KR> Re:Lowrance 2000 update

2012-10-11 Thread The Ainsworths
Larry et al Corvair list in 2011 (note date) about the Lowrance 2000 update. I don't know the status of this but maybe Ron will chime in on the status of the update(see email address of Rob). Perhaps the archives may tell moreI keep everything -lol- - Original Message - From: "Ron L

KR> Inline kr's

2011-12-11 Thread The Ainsworths
J Sellars in New Bruswick had 2 KR s for sale and one had a small inline Saturn 1.8 chev w/ re-drive with a 'hot' set-up. I think they are sold but he may still be available on the list and had a couple of photos of his KRs which may be of help. Check the archives and send an email Gary

KR> folding wings

2010-02-23 Thread The Ainsworths
Orma Glad to see your 'at it'... I am in Canada and wish to have a look at these plans and maybe 'steal' some of it for my design using the wing diheadral start at the boat. I'll pay but not alot...especially if I am only going to see how close it is to mine and put it with my plan set. I'm gett

KR> Re: KR> GAN pulse of aviation

2009-12-23 Thread The Ainsworths
Just goes to show you how an email can get screwed up when sent from an 'off-site' ! Also I forgot Kr etiquate and didn't clip the mail content from it as well. Good 2009 is almost over. The GAN site from Sport's is about the fourth one down if there was any interest is: http://us1.campaign-arch

KR> KR2 partial for sale

2009-06-06 Thread The Ainsworths
What appears to be a decent boat stage KR2 (not S) for sale with all building documents, wheels, brakes, landing gear, (no wings, spars not attached to boat yet), etc., is for sale at Gilbert Aircraft in Brantford Ontario Canada airport CWFD (SW Ontario) for $2000 OBO (Canadian $). Darryl (Gilbe

KR> KR Trailer

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
You trailer guys just haven’t seen the 2004 ‘Gathering’ pictures of Guenther Bryce’s trailer. Mark took a couple of good photos of this and they are about ¾ way down on the list. Hit the 2004 Gathering pictures found on the bottom of site and go get a sandwich if you have dial-up as there

KR> dual controls

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Dan I went to your site and printed the drawings and 'low and behold' at the bottom of the page: KR Newsletter Nov. 1992. So I dusted off my CD Rom of KR Newsletters and found on page 640, 641, 642 and copied them from the Acrobat document and the drawings were much clearer. Oh yeh, next page 643

KR> R3000

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Dan et al If you don't get CONTACT#85 magazine you would have missed the story of Pat Panzerra getting a new R3000 'donated' to put and use in their project 601XL. (CONTACT #80 had the full story on this engine) I sent Pat an email asking about the status of the R-3000, whether it was still in Bet

KR> early Christmas

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Well my Christmas present from me to me arrived today - the 4 Binglis books that EAA offers as a package. Boy are you USA guys lucky! $100 Canuck for the books and delivery plus a brokerage fee of over $30 and $5.50GST!! But. UPS brought it to my door undamaged. Still a better deal than trying

KR> Re: fuselage question

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Mark D. Lougheed did a piece on this and it is found deep in the bowels of Mark Langford's site: You want to take the time read the entire 'manual' of Marks' (both Marks!) before you plod along into uncharted ground - it is required reading - Dan Heat

KR> flying hours

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
359 hours!! Consider the average number of hours flown by a private pilot is 50 -75 hours a year! Which means a couple of hours per week, with some weeks interfered with; weather, job, family, health, etc. How long has it taken mark to fly 359 hours? why am I sitting at this computer? Who's ha

RE: Réf. : KR> engine

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
...and that brings to mind the R3000 VW. What is the status of this engine. Does anyone know of an application in Beta use? 10 are mentioned under review in the test program and at 10Gs it is still cheaper than some 100hp offerings. Contact had a nice write up then nothing since... What's up? Gary

KR> Compsites

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
KR Builders and interested folk: The IBEX Marine Trade Show in Miami Beach Convention Center - Florida is on early Nov 1-3. There is a seminar on composites and other stuff that those of you near to this show might be interested in. Log on to the address below for particulars - take notes and repo

KR> wing weight

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
It would be interesting to have Mark L chime in here with his wing weight as his website he used 2 layers of Carbon Fiber on the top skins and inboard stub tanks Gary

KR> KR Flight Sim for Gathering

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Go to the archives and type in Flight Sim. The answer is there. You have to go to and join the forum(free) or go here: I used the 2000 ver on my 2002 FS Jeez Dana , is this one of your old addresses? It didn't work too well and Myr

KR> Name this photo contest.

