Just in case someone can find it interesting, here is my report on my first
"semi-solo" on the KR2S.
I took some bicycle hours on a Kitfox before, and faced the KR two weeks
The first hour was about taxiing with the tail down, to get acquainted with
such condition.
The second hour was about g
I'm still in the making of the video, but last saturday I went to see "my"
I sat in the right seat and performed some taxies with Alberto, then he
jumped off and let me sit in the left.
35 Celsius, closed cockpit and A LOT of taxiing up and down to "feel" the KR
bicycle, after having had some t
Ok, Dan, I just did it.
I wanted to preserve the quality, but now it's more viewable.
If anyone wants the fullsize pics, just ask.
On 7/31/06, Dan Heath wrote:
> Thanks for the pics. You are a lucky guy to get
I enjoyed a couple of barrel rolls, some wingovers and a looping. Guys, that
plane definitely FLIES!
My opinion? Confirmed: it's a rock.
Alberto's young brother made a video I hope to compress so to make it
available on the net, for your entertainment :-)
I forwarded your message to my wife. She recognized ME :-)
Roma (ITALY)
2006/4/26, Mark Langford :
> NetHeads,
> It just occured to me that I have flown somewhere substantial for the last
> four weekends: Illinois to visit Larry Flesner, then to Sun n Fun with a
> stopover at
I did not get Bobbisized. And I pray she does not see this post.
> Mark Jones (N886MJ)
> Wales, WI
> Web site: www.flykr2s.com
> Mailto:flyk...@wi.rr.com
> -Original Message-
> From: krnet-boun...@mylist.net [mailto:krnet-boun...@mylist.net]On
> Behalf Of Cr
Excuse me for the silly question, but: does anybody have videos of KR2 ("S"
or not) taking off, flying and/or landing? I've just seen the ones at
http://www.users.bigpond.com/kr2/Picture_Gallery.htm and would like to watch
more dor... educational pourposes. I have plenty of internet band, can
Send me a zipped web page with your pics and I'll put it on line and send
you the URL to give your friends!
2006/4/27, Serge VIDAL :
> Cris,
> I will jump at the opportunity, if you don't mind. I have asked several
> times to have some pics of my KR2 on t
Very interesting, especially the part in which you realize what you see when
you land on a taildragger. That is nothing.
2006/4/27, Dan Heath :
> Go along for the ride with Larry
> http://krbuilder.org/LarryFlesner/index.html
> See N64KR at http://KRBuilder.org - Then click on the pic
- Original Message -
> From: "Cris."
> To: "KRnet"
> Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 10:09 AM
> Subject: Re: Réf. : KR> Videos
> Of course!!
> I have two solutions:
> 1) Some Mb on my hosting service, the same where I put the
Thank you.
2006/4/27, Charles Buddy & Cheryl Midkiff :
> Cris,
> Check out the link below.
> http://www.ltproductions.net/samples/KR_2004_FINAL.wmv
> Bud Midkiff
> Lynnwood, WA
> - Original Message -
> From: "Cris."
> To:
Does anyone have some numbers on take off and landing distance on a KR2S
with belly board and 80-like HP engines?
My friend's KR2S is strictly built per-plans (light, no widening anywere,
front fuel tank, etc.) with the characteristics above and I saw it fly last
week, trying to pay more attention
It's a good practice to avoid paying through money transfers, unless you
feel pretty guaranteed.
2006/3/3, bearlk...@aol.com :
> KR builders;
> last week I bid on an engine and lost. I then recieved a "second
> chance"
> email that let me have the engine at my bid pri
commitment to build my KR "per plans", dimensions
included. I am not that tall, nor fat, so I wish to build as Ken Rand
intended to. Some modifications will be done since the technology and the
materials have evolved, but I'll try to stick to the plans as much as I can.
Roma (I
2S. Well, I guess it's not really a KR2S anymore...it has
been modified in almost every conceivable way, with only the basic fuselage
shape retained."
But, again, his site is my favourite KR bookmark!
2006/2/21, feg...@sbcglobal.net :
> Hi Cris,
> You may already kn
I already did and pointed out that it's a GREAT site, but he statse that his
aircraft is not exactly a "per plans" built one :-)
2006/2/21, Robert L. Stone :
> Cris,
> If you want a detailed very complete builders manual for the KR2S,
> take
> a look at M
ll be able to do it, just
wandering if anyone did it already.
