-11-19 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Damn... Did you manage to fix those hardly changed strings with only double dot on end (:) or that's most of translation workload? Mihovil 19.11.2014 u 4:03, Baurzhan Muftakhidinov je napisao/la: On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 6:32 PM, Christian Lohmaier wrote: Hi *, so in case you wonder why poo

[libreoffice-l10n] Meaning of Proofed?

2015-01-03 Thread Mihovil Stanić "No language is selected in the proofed section." What does "proofed" means and what is context? Best regards, Mihovil -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: l10n+unsubscr...@global.libreoffice.

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Meaning of Proofed?

2015-01-03 Thread Mihovil Stanić
2, Michael Bauer je napisao/la: I think it's supposed to say something like 'No language has been set for the section to be proofed' Michael Sgrìobh Mihovil Stanić na leanas 03/01/2015 aig 12:44:

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Untranslatable strings in UI

2015-01-06 Thread Mihovil Stanić
I get more and more unreadable emails like this from libreoffice mailing list. Should I be worried or? :) Best regards, Mihovil 05.01.2015. u 21:31, Serg Bormant je napisao/la: \4�#�0��m��+r�M4�p�<� ڶ��מi�x�9ۭ���w�\4�4�M4��?�0n�4�]4�J墸?��t2�1(���n���Z����Z��~tj)\�m4�_{>����ݹ�

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Untranslatable strings in UI

2015-01-07 Thread Mihovil Stanić
with fonts, maybe, but again i am not sure where to set that. I'm trying to send this as "plain text" although many email clients default to html. I don't think that is the issue but just in case it is then it might make things easier. Regards from Tom :) On 7 January 2015

[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice for Android

2015-01-21 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Will there be a  project for LibreOffice for Android translations and Google play description translation? Mihovil -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting guidelines + more: h

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: Workflow between dev, UX and l10n teams

2015-01-26 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Not sure what can we add here? You summed it up nicely in those 3 points. As far as I'm concerned, en_us can be changed/improved as much as anyone wants... only if they provide script for automatic update for all other affected languages. New strings - OK Edited strings with changed meaning,

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Some Translations not Possible in Version

2015-01-26 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Hello Harald, 1, 3 and 4 are not translated for me also ( HR locale), but 2 is. Best regards, Mihovil 27.01.2015 u 00:17, Harald Köster je napisao/la: Hi all, some menu items are not translated into German in version According Christian Kühl all items are translated in Pootle,

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice master Help and UI in Pootle

2015-04-25 Thread Mihovil Stanić
How this "work in master" thing will actualy work? If we don't want to work in master, will translations we do in 5.0 for example be overwritten with master when you switch to 5.1? Or we all have to work in master and not branches? Best regards, Mihovil 24.04.2015 u 20:32, Valter Mura je napis

Re: [libreoffice-l10n]

2015-05-19 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Everything that starts with SW + so other unknown folders. :) 19.05.2015 u 13:17, Отдел прикладной семиотики Академия наук Чеченской республики je napisao/la: Hello, I have one more question, we for began we want to translate LibreOffice Writer, you couldn't tell what files belong to Writer? T

[libreoffice-l10n] Pootle bug

2015-06-16 Thread Mihovil Stanić Author name is half way into translation textbox. Best regards, Mihovil -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems?

[libreoffice-l10n] Do I translate these strings or not?

2015-06-16 Thread Mihovil Stanić These are critical errors for HR locale. #All #Headers #Data #Totals #This Row Do I translate these strings or I have to keep then in english? Best regards, Mihovil -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: l1

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Some questions about XML tag / placeholder warnings

2015-06-22 Thread Mihovil Stanić
21.06.2015 u 14:17, Mikhail Balabanov je napisao/la: Hello again with some more questions :) I have worked on the Bulgarian l10n of and then LibreOffice for quite some time and I have always assumed some things but in the light of the new warning system I decided to ask. :) * I

[libreoffice-l10n] Terminology

2015-06-27 Thread Mihovil Stanić
How to add new words in terminology and translate them? I'm trying, but it's not working. Mihovil -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting guidelines + more: http://wiki.documentfo

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] emoji uniqueness?

