I have got a scan of the manual which I bought off ebay without the drawings
(I already had a set but they got trashed in my workshop so I was looking
for a readable set!).
Let me know your email and I'll send it to you.
Peter Drake Hereford UK
Yes I am still building but
Its the back half off a Piel Emeraude, but turned around to make it a bit
I am at last getting on with it having got the approvals for all my mods and
the Jabiru.
Just done the toe brakes, thanks for the design on your website, Mark.
Just about to start on the firewall forward. I have
turtle deck!
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
Subject: KR> Removable turtle deck
Does anyone besides Mark have a removable turtle deck or in the process
of making one?
I have mine attached with expanding foam. it would be so simple right
now to lay the fiberglass and be done with it.
The sitka grown in the UK is only good for matchsticks and construction it
grows too fast. We use it graded to C16 for construction which is on the
Baltic pine is too dense and not as strong.
I have got Douglas fir spars on mine, but they are heavy compared to spruce
and must be
I thought I enjoyed a chase, but that one is wearing a bit thin now!
Peter Drake
-Original Message-
From: Mark Langford via KRnet
Date: 03 March 2015 03:13
To: KRnet
Subject: Re: KR> UK aircraft grade lumber supplier?
But some
people enjoy the ch
Getting spruce in the UK is difficult. However I have found a source in
Oxfordshire called Bygone Aviation near Witney. (Matt at
Give me a call on 01497 847340 if you want a chat.
Peter Drake
-Original Message-
From: Rogelio M. Serrano Jr. via
Hi All
I have just got a sheet of 0.5mm Titanium for my firewall.
Has anyone got any tips on how best to attach it to the ply bulkhead.
Peter Drake
This is likely to be blue stain which does not affect the strength. However
it is vital that the timber is dried out properly if there is any suspicion
that it may have got damp.
I hope that this clears this one up!
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
Maybe some really qualified person will chime in
mount the other day, beginning to
look like an aeroplane!
Pics of the radical surgery I had to undertake cutting off the 6" my
predecessor added to the fuse so that the 3300 would fit. see
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
What is suggested or most commonly used to bind polyst
Hi Bill
It was Colin Hales. His was an unmodified KR2 with a Jab 2200. His and also
Ken Atkinson's G-BVIA (with a Hapi engine) were only cleared for 950lbs odd
MAUW because of the tendancy to get close to the aft limit on the cofg range
when fully loaded.
This, in practice, limits them to singl
Hi Larry
6" had been added to bring the C of G range a bit forward with the very
light Jab 2200 engine it had been planned to use, So we are just cutting off
what had been added over and above what was on the plans.
Don't forget we have a very different system than you guys. All mods have to
rewall as
I have got to get some more spruce for this. Does anyone know what the
minimum grain count (rings per inch) I should be looking for.
At last I can get on with it, its been over two years wrestling with red
tape, not to mention the bill for the engineer.
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
Hi mike
That looks like a good resource. I've just watched the current bulletin and
am even more depressed than I was before!
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
-Original Message-
From: Mike
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 2:14 PM
To: krnet at
Subject: KR> UK Weather F
Hi Stan
This is pretty much how I did mine see Haven't flown
it yet so I can't tell you whether it made any difference!
Peter UK
Might be of some interest to the list.
Has anyone tried changing the wing tips?
Hi Don
Nice plane
What kind of take off run and climb rate do you get?
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
-Original Message-
From: Don Laverick
atached is a shot of my KR2Ss which has
A Jabiru 80 hp 4 cylinder engine
The plane does 140 knots WOT using 22 litres per hour at 3300rpm
We now have 90UL Avgas which is cleared for use on most engines like
Lycomings in the UK.
It is 20% cheaper than 100LL and our fuel costs are way higher than in the
I have been running it in by PA28 140 for about a year with no ill effects.
Peter Drake
"It will be a great day
Hi Mark
I have made an aluminium canopy based on your original canopy with cranked
How did you go about making closing catches? I can't decide which way to go.
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
-Original Message-
From: Mark Langford
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013
You are so right there Mark!
Peter Drake
-Original Message-
From: Mark Langford
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 1:35 AM
To: KRnet
Subject: Re: KR> New Project.
Suffice it to say, we Americans don't know how good we have it...
Mark Langford
ML at
Hi David
I have a 3300 sitting in my garage waiting for approval from the UKLAA.
They want me to do a torque test on the fuselage of my KR2s to prove that it
is strong enough. I'm not sure how I'm going to do that!
Any ideas anyone?
