sieve authentitcation problem

2001-07-04 Thread David Wright
I have been hapily running cyrus-imapd 1.6.24 for some time. My mail server is a black box: the users have no local accounts; imapd.conf instructs cyrus to authenticate via PAM and /etc/pam.d/imap uses to get user data from an OpenLDAP database. It all works beautifully. I do not u

signaled to death by 11 -- solved!?

2001-08-05 Thread David Wright
I am faced with the same "signaled to death by 11" problem on RH 7.1 that has been reported in this list several times before. I think I understand the problem, but I need a little coaching to implement a solution. Here's the problem: whenever I login correctly, # telnet localhost imap

Re: signaled to death by 11 -- solved!?

2001-08-05 Thread David Wright
> BTW, what is the fastest route? > imap -> sasl -> pam-ldap -> ldap server > imap -> sasl -> ldap server The fastest route to me seems to be: imap -> pam_ldap -> ldap sever Can we PLEASE produce a version of cyrus-imap imap WITHOUT SASL? PAM may be a smidgeon less flexible, but it is simp

Re: signaled to death by 11 -- solved!?

2001-08-05 Thread David Wright
> What's wrong with having both PAM and SASL in the implementation? And > isn't this the case? I'm still using Cyrus IMAP 2.0.13 so maybe PAM > has been removed since, but I would be surprised. PAM has never been in the distribution. SASL is in the distribution and PAM is supported by SASL. T

Re: signaled to death by 11 -- solved!?

2001-08-05 Thread David Wright
I have spent more time investigating the interaction of pam_ldap and SASL, and have narrowed down the problem considerably, but still not quite "got it". The TLS options seem also to be the wrong direction; I can eliminate TLS/SSL and the problem persists. By inserting lots of debug code, I

Reality Check

2001-08-05 Thread David Wright
Does ANYONE have the following configuration working? cyrus-imapd-2.0.x authenticating via LDAP using sasl_pwcheck_method: PAM and the pam_ldap module If so, please chime in to say on what system and how you got it to work. I can't imagine this configuration is obscure: LDAP is the preemininen

OpenLDAP 2.0.x + pam_ldap + cyrus-imapd-2.0.x

2001-08-06 Thread David Wright
I and quite a few other users of the cyrus-imapd system have found a problem which occurs exclusively when we authenticate using the PAM module pam_ldap linked against the OpenLDAP 2.0.x libraries. I am writing to ask whether this bug and any potential solutions are known to the wider OpenLDA

Re: Reality Check

2001-08-06 Thread David Wright
Phillip Sacha, thanks so much for pointing out that pam_ldap works when linked gainst the OpenLDAP 1.x libraries. Norbert Sendetzky also point out that Red Hat's precompiled pam_ldap also works, and ldd reveals that to be linked against and -- the OpenLDAP 1.x libr

SASL re-entrancy crisis (was: OpenLDAP 2.0.x + pam_ldap + cyrus-imapd-2.0.x)

2001-08-08 Thread David Wright
First off, thanks to you, Lawrence, and the many others who helped clarify why OpenLDAP 2.0.x + pam_ldap + cyrus-imaps-2.0.x won't play together out-of-the-box. For those just tuning in to this thread, it's because the SASL routines are (1) used both by cyrus-imapd and OpenLDAP and (2) not re

Re: SASL re-entrancy crisis (was: OpenLDAP 2.0.x + pam_ldap + cyrus-imapd-2.0.x)

2001-08-08 Thread David Wright
Please educate me, I do not understand. > Please use pwcheck. Your problems will go away. The pwcheck distributed with cyrus-sasl is not useful to me. My users are not in /etc/passwd -- they are ONLY in an LDAP database. Even a pwcheck daemon that uses LDAP is only useful to me it does LDAP

turning off AUTH=CRAM-MD5

2001-08-19 Thread David Wright
Cyrus-imapd (1.6.24) insists on advertising AUTH=CRAM-MD5, even though this is a lie. This is (I think) one of the (many bad) side-effects of SASL -- because of SASL cyrus advertises this AUTH, but in fact my sasldb is utterly empty (all authentication is via PAM) and so any client that takes

imapd hangs

2001-11-27 Thread David Wright
I am running a locally compiled cyrus 2.0.16 on a Red Hat 7.1 system. Twice now one of my users (only one, but this one happens to be my boss!) has observed a wierd, transient failure mode: in this mode, imapd hangs on any attempt to write to a folder. Here is an example, caught by ethereal: 000

Configuring Cipher Strength

2001-11-29 Thread David Wright
For SSL/TLS connections, is there some way to tell cyrus-imap what sorts of encryption to allow? Apache's mod_ssl, for example, has the SSLCipherSuite directive, which I use thusly: SSLCipherSuite HIGH:+MEDIUM:-LOW:-EXP:-ADH:-NULL The touble with simply allowing all ciphers supported by OpenS

selecting ciphers for imapd SSL/TLS

2001-12-03 Thread David Wright
A while back I wrote to the list asking about how by specify the SSL/TLS cipher algorithms that cyrus imapd should accept (by analogy with the SSLCipherSuite directive from Apache's mod_ssl). I didn't receive a reply (which is fine) so now I want to verify: is it true that there is no way to s

Re: Which module in cyrus provides return receipt ?

