does anybody know whether it is planned to support
in cyrus-imapd?
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: Digital signature
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu
, old mail will be purged automatically.
It's quite likely, that these mailboxes will grow to 50 or even more then
1M mails per mailbox.
Does anybody have experience with such big mailboxes?
The filesystem is LVM with ext3.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
o the patch including documentation in the manpage:
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
Cyrus Home Page: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/
Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/twiki
List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html
On Wed, Sep 09, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-07-21 at 11:57 -0400, Matt Selsky wrote:
> > On Jul 21, 2009, at 10:43 AM, Carsten Hoeger wrote:
> >
> > > attached the patch to add regex pattern matching to folders for
> > > ipurge.
> >
> &
attached the patch to add regex pattern matching to folders for ipurge.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
diff -urN cyrus-imapd-2.3.7.orig/imap/ipurge.c cyrus-imapd-2.3.7/imap/ipurge.c
--- cyrus-imapd-2.3.7.orig/imap/ipurge.c 2009-07-21 10:43:19.0 +0200
+++ cyrus-imapd-2.3.7
value (not to be reached)?
Instead I wrote a patch for ipurge to accept a regex pattern to include or NOT
to include folders matching that pattern.
I'll send the patch as soon as I'm done.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
I want to _EXCLUDE_ user/test1001/Sent Items and not the other way around.
I want to expire everything BUT user/test1001/Sent Items.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
Cyrus Home Page: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/
Cyrus Wiki/FAQ:
annotation on the root of that tree. If a mailbox does not
have a /vendor/cmu/cyrus-imapd/expire annotation set on it (or does not
inherit then no messages are expired from the mailbox.
I found no further resources describing how to achieve what I want.
Is that possible at all?
y sendmail interaction ...
AFAIR the Mail headers must contain the addresses you specified in the
vacation rules. Did you check that?
Also keep in mind, that vacation mail is not sent, when sender and recipient
are the same.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
tion which is in use)
3. run masssievec to compile a bunch of scrips into bytecode
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
Cyrus Home Page: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/
Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/twiki
List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html
est regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Cyrus Home Page: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus
Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyruswiki.andrew.cmu.edu
List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html
d invisible changes.
contrib/drac_auth patch did not apply, the attached one applies.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Index: cyrus-imapd-2.3.0/configure.in
--- cyrus-imapd-2.3.0.orig/configure.in
+++ cyrus-imapd-2.3.0/
g datatype (mips?), so I am
> unsure if I can use your patch directly.
You are probably right. I don't remember, why I dropped that check. It might
be because I did not need it.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
Cyrus Home Page: http
ou can use this one:
I created it using Kens instructions from
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
On Tue, Aug 23, Carsten Hoeger wrote:
> I'm unable to do a successfull PLAIN authentication with timsieved on
> cyrus-imapd 2.2 (tried with 2.2.3 and 2.2.12).
Well, I found the culprit. My test user did not have a mailbox and therefor
timsieved was unwilling to perform. Un
0x0804db0f in main (argc=1, argv=0xb514, envp=0xb51c)
at service.c:546
The code in line 1303 of lib/server.c (that's sourcecode of cyrus-sasl version
2.1.18, most recent version == same behaviour):
ut success.
The only chance I had was to remove configdirectory/db/*
Does anybody know, how to do that conversion?
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
Anyone a clue what this could be?
Your cyrus-imapd 2.2.8 has support for idled.
Simply enable it in /etc/cyrus.conf
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
contains connection information, but it only shows
user information, if a user SELECTed a specific mailbox.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
are automatically FORWARDING messages, the envelope from address is
normaly changed to the users account, which is forwarding the mail (e.g. when
using .forward) and in this case, sieve will NOT respond!
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
t to the new cyrus-imapd? The code is heavily updated since v2.2.3
> that the patch is originally intended for.
This is my latest version (untested)
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
--- imap/lmtpengine.c
+++ imap/lmtpengine.c 2004/05/31 12:24:07
@@ -817,6 +817,8 @@
o filter log messages by regular expressions.
If you need an example configuration, here it is:
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
s far as the server is concerned,
> the client is still connected, so the autologout timer is stillin effect.
Okay, I see...
Better do not use POP3...
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
minutes is a very long time to wait to be able to access mail again.
Is there a specific reason, why this minimum is that high?