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
ideas anyone?
Peter Drake
-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 10:41 PM
To: KRnet
Subject: RE: KR> Canopy
In the past years I did rebuilding my house and have a very good feeling
about MS-Polymeer Kit, company den braver. I think allu to pl
it with a propane torch. You have to watch the
temperature control otherwise the whole job melts on you!
I then stuck it on with Sikaflex, aluminium strips and rivets.
My only problem now is how to secure it. Has anyone got any ideas. What did you
do on yours Mark?
Peter Drake
Hi Buzz
If the cracks are perpendicular to the grain they are not drying cracks, these
would be parallel to the grain. They are more likely to be stress compression
cracks, caused either by over stressing of the member or the wrong species of
timber being used.
My advice, walk away.
quot; each side to make them
bigger. Mine hasn't flown yet so I can't vouch for their effectiveness.
See .
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
-Original Message-
From: Dave Anderson
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 12:50 AM
Subject: KR> Flaps vs
quot; each side to make them
bigger. Mine hasn't flown yet so I can't vouch for their effectiveness.
See .
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
-Original Message-
From: Dave Anderson
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 12:50 AM
Subject: KR> Flaps vs
quot; each side to make them
bigger. Mine hasn't flown yet so I can't vouch for their effectiveness.
See .
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
-Original Message-
From: Dave Anderson
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 12:50 AM
Subject: KR> Flaps vs
! (before I had
the project) The main consideration being weight, as it is about the lightest
engine of its size around.
I have in my garage a brand new Jabiru 3300 engine still in its crate if anyone
is interested. We are looking for GBP12500 for it.
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
! (before I had
the project) The main consideration being weight, as it is about the lightest
engine of its size around.
I have in my garage a brand new Jabiru 3300 engine still in its crate if anyone
is interested. We are looking for GBP12500 for it.
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
Is there anyone who has installed a Jabiru2200 engine in a KR2s out there who
might have some performance data available?
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
I am using the free version of SPAMfighter.
We are a community of 7 million users fighting spam.
SPAMfighter has removed 3430 of my spam
Thanks Mike, I have emailed him
I see from the archives that Dene Collett has some engine mount drawings or
data. Dene if you see this are you able to help me?
Peter Drake
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 8:51 AM
Subject: KR
Hi Brian
You can't post photos to the Net. Put them on a website and point us to it.
I'm in the UK so a phone call might be a bit expensive!
- Original Message -
From: "Brian Coss"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2011 1:46 AM
Subject: KR> RE: needs
some stress analysis calcs on the
fire wall for using this Jabiru 3300 we have bought. No reply from Bill Marcy
or his charity.
60% etc.....
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
I am using the free version of SPAMfighter.
We are a community of 7 million users fighting spam.
I think you were very wise not to fly a plane built with Rhamin. It is a
short-fibered hardwood totally unsuitable for this kind of structural use.
Peter Drake
I live in Indonesia, plenty of wood, found wood called RHAMIN (in Sumatera
and Borneo), it has very nice
A veneer is a very thin sheet of decorative timber usually bonded to another
cheaper timber. Also plywood is made up of veneers maybe only 1mm or less
You should be looking for clear lumber for your KR.
I don't know what exact terms you use in the US for this.
Peter Drake
without numbers, so I hope Bill can come up with some.
Many thanks for your help.
Peter Drake
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Langford"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Jabiru 3300 weight vs corvair
data that I can hit him back with?
A frustrated Peter Drake
Hereford UK
I am using the free version of SPAMfighter.
We are a community of 7 million users fighting spam.
SPAMfighter has removed 886 of my spam emails to date.
Get the free SPAMfighter here:
I have just had an email from the cheif engineer of the LAA and he has
refused to let us use a Jabiru 3300 in a KR2S because he says it is too
Has anyone got any stress data that I can hit him back with?
A frustrated Peter Drake
Hereford UK
- Original Message -
ust 22, 2011 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Jabiru 3300
Why not a 3.0 liter corvair it's 120Hp. Even with shipping it's way cheaper
than the Jabiru.
--- On Mon, 8/22/11, Peter Drake wrote:
> From: Peter Drake
> Subject: KR> Jabiru 3300
> To: "KRn
Hi All
There has been some discussion about Jabiru engines.
I am in the process of purchasing a Jabiru 3300 for my KR2s
We feel we need the extra grunt of 120hp to get out of some of the tiny farm
strips we have in the UK.
Is there anyone flying a KR with one out there?
