On Tue, Oct 14, Rob Siemborski wrote:

> > I recently sat down over a customer bug report and found out, that ipurge uses
> > the sent date (which is what is in the Date: Header of a mail or the offset
> > OFFSET_SENTDATE) to determine the age of a single message. The problem with
> > that is, that there's an increasing amount of messages (sort SPAM) with dates
> > in the far future and therefor these mails won't get deleted using ipurge.
> >
> > A short look at the source made me try to use OFFSET_INTERNALDATE (from
> > imap/mailbox.h), which seems to do what I want, deleting mails which had been
> > received n days ago.
> >
> > Is that assumption right, or do I have to reckon some strange side effects?
> This will probably do what you want.
> If a patch was supplied to make this be handled by a command-line option,
> we'd probably take it (it shouldn't be that much work).

It's quite simple, but I don't want to do it without asking.
I'll submit it if it is ready.

With best regards,

Carsten Hoeger

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