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
> disagree, then argue with Rob. ;)
Well, personally I definetely do NOT disagree.
And yes, POP before SMTP is a PITA.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
hould maybe be configurable like with
servername in imapd.conf.
The patch is attached.
In case of common interest, I'll submit it also to bugzilla.andrew.cmu.edu.
Btw.: Is there a specific reason, why the drac_auth patch is still not
With best regards,
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Postausgang"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.RTF Items"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Receipts"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.SuSE"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) ".
-r cyrus-2_1-tail
> and I don't see any 2.2 stuff.
Yes, you are right.
I just was to dense to use cvs... :-)
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
ven the new lib/imapoptions is now in there... :-(
I would be very glad, if you can tell me, what files within 2.1.16 did you
change in order to backport the relevant fixes.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
ot;Shared Folders" namespace:
A51 LSUB "" "Shared Folders"
A51 OK Completed (0.000 secs 1 calls)
whereas it does so when using the "Other Users" namespace:
A38 LSUB "" "Other Users"
* LSUB (\Noselect \HasChildren) "/" "Other Users"
A38 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)
that seems to break some imap clients.
I am not very familar with the corresponding RFCs, so I want to ask, if that
is an expected behaviour, or not.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
I can only use sasl2.1.7, as I don't have 2.1.17 currently on the platform
I am testing. I was not even able to compile all things together and don't
want to investigate any more time.
I'll try with more recent environment within the next weeks.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
write(1, ". NO Login failed: can\'t request"..., 63) = 63
time(NULL) = 1074265801
select(1, [0], NULL, NULL, {1800, 0}
using cyrus-sasl-2.1.7
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
_strerror() converts the return code to strings.
> >
> > In mboxlist.c only syslog is used to log errors.
> You definately want to upgrade to 2.1.16, which should fix this.
Ahh, well, that fixed it, thanks.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
On Wed, Dec 17, Carsten Hoeger wrote:
> when the cyrus.* files within a mailbox are missing, reconstruct is no longer
> able to create them.
> With cyrus-imapd-2.1.9 it works as expected. 2.1.15 prints out the following
> message:
> user.x: Mailbox has an invalid
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
pic, but I also made a patch and solved it a
little bit different. Btw.: I don't like changing defaults, even if they do
not make a lot of sense.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
--- imap/ipurge.c 2003/11/04 09:27:08 1.1
+++ imap/ipurge.c 2003/11/05 10:00:05
@@ -77,6
by a command-line option,
> we'd probably take it (it shouldn't be that much work).
It's quite simple, but I don't want to do it without asking.
I'll submit it if it is ready.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
t, or do I have to reckon some strange side effects?
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
Description: PGP signature
gt; ctl_cyrusdb[7533]: DBERROR db3: Unable to allocate memory for the lock
> table
Sure that you installed the recompiled sasl libraries?
mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Carsten Hoeger
SuSE Linux AG, - The Linux Experts - Nuernberg, Germany
http://www.suse.de ---
the problem. I only found
> questions from users with the same problem - but no answers.
> Please help! :)
You need the attached patch for the bdb3.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
SuSE, The Linux Experts, http://suse.com - http://unitedlinux.com
--- db-3.1.17/./lock/lock_region.c~
On Fri, Sep 27, Su Li wrote:
> Thanks for the information. I know 9-10 msg/sec is a slow speed. I am
> working on it by trying different things.
Things also may strongly depend on the Kernel. At least when using
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
SuSE, The Linux Experts
ry thing default), I didn't get better performance than using
> Sendmail.
I got 25msg/second on an 0815 desktop Athlon XP1900 with just a single
IDE disk using postfix and cyrus-imapd using LDAP based mail routing.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
SuSE, The Linux Experts, http://www.suse
> > Luc
> Sieve uses 2000:
> sieve 2000/tcp# Sieve mail filter
It seems that I mixed the RFC number with the port number... :-(
Sorry for that.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
SuSE, The Linux Experts, http://www.suse.com
imap clients.
> I would like (and I will probably code it sooner or later) Cyrus to force
> ALL folder and usernames to lowercase, always. If I code it, it will be a
> config option, of course :)
Yes. Would be better, to make that configurable.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
uSer /" which currently
does not exist. Then they issue a "create inbox" command and voila, we
have a new directory called "/var/imap/user/ uSer /".