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
Barry and all
I am in the process of purchasing a Jabiru 3300 for my KR2s
We feel we need the extra grunt of 120hp to get out of some of the tiny farm
strips we have in the UK.
Is there anyone flying a KR with one out there?
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
- Original Message -
From: "
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
I am using the free version of SPAMfighter.
We are a community of 7 million users fighting spam.
SPAMfighter has removed 1555 of my spam emails to date.
Get the free SPAMfighter here:
The Professional version does not have this message
Has anyone heard from Robin Macdonald in NZ
He lives very close to the earthquake epicentre. I emailed him just after it
happened and have not had a reply.
Peter Drake UK
I am using the free version of SPAMfighter.
We are a community of 7 million users fighting spam.
SPAMfighter has removed
The last post that I had from him was from the following address:
- Original Message -
From: "Dan Heath"
To: "'KRnet'" ; "'Larry&Sallie Flesner'"
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 4:08 PM
Subject: KR> Larry F.
Has anyone been in contact with Larry Flesner
My aileron pushrod control system is based on Ken Atkinsons design. I used
his drawings and then adapted them to suit my project.
Contact me off net if you would like a set of my drawings.
Phil, I think it is about time we met up, Whereabouts are you? I'm near Hay
on Wye.
Congrats to Mark. When are you coming over here again Mark? I'd like to show
my project.
I've just uploaded some pics of my flap/airbrake control onto my website
I have used the stock lever design with a Bowden push-pull cable to the
torque bar.
Peter Drake
Polyvinyl acrylate That is white wood glue.
Peter Drake UK>
Re: Sanding Vinyl Ester Layup
What is PVA?
I am using the free version of SPAMfighter.
We are a community of 7 million users fighting spam.
SPAMfighter has removed 763 of my spam emails to date.
Get the f
I layed up the whole top and then the whole bottom with a 2" overlap at the
leading edge (where its needed). I then propped the wing up on the trailing
edge and the laid up the second layer forward of the main spar in one piece.
Each to his own...
Peter Drake
- Original Me
The seat was a 2 stage process.
First I made a pair of ply formers and mounted them in a frame
Then I glued in 3 pieces of 2" foam and sanded them to the formers
Then I glassed the sanded surface
then I removed it from the frame and turned it over, resetting it so that
the foam was about 3/8" belo
It most certainly is!
We do garages, stables, workshops etc.
I'm just about to do a clubhouse/pavilion for the local Kart track.
- Original Message -
From: "Fred Johnson"
To: "'KRnet'"
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 5:33 PM
Subject: RE: KR> Photos
Nice bird Peter!
Is that gara
It seems my emails are being swallowed up by a spam filter somewhere
I have just uploaded a whole lot of new photos of my project on my website
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
I am using the free version of SPAMfighter.
We are a community of 7 million users fighting spam
I have made the wing gaps about 1/16", although I may increase this a bit. I
am now trying to find PVC "T" section piping to fit in the gap to finish it
I am making aluminium plates to cover the holes for the WAF bolts which will
be mounted on Camlock fasteners.
Hereford UK
I have used a heavy duty model airplane radio control servo with a servo
tester circuit as a controller. It hasn't flown yet so I don't know whether
the servo is powerful enough.
I tried the wing mirror servo method with a servo off a Jeep Cherokee, but I
couldn't get it to operate fast en
Did the gusset cut into the aileron spar?
- Original Message -
From: "phillip matheson"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 8:17 AM
Subject: Re: KR> Aileron counterbalances
I'm not much of an expert on that but mine are 1/8" aluminium
Thanks Larry
What thickness steel should I use?
>There were some posts a couple of years back about it, suggesting
>steel would be best, what size and thickness? Should I use angle
>rather than bending some plate up?
angle rather than bending some
plate up?
Peter Drake UK
Here in the UK we have a "Cloud Appreciation Society", You should be a
Peter Drake
Mark wrote:
I flew a little today, and it was a real hoot. See the top two pictures at
Search the KRne
y. He says he can
rig it in about 45 minutes. Unfortunately he does not use a computer so you
can't contact him on line.
I have some pics I took of it when I visited him last year, contact me off
net and I will send them.
Peter Drake
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday,
Peter Drake
- Original Message -
From: "Robin Macdonald"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:45 PM
Subject: KR> Glueing Foam
I am in the process of glueing the foam to the spars, wing leading &
trailing edge, tail feathers, etc. I have mad
The CEO Of British Airways is called Willie Walsh. I'm sure that he can't be
the same guy!
