This is a little confusing trying to budget things for getting started.

Wicks Spruce Kit KR2S-001 $930.35

AS KR-1 $725.81
      KR-2 $866.91
      KR-2S $753.11

First thing is why would the cost for the stretched kit be less than for
the plain 2 version at AS? There is an obvious cost difference between
the two. Does this mean one kit is boat and tail vs. one that includes
spar material? What exactly comes with the first spruce kit? Would the
first spruce kit and a gallon of T-88 be all that is needed to get
started after buying plans? Looking to get construction underway this
fall and forward to asking real building questions for a change.

Bart Ferguson
Houston, TX

PS - I'm already starting to hate sanding.

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