2015-07-20 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Solved for hr. 20.07.2015 u 11:11, Németh László je napisao/la: Hi, Yes, we need unique keywords. Fortunately, there are only a few duplicates. Unfortunately, there is no Pootle integration yet, but the update script found the following ones: Languages: duplicate_emoji_bg.txt duplicate_emoji_

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle: LibreOffice 5 or Master?

2015-08-17 Thread Mihovil Stanić
So version 5.1 will be taken from libo50_ui and not from libo_ui (aka master)? Mihovil 17.08.2015 u 13:33, Christian Lohmaier je napisao/la: Where will the strings for the update of next versions 5.x be picked from? They will be taken from the libo50_ui and libo50_help projects. ciao Christi

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] emoji uniqueness?

2015-08-24 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Pls run for all locales and report problems if encountered. Mihovil 22.08.2015 u 17:26, Milos Sramek je napisao/la: On 2015-08-22 17:21, Mateusz Zasuwik wrote: Németh, could you run this test for Polish localization? Slovak too, please Milos -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: l10n+unsubscr...@

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle: Server Error while saving a translation

2015-08-31 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Any untranslated string (for example, right after you press CTRL+ENTER or SEND. 31.08.2015 u 10:48, Alexander Werner je napisao/la: Hi, to make it easier to track down the problem could you please report: - the URL where the error occurs - the precise time when the error

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Basic tool to detect duplicate use of accelerator keys in menus

2015-10-03 Thread Mihovil Stanić
I'm searching for this, but can't find. Using Linux Mint, would like to get that language pack to get key IDs. Your script is working perfectly! 24.09.2015 u 14:42, Niklas Johansson je napisao/la: The dialy builds of LibreOffice should contain the KeyID version (has the language code qtz) http:

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Thunderbird

2015-12-01 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Mozilla is trying to separate TB from FX technically, so they don't depend on each other. That's the first goal, and it's actually good thing for TB. After that it will be decided if TB will stay under Mozilla as separate project with community lead, separate donations, leadership etc., or will

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: Bavarian and Nipmuck - report

2015-12-09 Thread Mihovil Stanić 09.12.2015 u 15:37, Greater Worcester Land Trust je napisao/la: I am not deterred from thinking that a practical daily use program in the language would be a great help to those working in it and on it. I will say that translating literature isn't my gift or talent, b

[libreoffice-l10n] Pootle "bug"

2016-01-05 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Hello Sophie, Dwayne, all, Can this annoyance be fixed in some of new pootle versions? Not sure if I can attach picture to list emails, so here is link: Name of user "sysem user" is overlapping with text field. Just align it left or something. :) Best reg

[libreoffice-l10n] Extras with same translation?

2016-01-11 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Hello all, I finally finished translation for croatian HR master. Only thing left is to check if there are any double / same translation for some extras shortcuts (smileys, emoticons... those with :smiley:). Who can compare that with script? I know someone posted that here before, but I think

[libreoffice-l10n] Terminology

2016-01-19 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Hello, How to add new words to terminology project? Seams I can't do that any more (since pootle upgrade last year). Best regards, Mihovil -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Terminology

2016-01-20 Thread Mihovil Stanić
20.01.2016 u 18:25, Stanislav Horáček je napisao/la: Hi, there is an option to download the .po file (by using the links in the right sidebar in Pootle), edit it manually and upload it back to Pootle - this works fine. Best regards, Stanislav Download of .po files isn't working: "{õ_õ} S

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Terminology

2016-01-21 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Thank you. I guess I'll have to download some small file from master and then edit it for terminology, since I don't know what kind of structure .po files need. Reffering to your other email, I actually wrote it's croatian locale in first message, but it got trimmed down by Stanislav and me in

[libreoffice-l10n] Croatian dictionary

2016-03-10 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Hi all, Can someone please check bug 98531 ( Croatian dictionary update and guide Kruno on how to update it correctly. Croatian dic wasn't updated for 6 years and it's seriously outdated, but he would like to change some things and up