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths

KR> Name this photo contest.

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Virg your close It's Mark paying homage to THE QUEEN OF THE AIR

KR> Taylor Mono plane fuselage free to good home

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
G'day Darren how I'd like to make a Corvair powered Taylor out of this!! What are you doing with your KR2? Engine from Taylor going into the KR? Just curious...just heading out to the hangar. The new Skybolt with one of those Czech radials like on Darrlys Russian in the corner, is about re

KR> KR model for microsoft flight sim

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
I have a KR2s loaded on my FS2002. It was originally set for FL98 and it is a bugger to fly (pitch sensitive - yeah!) It probably is on the Fs forum or such and probably someone on the list has it and the instructions on how to load it. It came with a panel but I couldn't get it to work on my FS200

KR> KR model for microsoft flight sim

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Andy Go to the archives and type in Flight Sim. The answer is there. You have to go to and join the forum(free) or go here: I used the 2000 ver on my 2002 FS Gary

KR> Flaps/tubes tec.

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Robin, et al Although it is on Mark's site somewhere (I originally got it from there) and in the archives, there is a quick and dirty look at a flap set-up using the KR design torque tube and the flaps Mark L mentions and uses on his KR. The W.A.R. Corsair that I was into a couple of years ago had

KR> the IN-Crowd

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Bill There are about 12 weeks left before the Gathering. If you start flying now, 1 hour per day, 4 days a week (weather permitting) you might get your hours flown off to go to the Gathering. Get my drift? Start flying that VW.KR.when your safe and keep flying every day until its done. I'm sorry


2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Real Fishy! I went to the archives with: 04/01/2005 to 04/02/2005 containing the words... for sale GUESS WHAT? Us old fools remember! Gary Canada > > > [Original Message] > > From: Mark Jones > > To: KR Net > > Date: 4/1/2006 9:34:23 AM > > Subject: KR> N886MJ FOR SALE > > > > With much regret

KR> Lowrance Marine/ now Magellan

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
I don't have the Hemi either but bought the CD and it doesn't have any Canadian stuff on it. But I can still track to THE GATHERING once I'm across the Lake -lol- So Doug Rupert et al don't buy this cd sectional. (unless you're gonna migrate Doug?) ...Now, if you go on eBay and buy this Sec

KR> Current status

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
A beautiful house! You both should be proud or what you have accomplished in 10 months. Post and beam is my favourite and yours looks great! Kinda reminds me of the one on 'This Old House' when Vila was running the TV show. That greenhouse looks great too and I would kill for a workspace like the

KR> Pistons

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
John I tried the Advance internet site and no parts for Corvair forged pistons came up. $91 is about a third of the TRW price and if all numbers are right and product is ok I'd jump at it! ...but I think something is amiss here...but Fed Mogul is the same as TRW as they are one company now. You ne

KR> Bob Gliddon

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
OK , if Bob flies...where you gonna' sleep Mark? And who's gonna bring the beer? I can't make it this year so that leaves me out. Dana??... (Mark snores) Gary Ont. Canada garyains'at' -Original Message- He has 218 days and some 5,000 plus hours to get er done. He should be able t

KR> resins

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Stephen Don't worry! If you use West System as described in their brochures or book it will bond as well or better than T88. Remember that a 'bonding' filler is used to make a paste of West epoxy and filler for bonding, something like 407 ( I don't have my chart handy) and the fillers are dirt chea

KR> love those resins

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Good points on T88 You convinced me on KR building to use the T88 ahead of the West. My point was that not to worry if you used West. A pure West System epoxy as an adhesive is not near as good as West with a proper filler, but is as good as any epoxy adhesive if used with the proper filler and Wes

KR> R3000

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Revmaster Aviation is experimenting with a new R3000 100hp engine and hope to have it ready for full production in 2006 @ $1. By the time some of you/us are finished your KR building (and sanding) you might be ready to go this route. The engine is in testing (running) stage now with mostly all

KR> Stretching the kr

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Go to Mark Langford's site 'Pitch Sensitivity' Gary Short enough for you Virg? -lol-

KR> .....we are least temporarily.....

