>>Finally, Birger, what's "really creative" about
>>  by self write
>>  by anonymous auth
>>  by * none
> So how do we get these toys together if one 
>  1. is going to protect user information based on "by self write" - you
>     first have to see what "self" is! - and
>  2. has, to faciliate 1., authenticate someone based on user information
> which will always result in a request loop?

Umm, I don't know whether what you said went completely over my head or 
whether what I said went completely over your head.

The ACLs that I wrote are literal (the characters s-e-l-f appear in 
slapd.conf) and work as advertised. When you bind to LDAP, you specify 
your dn and userPassword. That tells ldap who "self" is, and if the 
userPassword matches, it believes you. No "request loop" occurs. End of 

Of course, in this non-SASL scenario, you loose flexibility in the ways 
you can authenticate yourself to the LDAP server. But someone using this 
scenario has already bought the philosophy that the LDAP server will be 
the password store, so he hasn't lost anyting. (Anyone wanting an even 
more serious security backend could use Kerberos without SASL, too.) 
Once you accept LDAP as a backend, you can use a security layer (e.g. 
SASL or PAM) to allow other applications to authenticate off it.

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