KR2S wannabuilder.
Roma - Italy - EU
New house ready in two/three months, then the workshop.
There is a time to build and a time to fly. And the time to build
hasn't started yet. But I fly anyway :-)
With gas it weights about 750 grams. With oil I don't know, maybe more than
one kg.
2006/2/6, bo...@hatconversions.com :
> If you can get plans on CAD., you can print out 1 to 1 drawings, paste
> them to your materials with barge rubber cement, and there's your layout
> with no measuring. Exa
Il senso della vita
Nella trasmissione di Canale 5, «Il senso della vita» Paolo Bonolis ha
ri-proposto una rubrica che riprende pari-pari una "storica" iniziativa del
settimanale Cuore ricordate ? (CUORE - Settimanale di resistenza umana)
chiuso nel '93. L'ultima pagina di CUORE era infatti riserva
I am sorry. This one was not intended to go to this mailing list, as most of
you have probably already realized :-)
Unfortunately the "auto complete" feature of Gmail helped me to make this
big mistake
Excuse me again.
Il 25/01/06, Cris. ha scritto:
> Il senso de
I was about to break into tears.
Shit happens.
Thank you for your account :-)
2005/12/21, Serge VIDAL :
> I know it's not Friday, but all this oil leak talk made me feel like I
> should share that painful memory with you, guys!
> A few years ago, in South Africa, I was busy upgrading the inst
Well, that's simple: no Paypal, no credit card, no e-mail, no nothing :-)
Just call RR on the phone and arrange the transaction.
I tried by fax (I'm italian and usually make a lot of mistakes, while...
"scripta manent") but could not even manage to get a reply.
Then I bought a set of second hand pl
How many wives do you have?
2005/11/23, Ron Smith :
> Oscar Zuniga wrote:
> Just working on repairing the seat back on the Pietenpol and thought I'd
> post a tip that has been mentioned before but it works so well it's worth
> repeating.
> When cutting sponge foam such as is
You succeeded :-)
2005/11/17, ken :
> trying to post
> ___
> No banners. No pop-ups. No kidding.
> Make My Way your home on the Web - http://www.myway.com
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at http://www.
Does anybody need a new bookshelf for your home or hangar?
Here are a couple of things homebuilder could be interested in :-)
Otherwise, just glass them and...
Land the airplane, rubber side down, main wheels first.
I'm supposed to be the last one to talk, here, since I may have not fully
understood the issue.
I read twice all the answers Isaac got to his message and did not find
anything even slightly related to "ethnicity".
I invite you to read them back and tell me where I go wrong.
He wrote his first messa
something ramarkable happens in the world. But this is my opinion and this
thread is definitely diverting from KR issues.
2005/11/15, Mark Jones :
> introduced himself that way. The whole issue is over his
2005/11/16, Oscar Zuniga :
> I just saw John Esch's post about him putting his KR project (and Corvair
> engine conversion) up for sale. Take a look at what he's offering... it's
> a
> great price for what you get. Cris, in Rome- too bad you don't live
2005/11/16, Ron Freiberger :
> That's easy for you to say, but we don't have snowmobile trailers in
> SouthWET Florida.
> Ron Freiberger
> mail to ronandmar...@earthlink.net
> -Original Message-
> From: krnet-boun...@mylist.net [mailto:krnet-boun...@mylist.net] On
Lazy Eight.
> Serge
> "Cris."
> Envoyé par : krnet-boun...@mylist.net
> 2005-11-08 10:31
> Veuillez répondre à KRnet
> Remis le : 2005-11-08 10:32
> Pour : KRnet
> cc : (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
> Objet : Re: Réf
Oh, I got it on Google.
The name should be WINGOVER :-)
2005/11/8, Serge VIDAL :
> If I understand well, that would be a Lazy Eight.
> Serge
> "Cris."
> Envoyé par : krnet-boun...@mylist.net
> 2005-11-08 10:31
> Veu
The chandelle is a 180 turn with a sensible gain in altitude and a final
speed slightly higher of the stall speed. In the middle you are with a bank
of nearly 90.
2005/11/8, Hauck, John MAJ HHC-37th TRANS <
> Sounds like an Immelmann turn. From WW I...I wi
The engine is a Greatplains.
The scoop on the top... he told me, but I cannot remember, so I'll ask him
again :-) I'm sending an SMS, just wait!
