I have been hapily running cyrus-imapd 1.6.24 for some time. My mail 
server is a black box: the users have no local accounts; imapd.conf 
instructs cyrus to authenticate via PAM and /etc/pam.d/imap uses 
pam_ldap.so to get user data from an OpenLDAP database. It all works 
beautifully. I do not use the SASL database at all; it is completely empty.

Now I want to get sieve scripts working. When I
   telnet mailserver sieve
then timseived answers. But when I
   installsieve -u username mailserver
and enter username's password, it barfs, saying
   Authentication failed with: "user not found"
   Authentication failed.
Packet sniffing reveals that the LDAP database was never querried. What 
is going on? Why doesn't timsieved use PAM just like imapd? Do I need an 
/etc/pam.d/sieve entry? Must I need to use the SASL database? Help, please!

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