[libreoffice-l10n] Re: Croatian dictionary

2016-03-10 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Thank you. Mihovil 10.03.2016 u 11:42, Sophie je napisao/la: Hi Mihovil, Le 10/03/2016 11:15, Mihovil Stanić a écrit : Hi all, Can someone please check bug 98531 ( Croatian dictionary update and guide Kruno on how to update it

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Removing old translation projects from Pootle

2016-04-09 Thread Mihovil Stanić
I see other languages have same projects also, so not sure if you can remove just ours (HR). But since 4.3 / 4.4 / 5.0 aren't used any more I think it's safe to remove it for everyone? Best regards, Mihovil 08.04.2016 u 10:07, Kruno je napisao/la: Hi, I wonder if it's possible to remove old

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Removing old translation projects from Pootle

2016-04-09 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Sorry, I thought LO 5.0.x is EOL. Now I see there is one more release left. My bad. :) 09.04.2016 u 11:44, Cor Nouws je napisao/la: Mihovil Stanić wrote on 09-04-16 11:39: I see other languages have same projects also, so not sure if you can remove just ours (HR). But since 4.3 / 4.4 / 5.0

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] issue in Table > Size > Distribute rows evenly

2016-05-25 Thread Mihovil Stanić
HR locale looks ok. Mihovil 25.05.2016 u 11:32, Sophie je napisao/la: Hi all, Could you check this issue in your language? en_US is ok but it seems to appear in French and German. Thanks in advance Cheers Sophie -- To unsubscribe e-

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Missing space in formatting of percents in Calc

2016-06-02 Thread Mihovil Stanić
When you enter 5% in cell which is formatted as NUMBER (GENERAL), does it automatically convert to 5,00 % (for new Czech and Finnish setup)? Mihovil 01.06.2016 u 21:25, Stanislav Horáček je napisao/la: Hi all, for most locales, formatting code for the "Percent" category in Calc is a number

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Missing space in formatting of percents in Calc

2016-06-02 Thread Mihovil Stanić
No please don't for now. Kruno and I will first talk before we make this decision. Mihovil 02.06.2016 u 09:23, Kruno je napisao/la: 02.06.2016 u 07:15, Christian Kühl je napisao/la: Hi, Eike! Am 01.06.2016 um 21:25 schrieb Stanislav Horáček: for most locales, formatting code for the "Pe

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Missing space in formatting of percents in Calc

2016-06-02 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Sorry for list noise, but since Stanislav confirmed that it won't change funcionality, I'm ok with adding space between number and % (for HR) as Kruno suggested. Mihovil 02.06.2016 u 09:23, Kruno je napisao/la: 02.06.2016 u 07:15, Christian Kühl je napisao/la: Hi, Eike! Am 01.06.2016 um

[libreoffice-l10n] Terminology

2016-06-21 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Hello, I can't download terminology file for HR. ERROR: A server error has occurred. Thank you for your patience. Exception: Cannot serialize terminology stores Best regards, Mihovil -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems?

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Fwd: [The Document Foundation - Pootle server] Unit #109081786 (sk)

2016-06-22 Thread Mihovil Stanić
I understood it as: Drawing objects = noun, it's an object Draw object = as verb, action, draw something, an object Not sure if I got it right since I don't know where in UI that is located. Mihovil 21.06.2016 u 15:53, Christian Lohmaier je napisao/la: Hi Miloš, *, that's more a question for

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Terminology

2016-06-22 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Ok, thank you for answer. 22.06.2016 u 15:35, Dwayne Bailey je napisao/la: Hi Mihovil, The version of Pootle running at LibreOffice, doesn't allow Terminology files to be downloaded. The version we'll release in a few weeks, 2.8.0, does. On 21 June 2016 at 12:01, Mihovil Sta

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Fwd: [The Document Foundation - Pootle server] Unit #109081786 (sk)

2016-06-25 Thread Mihovil Stanić
It can be both. But since I don't know where it is located in UI or what it does, I can't confirm. Mihovil 22.06.2016 u 19:01, Sérgio Marques je napisao/la: Draw object = as verb, action, draw something, an object Maybe. Why not object from 'Draw' module? -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: l

[libreoffice-l10n] Standard (Single Mode)

2016-10-13 Thread Mihovil Stanić
In LO Calc -> View -> Toolbars -> Standard (Single _M_ode) This string isn't translated in croatian (HR) user interface. Searching Pootle I found these two strings which are translated, but non of them has keyboard shortcut like that in UI.