The wheel pants are on, now.
And, yes, it has the speed brake.
PS. Alberto is almost finished with his second project. It has flaps and
wing tanks.
I don't know if thewingover I described is not correct, but I think that
it's my lack of english knowledge :-)
2005/11/8, Colin Rainey :
> Cris
> It sounds like the maneuvers you were doing are derivatives of others, but
> not exactly correctly executed.
> For clarif
> So, each
> time I make the long trip to see my aircraft (one hour forty minutes
> drive, traffic jams not included),
That's the "con" when you live in a big city with a large CTR. Especially
if, as I do, fly an ultralight and the airfield must be out of it.
Land the airplane, rubber side
Where do you keep your Kilimanjaro Cloud?
2005/11/8, Serge VIDAL :
> Oh, there re many airfields closer than that. But there is simply no
> hangarage available.
> Serge
> "Cris."
> Envoyé par : krnet-boun...@mylist.net
> 200
I have the answer. Under Alberto's KR cowling there's the electronic
ignition pickup, installed in the place once occupied by the mechanical fuel
Alberto installed two electric pumps, instead.
Land the airplane, rubber side down, main wheels first.
I am, Pat ;-)
2005/11/7, patrusso :
> That really wasn't a loop. Looked to me like a parabola performed to
> achieve
> a brief moment of weightlessness
> Now i know why they call it a doggy bag
> Cristiano..are you still logged on?
> ___
> Search the
Oh, well, I forgot (kidding): saturday morning... my first flight on a KR2S.
Two tonneau.
That plane is GREAT. My english is not enough. I'll have someone translate
in italian what I felt :-)
2005/11/7, patrusso :
> That really wasn't a loop. Looked to me like a parabola performed to
> achie
Serge is probably ok. The problem is if anyone who dares to face him will be
the same :-)
Serge, tell something :-)
2005/11/8, Phil Matheson :
> Sorry guys and gals
> But I was hope that serge was OK in Paris, with all the cival unrest and
> trouble, I have not heard from
I am in love with that plane.
2005/11/8, jscott.pi...@juno.com :
> Cristiano,
> Go ahead and post your impressions in Italian. There are many
> translation web pages available. One of us will have your post
> translated, then repost it.
> Jeff Scott
> (tonneau)
> Serge Vidal
> KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
> Paris, France
> "Cris."
> Envoyé par : krnet-bounces+serge.vidal=sagem@mylist.net
> 2005-11-07 23:50
> Veuillez répondre à KRnet
> Remis le : 2005-11-07 23:50
s looking for is your e-mail address so that I could
> send an occasional sketch of helpful construction techniques and tools
> that
> have worked best for me over the years. How is your new house coming
> along?
> Pat
> - Original Message -
> From: "Cris."
As some of you already know, I still have some months to wait before
starting to build.
My first step, after the "zero step" consisting in preparing the shop, will
be the "boat".
I have some contacts to buy Spruce, here in Italy, but I'm reading lots of
stuff about construction techniques and in on
I think you are mostly right, although BRS devices are heavily discussed,
here, too.
I wander if Steve could have survived with one of those. Sufficient
altitude? If a plane spins when it's too low, maybe you can't.
I don't know...
Anyway, 3 k$ is VERY cheap. I'm afraid I could spend 5 times that,
My workshop will be located in a garage of my house. It's currently
being built, so I can make modifications. The place is very large and
the roof will be 4.50 m. I have the chance to build an intermediate
floor (loft? gallery? I don't know the english for it!). Do you think
I'd better keep my high
This is just to say that this morning in Rome FCO Airport Oscar Zuniga took
the chance of his holiday in Italy for bringing me the plans for KR2S.
So I'm supposed to be part of the community, now :-)
Land the airplane, rubber side down, main wheels first.
...And don't forget to tell us the URL
2005/9/17, Orma :
> Send me some pictures and I'll post them to the web.
> Orma
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at http://www.maddyhome.com/krsrch/index.jsp
Does anyone have any picture of his workbench or workshop in general to
(these 3 months are going to last for years...)
Land the airplane, rubber side down, main wheels first.
Good luck, so did I, before buying second (or third?) hand :-)
2005/9/16, The Strattons :
> Hello out there!
> I would like to borrow/buy a set of plans for a KR-1. No one ever seems to
> be at Rand, and I have left messages requesting info, to no avail.
