> Putting the password over the wire is always a bad idea.
If there were no downside to challenge-response, I'd agree. But if the 
price is storing my passwords unhashed, I'm not willing to pay it. All 
my sites use MD5 or SHA hashing, which OpenLDAP supports.

> Maybe I'm a dork for buying into Kerb, but hey, I'm sold, sue me. Sasl 
> seems like the best way to abstract kerb out to LDAP, cyrus, etc.

Kerberos is the gold standard, I can't disagree there. But if Kerberos 
abstraction is your only metric for a security layer, why not just have 
everyone compile in libkrb and forget about the security layer 
alltogether? :-)

> To be fair, I said that.

Apologies, Birger.

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