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Dan and others, Congratulations Dan!! I met Dan at Gathering 2004 and never met a more determined man to 'get the job done'. Gathering 2005, Dan flew in and was a little more relaxed, as he was on the finishing phases of WANNABEE. It just shows what a determined person(s) can accomplish, and if y

KR> Vision LSA alternative

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
I had my eye on the Vision but it seemed a bit too much for a Corvair and probably better suited for a 115+ hp 'Lync' or something similar. I don't think that there is a Corvair powered Vision 'in the air' Are they still in business? I'm sure you can buy the construction manual and build from scra

KR> Oshcosh Photo

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Dana If you will 'fly' that Dynon again over to the'camp' I just might make the trip to the 'Gathering' again! 30 days plus the 12 hour drive... Gary

KR> Oh no, not the countdown again!

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Oh no, not the countdown again! It drove me to point of...well.. going! I was the early 'Cannuck' that drove 11 hours straight to get their on Thursday and get 'camped' and was also a non KR owner. For those of you even considering a KR (like me) GO TO THE "GATHERING" (like me) and learn a whole lo

KR> Corvair tri gear motor mount

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Doug, Mark etal go to W.W.'s site and go to prices and near the bottom it's listed at $550 with a description and picture. Are you guys' getting a royalty? -o- gary

KR> west system

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
I have used west system on my boat repairs and read their (very heavy book) cover to cover. The west system is as good if not superior to many other epoxy systems because of the ease of use, 2 types of drying set-ups and colours etc.. Just be sure to use the proper fillers! EG filler 407 is best fo

KR> Electronic ignition

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Ok Try this site: it might get truncated so be sure all of the address in bar &.dnm=f8e6.jpg&.src=ph It is a set up for a 6 cylinder Corvair but replac

KR> RE: Electronic ignition re-sending

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
SORRY!! Something went wrong; as it is ok before I send to the list. Must be lost in translation . First one locked up my computer too! Use address only from: http://.. ending src=ph INSIDE THE BRACKETS <...> Don't click on the highlighted fir

KR> Folding Wings

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Ray et al What is the status of the folding wing? A post some time ago read (Archive under 'folding wing'): Gary garyains'at' Ed Janssen wrote: We have a winner of the "Folding Wings" plan raffle. The official "drawer" (my wife) pulled the name of Ray Fuenzalida from the hat. Congrats,

KR> My KR2 S Project - disc brake caliper

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Gav What caliper unit are you using on your custom disc brake set-up? Gary

KR> CORVAIR and KR2S project

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
I just received my copy of CONTACT magazine and find that the 3100 Corvair is still for sale($5000 this is the max hp version - so far, 'similar' to M. Langford's) and a KR2S project. A 2.2L Sube as well (crate engine-new) I sent this to a member on the list when I got CONTACT issue #77 and maybe

KR> GPSMAP 296 @ Discount prices (AC Spruce)

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Boy, talk about shooting yourself in the foot with this post. AC Spruce has a 'goon' patrol? Gary

KR> Aircraft Spruce & Specialty

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Mark and others As the person who started this thread I agree with Mark wholeheartedly, yet, this reply by Mr Irwin should have gone to the home address of the discounter and not the KRnet. It was, I feel, a 'knee jerk' reaction and should have not happened. I am sure Mr Irwin wishes he could un

KR> Gathering Thursday Night

2008-10-12 Thread The Ainsworths
Rumor has it that. Keep the fire going late. Leaving Thursday ASAP and will be 11 hours away I might be thirsty by then I talked to Owen today and he and Chris Gardiner are flying in so we will have a 'contingent' of Canucks there. I have 'lurked' this list for 4 years now