> Thanks,
> Adam
on I download them I'll put them on a web space to share them.
Bycicle, no flaps, belly board, leather interiors, Limbach (Great Planes)
engine, nice instruments panel with certified stuff.
He's currently selling it (he's almost completed a new one).
Land the airplane, rubber side down, main wheels first.
I found the time to upload some pics of Alberto Zorzi's KR2S on my web
If you want, you can see at:
Roma (ITALY)
Land the airplane, rubber side down, main wheels first.
re the house is finished I can start to set up the
workshop in the basement. I know that it will take a looong time, but time
is on my side. Often the chance to have the workshop JUST under your house
gives you the opportunity to take advantage of every single hour, with no
need to plan.
Laughing Out Loud
2005/9/7, Serge VIDAL :
> Forgive my ignorance, but could somebody tell me what does LOL mean?
> Serge Vidal
> KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
> Paris, France
> "Dan Heath"
> Envoy
Hi, Tony!
I think that the Rotax 912 option will become more popular with the
spreading of KR2S in Europe. The race for replacing older 80HP with a 100HP
will hopefully make some 80HP engines available on the market at affordable
prices. I have an 80HP 912 on my Storm and I am pretty satisfied
ean, is there a precise moment in
building where you absolutely must know what your engine will be?
2005/9/10, JAMES FERRIS :
> Why can't you get a VW engine in Europe? isn't Germany still in Europe?
> Looks like that would be the first choice.
> Jim
> _
right wing, although differently painted. The other one is a
Storm, too.
James, you did not flame me, I was joking. It's pretty common here talking
badly of Rotax engines, although everyone wants one. I think the main down
is the price :-)
Can anybody tell me about the weight of the engine mounted his KR2S?
I mean, the engine as you take it off the mount. With a Rotax 912, the one I
have on my present plane and the same I hope to mount on my future KR2S, the
test gives 87 kg (191 lbs).
So long,
Would you ship to Italy? ;-)
2005/9/4, Dave Jeltema :
> it is now listed on barn stormers if you at all interested i have more
> pics
> let me know
> Thank You
> Dave Jeltema
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at http://www.maddyhome.com/krsrch
In Italy we pay ?4.80 per gallon, that is... oh, sh*t!!!
'Nuff said.
2005/8/31, 3343V <33...@swbell.net>:
> wilder_jeff Wilder wrote:
> > Geesh guys, I dont know if I am going to be able to make it up with
> > the price of fuel here in my home town almost 3.00 a g
...although it's not building an airplane :-(
I'm back from my vacation and I was glad to find so many KRNet messages in
my mailbox.
I spent the past two weeks on Bingelis' articles and, being forced to wait
some months before starting my project, I'll take the chance to gather as
much informati
I must admit that no one attempted to discourage me from starting a project.
I'm happy for that.
To tell the truth, after all the main issue is that I'll build it here in
Italy. If I were in the USA I could take advantage of some chances to get
the right wood, to trade some material with other
about the "old one" (RAF048?)
Changes in dimension: I do not think I could manage that. :-(
Ideas have time to change and evolve, anyway. I just ordered the Newsletter
2005/8/22, patrusso :
> Cris
> Wow! A vacation in Italy!! Other important
Hi all.
Thanks, Mark for adding me to the list!
So, folks, my name is Cristiano, 42 year old, writing from Rome, Italy. I
fly an SG-Aviation Storm 280 SI, I own it together with two nice friends,
but I want to start a homebuilding. I'll move to a new house in 2006, a huge
garage available, and
27;s anything else I'd better start looking for? the starter
kit for composites from Aicraft Spruce?
I'll have to wait six months before I can begin preparing my workshop, so
I'd like to use this wait to study and practice. And I'll keep flying, of
Thank you all, it
t-built or homebuilt. You build your plane then
the AeCI (Aeroclubd'Italia) verifies that it's compliant to the ULM
limitations and that's it.
2005/8/4, Peter Drake :
> Hi Cris
> I am in the UK. Perhaps we should start a Euro KR builders club?
> I took
ster those procedures to send money abroad and I don't expect
help from RR...) and will start studying as soon as I receive them. Oh, BTW,
does anyone have some "electronic" sample of the plans or the manual? So to
calm my thirst...
Let's keep in touch, us "EuroKRs"!
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