Hello Harald, 1, 3 and 4 are not translated for me also ( HR locale), but 2 is.
Best regards, Mihovil 27.01.2015 u 00:17, Harald Köster je napisao/la:
Hi all, some menu items are not translated into German in version According Christian Kühl all items are translated in Pootle, hence it seems that these items are not marked as translatable. The following items are effected: (1) Writer: "Images" (View > Images) (2) Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw: "Image" (View > Toolbars > Image) (3) Writer: "Shapes" (Insert > Shapes) (4) Calc: "Time" (Format > Number Format > Time) Hoping this can be corrected soon. Best Harald PS: I have not subscribed the l10n list. Please set me to CC if you answer to this mail.
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