2002-03-07 Thread David Wright
Hi Ted! :-) > I was wondering which module in Cyrus provides return receipt ? Return receipt is traditionally provided by the mail client (outlook, netscape, pine, eudora), not the mail server. Unlike return recepit from the post office, which is a service the transport agent provides the se

Re: Signaled to Death by 11 - Again

2002-03-18 Thread David Wright
>>Anything look familiar or obvious? Suggestions? Familiar, anyway. Looks like the old SASL re-entrancy problem to be. Try rebuilding your OpenLDAP libs --without-sasl and linking pam_ldap to them.

Re: Signaled to Death by 11 - Again

2002-03-18 Thread David Wright
>>Anything look familiar or obvious? Suggestions? Look familiar, anyway. It looks like the inevitable SASL reentrancy problem. Try rebuilding your LDAP libs --without-sasl and then linking pam_ldap to the new libs.

Re: LDAP accounts for Cyrus patch questions

2002-04-10 Thread David Wright
Since there is such as SASL love-fest going on here, allow me to chime in with my dissenting viewpoint. SASL adds nothing but an annoying dependency to LDAP. No, I take that back, it also adds a security hole. Challenge-response mechanisms have absolutely no advantage over straight password t

Re: LDAP accounts for Cyrus patch questions

2002-04-10 Thread David Wright
>>Finally, Birger, what's "really creative" about >> >> by self write >> by anonymous auth >> by * none >> >>? > > So how do we get these toys together if one > > 1. is going to protect user information based on "by self write" - you > first have to see what "self" is! - and > > 2. h

Re: LDAP accounts for Cyrus patch questions

2002-04-10 Thread David Wright
> Putting the password over the wire is always a bad idea. If there were no downside to challenge-response, I'd agree. But if the price is storing my passwords unhashed, I'm not willing to pay it. All my sites use MD5 or SHA hashing, which OpenLDAP supports. > Maybe I'm a dork for buying into

Re: Error message when deleting

2002-04-18 Thread David Wright
> When I attemp to delete a message from the client I receive the message > that The IMAP copy failed. It sounds like you have a client that deletes by moving to a Trash folder, and you don't have a Trash folder. Make sure the client is configured so that delete means "mark message as deleted."

Re: cyrus imap playing nicely with pam and Spam assassin

2002-04-29 Thread David Wright
> I'm trying to make Cyrus IMAP work with Pam for authentication. > sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd You want: sasl_pwcheck_method: PAM Go on from there, and come back when you encounter the SASL re-entrancy bug.

Re: cyrus imap playing nicely with pam and Spam assassin

2002-04-30 Thread David Wright
> SASLv2... Sorry! Rob is of course right wrt SASLv2.

2.0 to 2.1 migration procedure

2002-05-03 Thread David Wright
I'm about to try out imapd-2.1.4 (as packaged by Henrique for Debian). I am currently running imapd-2.0.16 (custom-compiled) on a different machine. Can somone point me to tips for how to migrate my users and their mail? Do I just need to copy over the mailbox directory hierarchy and run recon

Re: Migrate From 2.0 to 2.1.4

2002-05-06 Thread David Wright
> doc/install-upgrade.html This information assumes you are upgrading on one box. My situation (and I suspect it is the situation of most production systems) is having 2.1 set up clean (i.e. no mail or metadata) on a second machine, and now I want to get all the mail from my 2.0 machine to it

Re: unixhierarchy/altnamespace & IMAP folders, bug?

2002-05-21 Thread David Wright
> When I use the unixhierarchy/altnamespace options in imapd.conf I can't > create sub-folders in the main inbox but I can create folders outside the > main inbox and then create subfolders in those. When I turn > unixhierarchy/altnamespace off then I can create subfolders in the main > inbox bu

imapd timeout

2002-05-21 Thread David Wright
Using 2.0.16 on Linux 2.2.19. I am having trouble with imapd daemons hanging around for a long time. I currently (21 May) have some imapd daemons that have been hanging around for over two weeks (4 May). It is just possible that a couple users have been sending keep-alives that long, but I have

Re: imapd timeout

2002-05-21 Thread David Wright
> Cyrus does recycle processes. Unix forking is amazingly slow compared > to not forking and on servers that receive many connections a second > this performance tweak is vital. That explains it; thanks for the explanation. (Still, even 10 forks/second seems entirely do-able. While I don't di

Re: cyrus imap without sasl

2002-09-19 Thread David Wright
> Because we think that there is no need to use SASL library in the > middle of the way to authenticate via PAM+mysql. Isnt it a better > performance issue? Or we are completely wrong? It's true, there isn't a need, meaning Cyrus could have been designed to use PAM directly as a security la

database types

2002-10-12 Thread David Wright
Henrique, who maintains the Debian cyrus-imap packages (and does a very good job of it) just changed the MBOX and SEEN databases to use skiplist (from db3 and flat). I had never thought about this issue before. Can someone explain what advantages and disadvantages one has from the different dat

Resource temporarily unavailable

2001-02-15 Thread David Wright
I am running cyrus-imapd-1.6.24 along with postfix under Red Hat Linux 7.0 on a li'l old i386. Most of the time it works flawlessly, but occasionally a delivery dies with a log entry like the following: Feb 15 15:03:46 heidegger deliver[8181]: checkdelivered: error opening delivered database