On Tue, Feb 12, Carsten Hoeger wrote: > & and - have special meanings and are used to mark utf7 encoded > characters in folder names. If you want to use &, you have to write > &-, e.g. user.user&-co
Btw.: cyradm is a perl program, and I wrote functions to en- and decode utf7 mailboxes in perl. I have not much time to integrate and test it at the moment, but maybe somebody else wants to do that. I attached the code to this mail. -- mit freundlichen Gruessen, Carsten Hoeger - SuSE The Linux Experts - SuSE GmbH, Deutschherrnstr. 15-19, 90429 Nuernberg, Germany Tel: +49-911-74053-0 http://suse.com Fax: +49-911-74053674 Key fingerprint = E3B6 7FDB 4800 0F22 DC09 EB2B 7988 B6A8 6691 C94A
Description: Perl program
Description: PGP signature