So I wrote a small patch for the auth_canonifyid function, which
strips off leading and trailing whitespaces and lowers alp
right place to fix, but it
I attached the patch to this mail.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
SuSE, The Linux Experts, http://www.suse.com
Key fingerprint = E3B6 7FDB 4800 0F22 DC09 EB2B 7988 B6A8 6691 C94A
diff -urN cyrus-imapd-2.0.16/lib/auth_unix.c cyrus-imapd-2.0.16.
or use an external client (mutt, Nutscrape or Lookout).
mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Carsten Hoeger - SuSE The Linux Experts -
SuSE GmbH, Deutschherrnstr. 15-19,90429 Nuernberg, Germany
Tel: +49-911-74053-0 http://suse.com Fax: +49-911-74053674
Key fingerprint = E3B6 7FDB 48
On Tue, Feb 12, Carsten Hoeger wrote:
> & and - have special meanings and are used to mark utf7 encoded
> characters in folder names. If you want to use &, you have to write
> &-, e.g. user.user&-co
Btw.: cyradm is a perl program, and I wrote functions to en- and
' here
> Is there any limitation in using this character ?
> If yes: someone knows what characters else souldn't be used ?
& and - have special meanings and are used to mark utf7 encoded
characters in folder names. If you want to use &, you have to write
On Thu, Sep 06, Scott Russell wrote:
> Question about using lmtp sockets vs using deliver. Does using lmtp sockets
> on cyrus at all take away my ability to use sieve scripts or duplicate
> suppression?
No, of course not.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
SuSE, The Linux Expe
On Wed, Sep 05, Lawrence Greenfield wrote:
> I'd recommend adding a '-f' option (force) to skip this check, and
> send cyrus-bugs a patch and we'll commit it.
Patch attached to this mail.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
SuSE, The Linux Experts, http://www
to the SERVICES section.
You have to uncomment the existing lmtpunix definition, of course.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
SuSE, The Linux Experts, http://www.suse.com
Key fingerprint = E3B6 7FDB 4800 0F22 DC09 EB2B 7988 B6A8 6691 C94A
PGP signature
cmd="lmtpd" listen="/var/spool/postfix/public/lmtp" prefork=1
But take also care, that your cyrus master process is realy
running. What shows up in /var/log/messages?
mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Carsten Hoeger - SuSE The Linux Experts -
SuSE GmbH,Schanzaeckers
> had to stop cyrus and postfix, kill all deliver processes and then start the
> services again. This will empty the queue until it happens next.
> I´ve no idea if the problem is caused by cyrus or postfix.
I am just wondering, why you do not use LMTP delivery.
With best regard
e now further idea, what may be the problem on your 7.0
machine. I am using a 7.1 based system.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
SuSE, The Linux Experts, http://www.suse.com
aster startet? Please provide your Sxx links.
mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Carsten Hoeger - SuSE The Linux Experts -
SuSE GmbH, Schanzaeckerstr. 10, 90443 Nuernberg, Germany
Tel: +49-911-7405331 Fax: +49-911-74053674
's, but I can not authenticate.
> additional ideas ?
What appears in /var/log/message and/or /var/log/warn?
mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Carsten Hoeger - SuSE The Linux Experts -
SuSE GmbH, Schanzaeckerstr. 10, 90443 Nuernberg, Germany
Tel: +49-911-7405331 Fax: +49-911-74053674
ed during booting and after that all
> is well functioning.
Maybe the runlevel links are missing?
Do you have links from /sbin/init.d/rc.[23].d/[SK]xxcyrus to
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
SuSE, The Linux Experts, http://www.suse.com
I also ran many tests with cyrus-imapd 2.0.9 and .12 on a reiserfs
without any problems.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
SuSE, The Linux Experts, http://www.suse.com
2.x on
a reiserfs.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
SuSE, The Linux Experts, http://www.suse.com
our, you have to set the envelope
return path with -[fr], if you are using deliver of 2.0.x.
That was not necessary with deliver of versions 1.[56].x
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
SuSE, The Linux Experts, http://www.suse.com
make install
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
SuSE, The Linux Experts, http://www.suse.com
On Thu, Dec 07, Martin Stockhammer wrote:
> Does anybody know whether postfix can talk lmtp?
Yes, but only recent snapshot releases.
With best regards,
Carsten Hoeger
SuSE, The Linux Experts, http://www.suse.com
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