[libreoffice-l10n] Exchange database

2016-11-08 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Hello all, Quick info needed. In Writer, string "Edit - Exchange database", is "Exchange" name of database (eg. or verb (eg. change database)? I was 100% sure it was database name, but since Kruno reffered me to men

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Exchange database

2016-11-08 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Thank you all, changed! :) Mihovil 08.11.2016 u 10:30, Mihkel Tõnnov je napisao/la: 2016-11-08 10:23 GMT+02:00 Mihovil Stanić : Hello all, Quick info needed. In Writer, string "Edit - Exchange database", is "Exchange" name of database (eg.

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Number of new strings in master

2016-12-27 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Croatian shows 102.264 on all projects page, with 5482 untranslated, where 5.2 was 100% translated. So there is really 5482 new strings in 5.3? Should I wait more with translating or everything I mentioned above is correct and I can start translating? Best regards, Mihovil 27.12.2016 u 10:38

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle downtime

2017-02-14 Thread Mihovil Stanić
14.02.2017 u 10:02, Sophie Gautier je napisao/la: Yes this is the lesson learned :( that should not be long now, Dwayne and his team should be over soon and Cloph will proceed. I'll keep you informed with the info I get. Cheers Sophie Dwayne is managing Mozilla Pootle also, and their upgrade

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] IMPORTANT: do not touch sc/ and formula/

2017-04-20 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Hello, SCADDINS and SVX, are those real strings or same as SC/FORMULA? Mihovil 20.04.2017 u 11:22, Sophie je napisao/la: Hi all, Cloph has made a script to auto-translate sc/ and formula/ do not touch them for the moment. He will run the auto translation as soon as Pootle is more responsive.

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] IMPORTANT: do not touch sc/ and formula/

2017-04-24 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Thank you Christian. Mihovil 24.04.2017 u 13:08, Christian Lohmaier je napisao/la: Hi Mihovil, *, On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 2:36 PM, Mihovil Stanić wrote: SCADDINS and SVX, are those real strings or same as SC/FORMULA? Autotranslation has been performed in following areas (dir leaffile

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Where are date strings defined?

2017-06-15 Thread Mihovil Stanić
1. Download your locale file, for example, mine is here: 2. Edit file. 3. Open new bug on and attach your edited file. Dev should take over and commit fi

[libreoffice-l10n] Pootle suggestions?

2017-06-22 Thread Mihovil Stanić
What's happening with Pootle suggestions? Even easy strings like this (Text), don't have any suggestions. There are at least 50 exactly same strings like that. Also, I just noticed "Termin

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice download page: Two short strings to translate

2018-03-17 Thread Mihovil Stanić
For HR (croatian), translation is bellow. 16.03.2018 u 14:48, Mike Saunders je napisao/la: Hi everyone, We've added two new strings to the download page, and I've worked out how to make them localisable in SilverStripe. (I will also investigate linking it with Pootle but that may take some time

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: [BUG 52288] DATE: Allow truncated date inputs from numeric keyboard

2012-09-02 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Dana 31.8.2012. 14:46, Eike Rathke je napisao: I'd say it should be D.M.Y;D.M;D.M.Y.;D/M/Y;D/M or maybe D.M.Y;D.M;D.M.Y.;D.M.;D/M/Y;D/M The '/' patterns are only for numeric keypad input, aren't they? I doubt anyone wants to key in an extra character if not needed.. Eike Yes, you are right.

