How many wives do you have?

2005/11/23, Ron Smith <>:
> Oscar Zuniga <> wrote:
> Just working on repairing the seat back on the Pietenpol and thought I'd
> post a tip that has been mentioned before but it works so well it's worth
> repeating.
> When cutting sponge foam such as is used for upholstery and cushions, use
> an
> electric knife. The one I use is one that came with a bread slicing setup,
> but most any electric knife will work. It cuts straight and clean through
> foams, unlike trying to use a knife or scissors. Mark your line on the
> foam
> with a Sharpie and just let the knife ease through. It'll cut as straight
> as you can mark a line with a ruler, or follow curves as needed.
> Be sure to rinse off the knife blades before you put the knife away, or
> your
> whole wheat bread will be "fortified" with foam dust next time you slice
> some ;o)
> Thanks Omar!!!!
> That was just the information I needed!! I was wondering how I was going
> to do that. I love the KRNET!
> Ron Smith
> Kr2ssxl
> Cypress Ca U.S.A.
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Land the airplane, rubber side down, main wheels first.

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