On Mon, Mar 16, Andres Tarallo wrote:

> I have an installation with about 2000 mailboxes. Now we want to send all
> the mails tagged as SPAM (by spamassassin) to the spam folder.
> I'm trying to automate the process of doing that job. I know how to create
> in bulk the spam folder. But I can't find if it's possible to do such work
> with sieve.
> Thanks in advance. Apologize poor English

1. write you sieve script and test/upload it for one mailbox.
2. copy the script sourcecode into the subdirectory /var/lib/sieve/[...]
   (depends on distribution which is in use)
3. run masssievec to compile a bunch of scrips into bytecode

With best regards,

Carsten Hoeger

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