> >> However, when airplanes go quiet,
> >> just like women, it's usually not good
Seeing that it's Friday..are you out to pick on glider pilots? Quiet
is a good thing.
Unless I'm mistaken, and I've known to be, but as I remember from
college the speed of sound was 1127 fps or something along the lines of
723 mph at mean sea level with the speeds of course decreasing as you
progress to lower temperatures. The speed of sound was roughly four
times that at the densi
forward to asking real building questions for a change.
Bart Ferguson
Houston, TX
PS - I'm already starting to hate sanding.
out there as well.
Bart Ferguson
A few Sonex builders just used miter saws and a slower cutting action
than you would use with wood (for C and angle extrusions). Probably a
cleaner cut than with a cutoff wheel. A metal chopsaw could be used but
they generally don't offer as many angle options as a compound miter
Hello Net,
This being Friday and seeing as there is some interest in publishing
web pages to exchange information on building I thought I would share a
few links to help those without a lot of web publishing experience.
www.htmlgoodies.com - this site is quite a valuble tool and explains
> Any thoughts, anyone??
Good to see you made it back to Earth in one piece.
Just curious to know if you've ever tried to thermal in your KR? What
was your decent rate with the misfiring motor compared to what it would
be with the prop stationary? Not sure what you L/D is but I've heard
Here is a very intuitive 3D app that just started offering a free
version through Google. Tried the demo and it is good for getting rough
ideas into a model form but isn't quite up to snuff as far as accurate
dimensioning and template printing.
For just 2D
e built and there
isn't much to go on other than a few pages. The focus would be building
the transition from a 5048 main spar to the airfoil used on the outer
wing and obviously the technique to build it. Is there a separate
construction manual for the 1B or is the addendum simply a set of
Input plans into a CAD package, set units from English to Metric, voila!
You're probably going to need to use the CAD step to get full size
prints for templates anyway so just let the program handle the
conversion. Building an aircraft without some form of CAD would be like
building without power
> You can always tell a Texan or a Georgia boy. You just can't tell 'em very
> much...
You reckon?
Four wordsWarner Robbins Air Museum. You really ought to fly on down
to Georgia around March-April when the peaches are blooming (although
ours are blooming already here in Texas
One question to ask would be are the cracked cranks caused in part by
amplification of harmonics through the use of a prop extention? How does
the data thus far compare? Aren't most Vair powered KR's using them to
get a more stramlined cowl shape and wouldn't this be something unique
to t
It might not be a KR but as far as auto fuel is concerned I've been
using Turbo 108 additive as well as Marvel Mystery Oil in a fairly well
aged Explorer. Find I can get 40-60 miles more per tank for the small
trouble of pouring them in the tank before filling. Only use 1/4 of the
Turbo 108 (8 fl.
Was wondering what size the blades were for the body saw, it does look
more manuverable and I can see it saving many a router bit in the
future. $20 is a bargain if it uses standard jigsaw blades. Envisioning
a tax writeoff trip to HF in the morning.
No shop should be without either tool. Yes, use
Please forgive any naive tone I may have but the Corsa engine is or is
not the proper block for conversion for aircraft useage? I've located
one (whole vehicle) and will be ordering WW's manual Saturday
regardless, but was curious of the potential this car presents beyond
face value.
Well I've looked through the archives and found some reference to
somebody creating a flight model for X Plane, but haven't yet come
across one online. Has anyone put one together? FWIW it seems a lot
harder to fly than a real aircraft but then again need a set of real
controls and not ju
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