Peter Drake
- Original Message -
From: "Lee Van Dyke"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 6:44 PM
Subject: KR> William Walsh
I'm trying to
Hi Ron
What weight is the engine?
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
- Original Message -
From: "Ronald Piekaar"
Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2009 12:29 AM
Subject: KR> 2600cc VW/Porsche Type 4 for sale
Hi everyone in KR land,
It's Ron and I have a never used, zero t
about how hard it was.
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
- Original Message -
From: "bobby burington"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2009 6:10 PM
Subject: KR> Paint
Hello All ,
Hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving. I was wondering what everyone
was usin
inspection plate on the
Any comments
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
- Original Message -
From: "John Martindale"
To: "'KRnet'"
Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2009 12:44 AM
Subject: RE: KR> gap between wings
Hey Phil
How do you do this when the bo
This is similar to the method I used for my wing tips, except I didn't have
a former every 2". I just cut 2" layers of foam to the slice profiles, then
stuck them all together and then sanded them off. See
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
- Original Mess
What make of VW turbo engine did the KR2 that broke the record have?
Peter Drake
- Original Message -
From: "Willie van der Walt"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 6:15 PM
Subject: KR> South African Speed Record - KR2
If you want to buy bits for air craft, I suggest you get along to one of the
LAA regional events. Here you can get up close to the aircraft and they have
a few stands selling stuff. See
for venues.
Peter Drake
- Original Message -
I suggest after you have sanded it down to 2000 grit, you polish it with
fine paint cutting compound like T-cut. I have used this to restore
scratched CDs, it works well.
Peter Drake
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 11:52 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Plexig
office do use radar, but I don't know what type.
Was the fly-in at Popham good this year? I was hoping to go myself but other
things got in the way, not least the weather!
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Langford"
To: "KRnet" ; "
We don't all talk like Biggles over here!
Peter Drake
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Jones"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 3:15 PM
Subject: KR> English Langford
>- Original Message -
>From: "Mark Langford
Yes I have used it throughout the wings and tail. I know its not called for
in the plans. I took this project over from a friend who had already planned
to use the blue. He is a glider man and they use it a lot. I have also been
looking at the construction of the Europa which also uses it v
What was the dia of the bolts that held the rod ends onto the spars
, I want to use 3/16th dia.
- Original Message -
From: "Peter Drake"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: 6 February 2009 11:32 AM
Subject: KR> Inspection
Just had my inspector here. He has signed off all
Hi Barry
I agree with you. However we operate in a very different environment here
and these blocks were specified by the chief engineer of the LAA, so I had
no choice but to comply. The inspector is just there to check that it has
been done as specified.
- Original Message -
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
- Original Message -
From: "smwood"
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2009 3:22 AM
Subject: KR> Re: Inspection
Take care not to spill any fuel on the styrofoam; gasoline will dissolve
Search the KRne
the seat, with blue styrofoam and a layer of bid both
sides, it is fantastically strong and very light. photos soon.
I'll soon be able to start glassing the tail and wings, when the weather gets a
bit warmer.
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
I didnt say that solid mahogany was not strong enough. However the
"mahogany" used in Far Eastern plywood which is what you will buy down at
the depot is a mixture of species which are mostly Mahogany substitutes
which are not a strong as real Honduras or Brazilian Mahogany.
I would agree with all of that except the mahogany ply. It does not have
anything like the strength of Birch.
We are not allowed to use it structurally in the UK because of this.
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
- Original Message -
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Monday, January 19, 20
Dont drink Methylated spirits it is methyl alcohol which makes you go blind!
Peter Drake
Hereford, England.
- Original Message -
From: "Phil Matheson"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 2:06 AM
Subject: Re: KR> acetone in epoxy mixes
> Mentholated Spr
Hi can anyone recommend a free website service so I can put some pics up for
you guys to have a look at?
Peter Drake
ec. rivets should I use to fix the inserts into the tubes?
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
Thanks Ed
I finally found them in the LAS Catalogue (UK agents for ACS) under another
more complicated code.
Why cant they make these things more simple!
Peter Drake
- Original Message -
From: "Ed Jeffko"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 11:25 PM
A question for Mark Langford: The Dr Dean hinges you have used look like a
really neat solution. However I have one query. How do you lock the bolt
holding the MW3 Rod end in position?
All the others have self locking nuts, but there is no nut to lock here.
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
It seems that epoxy is the way to go. I was wondering if Loctite on the
threads would be acceptable.