[libreoffice-l10n] Hello all, need help with L10N HR

2013-02-26 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Hi all, I'm l10n hr team member for Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird. Since we have those two at 100% translation I was thinking to contribute some time to LO when I can. Not promising I'll be very active but maybe I can help get HR translation little closer to 100%. Where do I need to ask for

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Hello all, need help with L10N HR

2013-02-26 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Dana 26.2.2013. 19:31, Andras Timar je napisao: Hi, On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 7:22 PM, Mihovil Stanić wrote: Hi all, I'm l10n hr team member for Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird. Since we have those two at 100% translation I was thinking to contribute some time to LO when I can. Not prom

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Hello all, need help with L10N HR

2013-02-26 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Dana 26.2.2013. 19:31, Andras Timar je napisao: Hi, On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 7:22 PM, Mihovil Stanić wrote: Hi all, I'm l10n hr team member for Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird. Since we have those two at 100% translation I was thinking to contribute some time to LO when I can. Not prom

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Sort order in alphabetical index in localized LibreOffice

2013-05-19 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Just checked with plain calc sheet, entered whole croatian alphabet and sorting is ok except "dž" (number 7) should be before "đ" (number 8). 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 č 5 ć 6 d 8 đ 7 dž 9 e 10 f 11 g 12 h 13 i 14 j 15 k 16

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [QA] Missing space in Pootle entry

2013-06-15 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Should this 2 strings be "Border settings" instead of "Border setting"? Dana 15.6.2013. 8:58, Andras Timar je napisao: On Sat, J

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle upgrade

2013-06-19 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Yes, it was cache. But I had same problem on all computers. They probably changed image path to old pictures or something. Dana 19.6.2013. 13:20, Andras Timar je napisao: On 2013.06.19. 11:33, Mihovil Stanic wrote: New pootle has non-userfriendly icons. For example "Approve suggestion" icon is

[libreoffice-l10n] Description "The frequency" in formulas

2013-06-29 Thread Mihovil Stanić,target In 15 formulas you can find field "Frequency" and description "The frequency". Better decription would be "Number of interest payments per year" or something like t

[libreoffice-l10n] New strings?

2013-06-30 Thread Mihovil Stanić
We have 19 untranslated words, but our locale was at 100% yesterday. New strings were added or what? Best regards, Mihovil -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? h

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New strings?

2013-06-30 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Thanks, it's done. We still have around 1000 cosmetical errors to correct from old translations, but all strings are translated. Best regards, Mihovil Dana 30.6.2013. 20:58, Andras Timar je napisao: Hi, On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Mihovil Stanić wrote: We have 19 untranslated

[libreoffice-l10n] Language XML file

2013-07-07 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Hi all, I'm stuck with this and I need some help. :) Trying to fix some mistakes in hr_HR.xml file used for our locale setup, but I don't understand few strings, nor they are explained good in manual. Here is our locale file:

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Adding new project into Pootle?

2013-07-09 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Dana 4.7.2013. 19:25, Christian Lohmaier je napisao: Hi Andras, *, On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Andras Timar wrote: On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Mihovil Stanic wrote: We finished translating "website" project. Can you apply itto websites?

[libreoffice-l10n] Leading - translate tip

2013-07-26 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Hi all, Just wanted to give you heads up on this word since some of you maybe translated it wrong (like me). https://translatio

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New/updated strings in LibreOffice 4.1.1

2013-08-05 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Yes, if 108 is few. :) Dana 5.8.2013. 15:27, Andras Timar je napisao: ... 1 fuzzy in cui and a few more in readlicense_oo -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting guideline

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: Bugs to fix in translations

2013-08-22 Thread Mihovil Stanić
HR all done. Best regards, Mihovil Dana 22.8.2013. 14:08, Andras Timar je napisao: Hi, On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 11:27 PM, Andras Timar wrote: Hi, Pootle has many checks, but there are cases which are not covered. You may remember the style name localization issue from last month. Therefore I

[libreoffice-l10n] Missing translation in HR

2014-08-05 Thread Mihovil Stanić
Using LO and that there are no translated strings in "Paste special" menu. (right click on any cell, and "Paste special...") There were some changes here from 4.2 and some of those strings are untranslated (was 100% translated), but not all. Half of menu string should be translated and

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Missing translation in HR

2014-08-05 Thread Mihovil Stanić
:54, Sérgio Marques a écrit : 2014-08-05 12:38 GMT+01:00 Mihovil Stanić : I dont´t have any strings in English. Maybe locales mentioned have the problem? Regards I don't have the problem also in French, all strings are translated. Cheers Sophie -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: l10n+uns