> Hi Peter
> I am using dean hinges and I have locked the bolt in position by
> gluing them with t88 and flox.
> the hime joint mw3 is held in position by the I bolt which I have
> also gl
le to take a rod end be suitable?
The weight saving over T45 or 4130 would be significant.
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
- Original Message -
From: "Pete Diffey"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 1:30 AM
Subject: Re: KR> Pushrods and NACA ducts
> If any
A question for Mark Langford
I am using a similar elevator linkage set up to yours with rods & cables.
Did you use any kind of bushing where the bellcranks pivot on the bolt?
and what lever arm distances for the cable shackles and rod linkages were on
these bellcranks?
Peter D
ble or is there another way
round it?
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
for wood to wood structural joints, my advice: stick to the proven systems
eg. T88 or Aerolite.
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
-Original Message-
From: []On
Behalf Of Steve Jacobs
Sent: 30 August 2006 15:39
To: KRnet
Subject: Re: KR
Hi Guys
I have got my wing spars all set up and wonder if it would be a good idea
to give them a coat of epoxy before I glue any foam on. will the epoxy
weaken any bonds, and will it cause any problems later when I start
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
Microsoft Visio is idiot proof! Although it is only 2D.
I use it for my business as well as my KR
On Tue, 02 May 2006 03:50:41 +0100, Bill Johnson wrote:
> KR Netters (especially you CAD guys):
> This question is a two-parter: 1) What CAD software do you use and, 2)
> What
> would yo
Hi Tim
We've been thinking of a Jab6 for our KR2S. Here in the UK we are
restricted to 500 KG MAUW and the Corvair is too heavy for us to have a
meaningful payload. The downside is the cost, so the Rotax 912 looks more
likely for us.
Hereford UK
On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 15:05:01 -, Ti
Well mostly!
We still buy our lumber in metric feet!
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
On Sat, 14 Jan 2006 17:56:06 -, Serge VIDAL
> Well, Frank, the Brits did it! They switched to metric in 1965, and never
> looked back! Why did they do it? Well, simply because their industry
et of standard
dimensions. So we havent really gone metric at all!
Hee Hee!
Peter Drake
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 17:22:49 -, Joachim Saupe
> What are metric feet?
> Joachim
>> [Original Message]
>> From: Peter Drake
>> To: KRnet
>> Date: 1/16/2
u have a scan of the
design if you like.
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
On Sun, 08 Jan 2006 22:25:29 -, John Godwin
> This question is primarily to Mark but anyone please chime in. I am
> just getting started on my 2S and am planning on lengthening the
> fuselage by 14
Merry Christmas to all you KRnuts across the pond.
WAF problems sorted out. Starting on controls over the holidays.
A prosperous New Year to you all.
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
ix it?", but this is
what we have to put up with over here.
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
- Original Message -
From: "Ron Freiberger"
To: "'KRnet'"
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 5:51 PM
Subject: KR> WAFs revisited
> Designing an airplane is a lot like
- Original Message -
From: Mac McConnell-Wood
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 10:05 AM
Subject: RE: KR> control movement for airlerons
Peter, Sympathies are with you over the WAF's -The PFA are great at reinventing
the wheel! I recall some of the
To make KR2 wings easily removable would require a fairly major
modification. The PFA dont like KR's anyway so a mod of this kind would a
fairly big hurdle to cross...
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
- Original Message -
From: "Peter Diffey"
Sent: Monday, November 14
Should you varnish the wood before sticking foam to it? I would have thought
it might not bond so well with a layer of varnish in between.
Peter Drake
Hereford England
- Original Message -
From: "Orma"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 10:44 PM
Springs it is then!
- Original Message -
From: "larry flesner"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 4:07 PM
Subject: KR> Control cables/rudder springs
>>Have you any opions on the merits of return springs on the pedals against
Hi all
What diameter cable should I use for rudder controls. I cant find this info on
any of the plans or the manual, or should I just get new glasses!
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
Thanks for that.
Have you any opions on the merits of return springs on the pedals against a
cable run around?
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Jones"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 1:17 PM
Subject: RE: KR> Control cables
Are you using a push rod system for aileron and/or elevator?
If so I would like to see your drawings if possible
Peter Drake
Hereford UK
- Original Message -
From: "Serge VIDAL"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 9:22 AM
Subject: Réf. :
This looks very similar to what I'm planning to do for the elevator. As far
as I could see you stuck to the original cable design for the ailerons is
this correct? Have you any opinions on the merits of rod connections for the
- Original Message -
From: "Colin Rain
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